
Dating Alexander Hamilton HC


Seriously. So many emotions.

He loves holding you close to him, just to remind himself you’re there. Whether that’s when he’s snuggling you or when he’s writing. So much contact. Even non-sexually.

Kisses. So many kisses. Gentle, loving kisses. Soft neck kisses. Nose kisses. Forehead kisses. Needy kisses. This boi knows how to use his mouth.

Lonely nights. He tries not to, but he can get wrapped up in his own world sometimes and forget to come to bed. Or to eat. Or to shower.

Reminding this man to take care of himself, because he isn’t going to remember.

Social. Galas. He has to keep his position in society and his job, so you’re both attending parties and work parties and social parties and charity balls-he needs his ego.

Love letters. You would receive SO MANY love letters. So. Many.

Sweet words whispered in your ear.


I have about 9000 unfinished drafts lying around that I can’t seem to get back to Stupid midterms and school jesus why do you have to distract me

I need a drink


Listen Up Folks We Need To Talk

Alright guys it’s time to talk. I am so sick of seeing people on anonymous attacking the writers of this fandom. In one day I have seen at least six amazing writers have hateful and disrespectful messages sent to them.

I get it, sometimes you don’t like the same writers and same stories that everyone else seems to like and that’s okay! You don’t have to like every single fic that every single writer writes! But what’s not okay is going to a writer and telling them that their series/fic is bad because you don’t like it and a lot of other people do. 

Stop thinking you have the right to make writers on tumblr feel like crap about themselves. We do this for fun, we write for free and enjoy the ability to connect with people. We aren’t dedicating our entire lives to making you feel happy so stop thinking that is what we are here for. 

If you have a problem with something a writer has written, don’t send them a hateful message telling them they are terrible and so is their writing. Calmly address what you had a problem with constructively. If your problem is simply that you don’t like the fic then I’m sorry but you should keep that to yourself because there is no need to attack someone because something isn’t to your taste. 

Too many people treat fanfiction writers like machines who do nothing but churn out fics day in and day out. That’s not the case and I’m sorry if that means you have to wait for a sequel or your request to be done but that’s the way it goes. 

We allow people to send anonymous asks because we understand that it can be daunting to talk to writers that you may think are popular or ‘cool’ and you are intimidated. With the anonymous feature on you are able to talk to us and not feel so intimidated and that’s great! We love interacting with you guys! But if the anonymous feature continues to be misused like this it wouldn’t be a shock to find writers beginning to turn off the anonymous option. 

I would like to request this of any writers who are sent hate in the future: Don’t post it. You see an anonymous message in your inbox that is hateful in any way? Delete it straight away. The only exception should be if the person is asking about something you do want to address to your followers. Otherwise please don’t give in to them, just delete it and move on. 

Anonymous asked:

You aren't the new group of Ham writers. Seriously, they're better than you. Quit.

See, this is why I left. If you don’t like me, don’t fucking follow me. And yeah, I’m not as good as @secretschuylersister @manuelmiranduh @imagineham (to name a few) but whatever. I write what I want when I want. I’ve kinda become zen after a bit of anon hate (I’m assuming you’re the same cowardly idiot who won’t show your face). 

So kindly fuck off.


1. This is etremely rude of whoever sent this ask and I would like to know who hurt you in order for you to act this way. 2. There are plently of people who don’t enjoy my style of writing and feel compelled to send messages similar to this one (it is very disgusting that anyone whould recieve a message like this to begin with) so I’ll definitely be one of the first to say nobody is perfect and that people who read our fics shouldn’t feel compelled to compare us to one another. 3. I think you handled this with grace and that you should feel confident to write whatever the hell you want to. 4. I would like to second your notion that this person fucks off.

I completely and totally agree with the above. Write what you want, when you want. People seem to forget we don’t write for them, we happen to share with them. We aren’t their personal writers to order about. We’re our own people with our own lives and they need to learn the difference between the salt and the sugar bowl.


I'm so sorry that anon was so rude to you, that's total bullshit and it's not fair at all. Anons like that are horrible people and someone as lovely as you doesn't deserve it at all


Aw thank you! Nah, I’m not too worried about it. If people don’t like what I write, that’s there issue, not mine. I’m good. :D

Anonymous asked:

I can't believe someone could be so mean, you don't deserve that. I think your writing is awesome and I enjoy your stories a lot. :)

Thank you so much! You’re so sweet.

Anonymous asked:

hey don't listen to that anon. you're a great writer and i love your fics!!! welcome back !!! 💕💕💕

Awww thank you nonnie. I’m not too concerned when people don’t like my stuff. To each their own.

Anonymous asked:

You aren't the new group of Ham writers. Seriously, they're better than you. Quit.

See, this is why I left. If you don’t like me, don’t fucking follow me. And yeah, I’m not as good as @secretschuylersister @manuelmiranduh @imagineham (to name a few) but whatever. I write what I want when I want. I’ve kinda become zen after a bit of anon hate (I’m assuming you’re the same cowardly idiot who won’t show your face). 

So kindly fuck off.

Anonymous asked:

Welcome back!! Answer this with 5 things that make you happy


you guys

my friends

the night




Since it’s my birthday tomorrow, I decided to give a present to you guys...

I’ll come back. I can promise you I’ll be back. I won’t be on here as often, but when I can I’ll respond to asks and post stories. 

I miss you guys. I miss my tumblr friends, I miss the mini minutemen. (even though I got a shit ton of followers when I left. What was that about?)

The stories might be different, but I’m going to start writing what I want to now. I’ll still take requests, but from now on, that’s what they are. Requests. Ideas for stories I might write.

But I’ll be back, guys. 



I can't do this anymore

I’m so sorry everyone, but I just can’t do this anymore. School, theatre, writing, it all demands so much of my time. Hell, I’m trying to write plays and audition and I just can’t anymore.

Recently listening to Hamilton has just made me feel helpless, made me cry, and not in a good way. I just can’t…I can’t shake the worthless feeling anymore, no matter how much I try to ignore it.

I love Hamilton, it’s amazing and it brought my spirit so high before but I can’t handle it anymore. It hurts to realize that there are people so talented when I’ll never be anything, never do anything, never be the actress I want to be.

Hell, I cried watching Moana because she was so young but so talented and she had what I wanted but could never find.

I can’t keep doing this when it hurts so much. And I’m sorry, I really am, but when it makes me want to tear open my thighs again I know I have to stop.

Thank you. Thank you so much for everything, but I can’t keep doing this. You all mean so much to me but…when thinking about this hurts the way it does, I can’t.

Because I’m trying. But it all came to a head when I auditioned and the directors were just sitting in the back of the theater and the pianist was playing the song and I couldn’t remember the words, I froze up. I never freeze up on stage, acting is where I belong, the stage is the only place I feel at home, the only place I belong. But I couldn’t do it.

The whole walk home, I thought about my future. My plans to go to live in New York, audition for plays and she centrally Broadway. My hopes of becoming an actress, of finishing one of the fucking plays I write and maybe having people enjoy it.

I don’t…I don’t usually cry but I couldn’t take it anymore. This life, every dream I ever fucking had, the only thing that made me happy was vanishing.

Because it’s hard to be in theater. It’s incredibly hard to be an actress. But I realized then that I wasn’t talented like I thought, I’m average. And average doesn’t cut it.

So thank you, but I just can’t do this anymore.


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