
@pootisdumb / pootisdumb.tumblr.com

sofia // tx

brb I’m going to cleanse my energy and remember that things will fall into place at the right time and what I need right now is to build myself up into the best version of myself


Focus on what you can do now. It’s no use worrying about what could be, what might have been, or what is going to happen in a year or two. Who you are right now is what you have immediate control over.


the first people to ever use terms of endearment for each other must have been so in love i'm in tears just thinking about it

can you imagine living in the 14th century and hearing your lover enter the house and call out "honey, i'm home!" and then realizing that they're talking to you, and that they're calling you "honey" because they think you're sweet like honey... oh my god. ooooh my god

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