
if you’re a new tumblr user from tiktok or IG or something and only like posts and dont reblog them yeah people will think you’re a bot and block you but you will also make this website actively worse. they want “algorithmic” users like you, served recommended posts through likes, not people who just follow each other and respond to the direct chronological feed. there is a reason this website is still better than the rest, even with all its problems, do not ruin this

ok i need to make this clearer: if you do not reblog posts and only like them you are contributing to this site actively getting worse and becoming like all the apps you hate. keep likes to things you just wanna keep off your blog. reblog everything else. ESPECIALLY fanart, which always needs a reblog.

and FYI: what i’m saying here is backed up by tumblr themselves. they admit this publicly.

if you want a good RECENT (as of the end of February 2022) overview of what is going on behind the scenes at tumblr, it is basically what i’ve been saying for years: the core staff is tiny, constantly not being listened to when they advocate for us, the community, and working there is a nightmare:

Reblogging to encourage people instead of only liking is really not that fucking hard if you dont want people to be discouraged cuz their stuff get zero interactions and 99% useless likes and be driven off the Platform.


Me: Hasn’t reblogged much writing in over a year because I hate making people feel bad if I reblog one person’s thing but not someone else’s but at the same time I don’t love the expectation/obligation to reblog everyone’s writing all the time.

Tumblr: Liking instead of reblogging is going to make this site like Facebook.

Me: Fuuuuuuck.


Answered you in the notes but because I think you make an IMPORTANT point imma reblog on main again lol

Because I feel that too, the obligation to reblog just so someone might not feel excluded. It makes blogging a chore. And as someone with a very very problematic attention span who most of the time doesn't even have the time to read in the first place, this is the kind of stuff that drives me wild and I have chosen to not do. I reblog when I feel like reblogging at the moment, no commentary on the fic involved. And that feel )-like-reblogging mostly has to do with my spoons for the day or if I happen to sit on a train on my phone with time on my hands, not because This Shall Be The Fic I Reblog and This Other One Shall Not.

I've started to trust the people who are my fandom friends not to read into my behavior over what I say. To trust they have lives too and thus know the situation themselves. And it's helped me have more fun on tumblr all around. And you know, reblog more!


Video description and transcription:

Tiktok by Tyler from Fig (tylerandhistummy)

[Tyler faces the camera and speaks to it.]

If this video helps even one person, it was worth it.

So, I've got a ton of ingredients that my body reacts to: corn, citric acid, gluten, chocolate, bananas, peanut oil--I'm all over the place.

It was so hard to read ingredient labels and just find food that I could eat. Grocery trips were unbearable, they took like two or three hours usually.

But I always had this idea on how to make it easier. So I quit my job and helped build an app over the past few years. And that app's called Fig.

[A phone screen showing the app interface, which Tyler scrolls through. Top text reads: "First up: Do you follow any of these diets? Dietary restrictions are complex - it's ok to select more than one!" Underneath is a checklist of ingredients and dietary restriction, including categories with suboptions.]

What makes fig unique is we're trying to help pretty much everybody that has to avoid certain ingredients.

That means we've got a ton of things that you can select from--even really specific ingredients.

[Camera briefly returns to Tyler's face again.]

And like I had dreamed of for so many years, checking ingredients is as quick as this.

[A phone camera scans the barcode on a bottle of spices. Details about the product appear, including an ingredients list and allergen statement. The ingredient "citric acid" appears in red all-caps. There is also an accompanying message that says "This product does not match your Fig."]

And finding food you can eat is as simple as this.

[The app displays a scrollable list of food items, similar to a storefront. Each item has a save toggle and is accompanied by a photo, the product brand/name, and its size. There is a search bar labeled "search for a product." There are also menus for narrowing the search; one is set to "allowed," one is set to "Whole Foods," and another unaltered menu is titled "Category."]

[The camera returns to Tyler.]

So if you know anybody with food allergies, stomach issues, other dietary restrictions, I'd really appreciate it if you shared it with them.

[The appstore listing for Fig: Food Scanner & Discovery.]

It's called Fig, it's completely free, and you can get it on iOS and Android in the US.

[Tyler smiles at the camera.]

Thanks for helping out.



There are people having fits underneath this post on IG because he said “non birthing parent.” Like whole ass meltdowns


This guy is being a good partner and a good parent and trying to help other folks be good partners and parents... And folks are losing their shit because the man uses inclusive language? In the year of Our Lady, 2022? Madness.


The guide is now live. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and offered improvements on the original draft.

If you like what I do and want to support me, you have a bunch of cool options:

  1. Stop scrolling, click on the link and actually read what I’ve written on my site. This helps improve my Google rankings and grow my audience. Tumblr does nothing but steal my content and traffic.
  2. Reblog this article (after you’ve read it) and help spread the word.
  3. Become a Patron on my Patreon Page
  4. Make a purchase (of any kind) using one of my Amazon Associate links
  5. Follow me on Twitter

Signal boosting.

I will note that this is a guide for manual chairs. Motorized chairs have many different variations and options. (But the “How to measure yourself” tips are still applicable, in my own experience).

Even if you are a motor chair user, I recommend having a manual, too (if you can use them at all), for emergencies (like when your motor chair is out for repairs, or when you’re traveling, and don’t want to risk damaging your primary chair).


thank you, OP, you are about to save my life


here’s the story. i know expressvpn has been recommended in some 🏴‍☠️ how-to posts but it is not trustworthy. the parent company, kape technologies, not only used to distribute malate but has ties to multiple state surveillance agencies. and be careful where you look for info about good vpns, because kape technologies owns a bunch of “vpn review” sites too


So I used ExpressVPNs “talk to a person” feature to cancel my account and expressed my displeasure that I found out about the buyout from the news and not from Express directly.

After closing the window this is the fine response from the ExpressVPN customer service using their own personal account in an attempt to harass me.

Stay Classy ExpressVPN.


The fuck?


Yeah, I saw this and immediatelynstarted shopping for another VPN. Express had some red flags to having with (as reaffirmed to me by @captcouch) but the acquisition by Kape was the last nail on the coffin. Express used to be one of the most reputable and user friendly VPNs on the market. What a shame.


ExpressVPN should not be trusted. Any property or entity owned by Kape should not be trusted. If you are an ExpressVPN user, please find a different solution as soon as humanly possible. By using Express, your data is subject to being surveilled by one of the most infamous purveyors of malware in IT history and potentially, the Israeli government.

I personally use AirVPN, which, while they are in Italy (a member of 14-Eyes), they are independently-activist owned, and their customer service is excellent in the very few times I have needed them. I’ve subscribed since 2016, and I just re-upped for another year. Using their service may require you to bone up a little on tech (it’s like driving a manual vs an automatic), but their tools are highly configurable to fit your needs.

Better to propose a solution than not, but Air might be a little too complex for the average user, just a fair warning. Whatever you use, please please please do your due diligence to find out who owns the service. Approximately 100 VPN services are owned by a small handful of companies, and that number of companies is dwindling as the years go on.

Stay safe, stay private, avoid Kape as much as you can.


great pyrenees are so fucking awesome theyre just big. if i didnt think that owning one was a supremely bad idea for me in particular id get one. i just think itd become my boss or something. im too lazy for a working breed truly

go white boy

sarcastic dog. dog that has contempt for you

The European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, has announced plans to force smartphone and other electronics manufacturers to fit a common USB-C charging port on their devices. The proposal is likely to have the biggest impact on Apple, which continues to use its proprietary Lightning connector rather than the USB-C connector adopted by most of its competitors. The rules are intended to cut down on electronic waste by allowing people to re-use existing chargers and cables when they buy new electronics.
“European consumers were frustrated long enough about incompatible chargers piling up in their drawers. We gave industry plenty of time to come up with their own solutions, now time is ripe for legislative action for a common charger,” European Commission executive vice-president Margrethe Vestager said.
As of 2016, the amount of electronic waste produced across the bloc amounted to around 12.3 million metric tons.

Movies I Watched in 2021; Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

The story I want to tell you cannot be found in a book. They say that the history of the West was written from the saddle of a horse, but it’s never been told from the heart of one. Not till now. I was born here, in this place that would come to be called the Old West. But, to my kind, the land was ageless. It had no beginning and no end, no boundary between earth and sky. Like the wind and the buffalo, we belonged here, we would always belong here. They say the mustang is the spirit of the West. Whether that West was won or lost in the end, you’ll have to decide for yourself, but the story I want to tell you is true. I was there and I remember. I remember the sun, the sky, and the wind calling my name in a time when we ran free. I’ll never forget the sound and the feeling of running together. The hoof beats were many, but our hearts were one.

The Endless: Dream And Death


There is something weirdly magical about seeing Sandman art right now. In less than a year people will have the versions of the characters from the Netflix show in their heads. If you draw Morpheus he will look like the Tom Sturridge Morpheus, unless you decide consciously not to make him look like that. The characters will start to change in people’s heads. But not yet.

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