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My friends, iโ€™m open for comissions till 25 June! Please, write me if you have any ideas :)ย 

Thank you!ย 


I havenโ€™t drawn my favorite boy(s?) in a while


โ€œ Eremin is canon,โ€œ I say into the mic.

The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.

"Heโ€™s right,โ€ they say. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 5th row, Hajime Isayama himself


According to the new Queen/Freddie Mercury biopic the B in LGBT stands for Bohemian Rhapsody

Chocolateโ€™s Overrated (AmeCan Fanfiction) | NaNoWriMo 2018


โ€œDude, whyโ€™re you here?โ€ He smiled feverishly. Beneath all of his curls and that blatant coffee addiction was a dude who didnโ€™t seem all that bad. He certainly was cute to Alfredโ€™s standards. Maybe even hot.

โ€œYour friend . . . the blonde one? He let me in,โ€ the boyโ€™s dimpled cheeks turned upwards into a sheepishly embarrassed smile that pointed towards the marbled floor.

It was heartwarmingly adorable.

Wattpad (bread-kun)
Archive of Our Own (hellojames)

I donโ€™t know if some people just experience panic attacks way different from the way I do, but a lot of writers seem to write panic attacks as thought they read a list of symptoms and just picked some to go with. Here are things for writing panic attacks:

  • I always, always notice when a panic attack is starting. The panic is usually a pretty good indicator of it. Why do all of your charaters end up mid-panic attack before they notice the panic attack is happening?
  • Panic attacks should include at least 80% more thinking than theyโ€™re usually written as including. The thoughts can/should be disjointed, incoherent, and repetitive. The reader should feel like the character is panicking instead of having to be told that theyโ€™re panicking.
  • Panic attack symptoms donโ€™t abruptly disappear when the main panic attack stops. A person isnโ€™t automatically fine 30 seconds after finishing having a panic attack.
  • There are varying degrees of panic attacks.
  • Go with symptoms beyondย โ€œcanโ€™t breathe and feeling like Iโ€™m going to dieโ€.
  • Please.
  • Look up some other symptoms. Include the shittier ones like irritability, screaming at people, etc.
  • Itโ€™s hard to be coherent during a severe panic attack. A bizarre number of characters will stand there goingย โ€œI canโ€™t breatheโ€ as though theyโ€™re vaguely having an allergic reaction. Give me characters apologizing four hundred times in a row. Give me characters who canโ€™t complete a sentence. Give me characters who canโ€™t say anything.
  • If you have to tell the reader the character is panicking, itโ€™s not a well-written panic attack.
  • Bystanders almost never react as well in real life as they do in stories.
  • A lot of people (me included) donโ€™t like to be touched during panic attacks. Every character in stories seems to react well to a hug. Give me characters frantically shoving someone away. Give me characters who canโ€™t manage to tell the other person to get off of them because they canโ€™t get the words out.
  • The experience of having a panic attack can be exceedingly embarrassing. People will do a lot to hide them.
  • Stop pretending friendship is the cure for panic attacks. It can certainly help, and having people who are there for you is exceedingly important, but a friend/lover existing doesnโ€™t make a panic attack magically go away.

There are a lot of different symptoms to panic attacksโ€”and I always know when one is coming on unless I wake up in one.

Some signs before the big drop:

Sweating. I sweat excessively. My palms especially turn into slick pools of icky liquid.

I shake like a leaf skittering in the wind. Just. Tremble.

My heart goes double-time.

I get irritable. I snap at people sometimes.

My throat tightens like someone is choking me.

My throughts focus in on the fact that Iโ€™m about to panic and I get fidgety. I try to leave and go to someplace where I can be alone. A really common place? A bathroom.

But I still try to lessen the attack. I take preventive measures.

During the anxiety attack:

I breathe. In fact, I breathe too much. I hyperventilate. Sometimes I black out.

Sometimes, I cry. When I do, itโ€™s gross. Itโ€™s not pretty in the slightest. Iโ€™m panicked, Iโ€™m freaking out. Itโ€™s not just a few sad tears.

When I donโ€™t cry, I clench up. Just. Ball of fear. I press my hands to my fluttering heart and panic some more.

I think dumb stuff. Heart attack? Kidney stones? Have to escape through a window?

I also try to calm my breathing. I count and list things. Itโ€™s not all panic, although thatโ€™s a lot of it.


Iโ€™m still a mess. My eyes are red-rimmed. Iโ€™m flushed, shaking, sweaty.

Sometimes (often times), I end up having another panic/anxiety attack afterwards. It may take a while, but the stress is still there and it builds up.

I need alone time too.

So hereโ€™s so stuff for those writing panic/anxiety attacks! Itโ€™s different for everyone, but here are some of my personal experiences.


From my experiences, my panic attacks are very sudden. It usually takes me, at most, two minutes to enter a full-blown panic attack.

It usually starts off in the area between my lungs and my stomach before moving upwards.

My symptoms include:

  • Using my hands to clutch at my hair before alternating to cover my ears
  • Squeezing my eyes shut as quick as possible
  • If standing up, I sit down or run into a corner to look away from people. If already sitting down, my cover my face by lifting my knees and huddling into a ball
  • My chest is often compressed/tightened and I find myself making choking sounds
  • I scream if prompted by others trying to talk to me
  • I sob and cry like thereโ€™s no tomorrow
  • I GET SORE EASILY โ€” my arms and lower back usually become incredibly sore within ten to twenty seconds from TENSING MY MUSCLES because I always clutch at things like my life depends on it
  • My panic attacks, depending on severity, usually last from five to ten minutes
  • Afterwards, I usually refuse to speak to people for the rest of the day
  • Iโ€™m still horribly anxious and sometimes I vomit

Please do your research when writing about panic attacks. Theyโ€™re so much more overwhelming and destroying than people make them out to be.

As a frequent panic attack โ€œpatientโ€ (no idea what to call myself), I find myself feeling horribly embarrassed about every having a panic attack. It eats away at my pride immediately.

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