
TheNaughtyScandalous Scorpio

@thenaughtyscandalousscorpio / thenaughtyscandalousscorpio.tumblr.com


Hey Everyone!

The Naughty Scandalous Scorpio here, letting everyone know that I’m fine and am so sorry for not posting this sooner! 

As many of you might have known, my new, awesome job that I got last year really restricted my Tumblr usage to the weekends... and then this spring, my weekends just weren’t my own anymore.  

The bottom line is My Man’s 94-year-old father (a WWII and Korean War Vet and someone I respect and love very deeply) got himself into a bad living situation and we had to create a place for him at My Man’s Sister’s house as fast as we could. Unfortunately, she lives about three hours away from us (that is a six hour round trip every weekend) and her husband had back surgery not so long ago.  None of us had extra money to pay a contractor, so My Man, his older sister, his younger brother, myself, and the younger brother’s daughter had to move out old furniture, clear out closets,  tear out carpets, do some light carpentry, re-wire things, paint walls, install carpets, move, move and move more of the father’s stuff.  It took most of the spring and part of the summer, but he’s finally moved in and is so much more happier and healthier than before!

The last few weeks, My Man and I have been travelling and enjoying the nice weather and getting things done around my house.  @shipperqueen93 was amazing, as always, and reached out to me to let me know that my absence has been noticed... so I thought I better jump on here and say something.  

I have really missed you all and I’ve missed the stories and I think about you and them a lot!  I’ve also been reading really weird things about the new season of OUAT, so I’m going to have to get back on here soon and find out what the hell is going on.


I just can’t get back on quite yet... we’ve got a lot of things planned for the next month or so... but as soon as I can, I will jump right back in!  I already feel sooooo far behind, so be patient with me as I attempt to catch back up.  I’m looking forward to seeing what’s been going on and all the ways you creative people have found to let Rumbelle have 

It makes me so happy to know that even after that finale and Belle-less future of the show, this fandom is still going strong!


Pixie Dust - chapter 12

Last time both Gold and Belle escaped from horrible situations, and fate threw them together in the midst of a storm.  

They drove, for the most part, in silence, both lost in their thoughts, and the journey seemed to be over surprisingly quickly, Gold’s car pulling into his driveway at a little before two.  He opened the front door and flicked on the lights, Belle looking around with curiosity as he led her into the lounge.  Luckily he had built up the makings of a fire before leaving, and it was the work of moments to light it.  He ushered Belle to the couch as the flames took hold, and she sat there still wrapped in his overcoat, staring into the fire.

Gold took off his jacket, crossing to the drinks cabinet and taking out two brandy glasses.  He poured them both a large one, the brandy swirling and sending its heady fragrance up from the bowls, and Belle let the overcoat fall open a little as the heat in the room began to build.  She reached up to take the glass from him, and he saw that the skirt of her dress had ridden up, revealing bruising on her inner thighs, shadowed patches in the shape of splayed fingers, a large, grasping hand.  His eyes narrowed, and Belle followed his gaze.  She tugged the dress back down, hiding the bruises and swallowing hard.  His jaw tightened.

Damn... this is so tragic that each are hurt enough to need comforting and that the complexity of their relationship keeps them from being able to comfort each other the way they want to.

I love that Gold, even after the awful night he had, is thinking ahead, documenting Belle’s injuries and doing all he can to make her feel better. He has such a nurturing side to him in this chapter, running her a bath, fixing her hot chocolate, buying her feminine products!  I really appreciated the way Gold kept seeing Belle as young and lost and someone he very much wanted to care of, but not wanting to make her feel anything but welcomed and safe in his home. Belle is so lucky she ran into him and that he’s a man she already has such a powerful connection to. I also love that Belle didn’t want to sit idle and cooked him a meal that made me hungry (you have a way of doing that!).  It did her a world of good to be useful.

I do hope we get to see Gold hanging out with Jefferson and Graham and getting the much needed support he needs after his experience.  I’m pleased to see Blue takes this kind of thing so seriously and Gold will be looked after and compensated in some way.  Hopefully, Zelena can cause him no more harm that way...

It was lovely getting to see Belle and Gold sitting down and talking, getting to know each other when sex was off the table.  It felt organic, real, and so much more than just her hiding from her life for awhile. Gold seems to be willing to help her plan for a future without Gaston and I’m sure that will lead to some very interesting possibilities for these two!!!!



Okay guys, this fic is based on this post of what @anonymousnerdgirl called the lime-green murder house.  It’s kind of a set spoiler but we have no clue what’s going on, only that Rumbelle filmed an interior there.

Anyway I imagined that there was a new curse, so Gideon has been de-aged and obviously everyone has lost their memories.  Belle is a penniless single mother living in a tiny house in the crappy part of town, and Gold is her landlord.  She’s behind on the rent and rather than face eviction, offers him the only thing of value she has left to sell.

Also this is my 50th fic on AO3 and I can’t believe it’s not something more tasteful than a sex-in-exchange-for-rent smut fic (okay, I can, shut up)

It was no good.

No matter how many times she added the column of figures, it still came to the same total.  Which was not nearly enough to feed and clothe them for the month, never mind pay the rent.  Gideon’s cold had passed after a week, but it had been a week of fretting on her part, sleepless nights as she tried to soothe and calm him, and four days off work that she couldn’t afford to take.  Granny had been very good, sending a basket of baked goods around to her, but it was the loss of four days’ wages that she felt most keenly.  Belle French and her son lived a subsistence life as it was, in their tiny one-bed green and yellow home with the little back porch that she liked to sit on in the evening to read and rock her son in her arms.

She tried to remember a time when she hadn’t felt helpless, every day a struggle to make ends meet.  Gideon was growing by the day, and although the townsfolk were kind, donating second-hand clothes and well-loved toys, it didn’t stop Belle from feeling like a failure.  She had never wanted this life for her son, born to an unwed mother who made minimum wage at the local diner and who could only afford a one-bed at the edge of town.  When I can afford it, she thought ruefully.

Gideon burbled something from his crib, and Belle pushed back her chair with a sigh, going to check on him.  He was lying on his back, chewing on the toes of his booties, watching her with bright brown eyes.  Heart swelling with love for him, she gathered him up in her arms, holding him close and breathing in his scent.

“Don’t worry, Gid,” she said softly.  “Things will change for the better, you’ll see.”

A knock at the door made her start, and instinctively she hugged Gideon a little tighter.  She wasn’t expecting company, and the diner would be mid-shift, so it was unlikely to be one of her friends.  Which left one likely visitor.  A second knock, this one impatient, made her sigh.  She set Gideon down, pulling the blanket up over him, and eyed the door with trepidation.  There was only one person this could be.

This was a fascinating mix of angsty and smutty, with a look at a Belle who will do anything for her child and a Gold who wants to appear ruthless and heartless, but is so lonely and in need of some lovin’... just like their canon counterparts! 

It was almost painful to read heartless landlord Gold quoting the rental agreement to poor, single mother Belle... especially when Gideon is really Gold’s child instead of whoever Belle thought was the boy’s father.  His snide remarks about that exact thing also seemed like a low blow, but I think her offer disturbed him as much as it intrigued him.

I love that Belle refused to play the victim in this scenario and it was wonderful that she received so much pleasure out of the encounter that she never expected. I also like the twist on True Love’s Kiss (True Love’s Fuck?) and how moving and powerful their joining was for both of them.

It made it hot, but you also made it deep... two of my favorite things! ;-)

Well done!!!!


Waiting Game - final chapter

Yay!  It’s March 31st and I finished a WIP!  And I didn’t start any new WIPs this month!  Progress!

Anyway, this is the final chapter.  Gold and Lacey finally talk about their misunderstanding and their future (and, well, smut ensues)

Lacey grumbled under her breath as the elevator took her up to the top floor of the hotel.  Gold had the same suite as the last time she had been here, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that.  It was almost as though the six weeks of feeling like she wasn’t fit for him to wipe his shoes on were a bad dream.  Sighing to herself, she stomped along the corridor to his suite and knocked on the door before she could lose her nerve.  There was a moment or two before the lock rattled, and she waited, her heart in her mouth.

Gold opened the door, blinking in surprise when he saw her, and Lacey took a deep breath.

“You - um - you weren’t talking about me,” she said, and his mouth twitched.

“No,” he said.

“You were - you were talking about a boat,” she added.


“A boat called Dwarf Star, apparently.”

“So it would seem,” he said.

“And a bike.  Owned by someone called August, which is a weird-ass name, but that’s really not the point.”

His mouth worked, as though he was trying not to laugh.


Lacey shrugged uncomfortably.

“So…” she said.  “Turns out I’m a bloody idiot.”

Gold smiled.

“There are many words I would use to describe you, Lacey,” he said.  “‘Idiot’ isn’t one of them.”

“No, I am.”  She pushed open the door, striding into the room and spinning to face him as he closed it.  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.  And I’m sorry I called you a dickhead and an arsehole and whatever the hell else I called you.”

Sprite…what have you done?  

The last chapter I read of this story, it was a fun, little romp with Lacey and Gold getting each other off in a restaurant supply closet… where did all this angst come from?!   I know... you just couldn’t help yourself...

Never have conversations about a boat and a bike been so destructive!!!! Though, this really helped to highlight deep issues in Lacey’s character that hopefully she now sees and can deal with in a healthy manner.

I’m so happy they were able to get over their misunderstandings and really be able to discuss a future together... and have sex... lots and lots of sex! ;-)


Let’s hope these two crazy kids can make it all work...


Outsider: 34. “It’s not like I missed you or anything.” (Jefferson to Gold) Because we all know Jeff is a snarky man.


A fic based entirely on prompts from this post.

I had some questions about the symbolism of the flowers in the last chapter. There are a number of meanings for gladioli.  As the name suggests they were the flowers of the gladiators, and the meanings I focused on for this fic were loyalty, honor and remembrance.

Agent Humbert brought Gold a coffee, and although it was tasteless sludge, it gave him something to do while he pretended to think over their offer of protection for evidence.  It took perhaps ten minutes before there was a knock at the door, and a grim-looking man with a bald head and the air of someone higher up the pay scale than the two agents looked in.

“Agent Fa,  Agent Humbert?” he said.  “A word?”

Fa shot Gold a look, and he let his mouth curve upwards a little.  Her eyes narrowed, and she pushed back from the table.

“Excuse us a moment.”

“Take your time,” he said lazily, and took another sip of the dreadful coffee.

Through the closed door he couldn’t hear their conversation beyond a low murmur, but his smile widened when Agent Fa raised her voice in fury.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she demanded.  “What the hell?”

There was a muffled comment from Humbert.

“No I will not calm the fuck down!” she shouted.  “I don’t believe this!  Who the hell has this kind of power?  Who the hell are we protecting here?”


Ah... this story has everything... intrigue, danger, action, comedy (thank you, Jefferson), and delicious smut!

Ooh... and a mysterious phone call... sounds like the prompts need to keep coming!


If Shakespeare was alive in 2017:

Someone: POLITICS and ART should always be SEPARATE! There is NO REASON why ART should be POLITICAL!
William Shakespeare: *laughs. writes 3 more tiny hand jokes into his latest play, King Tiny Hands.*

The third installment in this series: inspired by @thestraggletag ‘s idea :

“… that Belle is his lawyer who gets him out of trouble every single time.… Emma’s starting to suspect that’s also partly the reason why Gold gets into so much trouble in the first place. And that Belle is loving it. Basically it’s the most fucked-up form of foreplay she’s ever seen.”

(Also, if anyone has any ideas what I should call this series? I foresee this becoming a thing).


Make this a thing, please, make this a thing!

I agree you should make it a thing.


Oh FFS guys, stop making me want to write this!

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