Kinks, Vore, and plenty more~

@feistydelights /

Furry and monster girls swallow people for your enjoyment.

So I’ve been pretty quiet across nearly all my platforms for the greater majority of last year and I wanted to sorta compile a nice and (mostly) concise article to link across all of them to keep people abreast of what’s going on on the “War Front” as it were with my artistic endeavors!

TL:DR Version for those not interested in reading the whole thing:

The art drought unfortunately is going to have to continue into 2020 in order for me to leverage all my free time towards creating the long-form comics and stories that you all want to see.

Anonymous asked:

I may not like vore that much but your art is great

The fact that there’s people out here who are more than willing to give the kink aspects of art on this blog a pass just because they like my art style and presentation that much really makes me feel good. 

Thanks yall~



Folks and anons alike have been rushing into my inbox to ask where they can find me if Tumblr really does implode within the next year or so after this announcement regarding NSFW material on the platform. I personally don’t think the place is gonna pull an Infinity War and instantly turn into dust, but I think this is the beginning of a long and slow decline that’ll ultimately end in the heat death of the website. 

A lotta folks have been migrating to Twitter (even though due to certain laws getting passed I think it’s only a matter of time before that site does the same thing too) and so I’ll provide the link to my After-Dark/Vore/Fetish Twitter which is [RIGHT HERE]

It’s a privately-locked Twitter and admittedly just like this blog it’s been a bit inactive and quite for the later half of this year, but hopefully that’ll change come next year? I’ll do my best to get everyone approved who isn’t a bot, a random porn-farming account, or anything else that doesn’t look right. This place used to be much more personal but at this point I’m letting most folks in. I think the only accounts I still am denying are other locked ones I can’t see the content of. If you get denied access just note me on my main twitter (shown below) and tell me who you are so we can try a take-two on that. 

My main Twitter is also located [HERE] which I’m a bit more active on and has art from my main Tumblr but also has me yelling and rambling a lot more about random shit. It won’t have any vore, fetish, or super-suggestive content on it though. So if you’re cool with that spamming your timeline feel free to hop on board! I’ll probably be good for announcements of future stuff at least. 

And last but not least is the place where my web-presence first started: my long-standing and ancient DeviantArt account right [HERE] which I should come back to finally and start updating again. It’s also been a bit quiet and collecting dust but HEY it’s there and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon!

I also plan on getting a Pateron, Website, and Webcomics off the ground in the first half of next year so hopefully this shake-up will motivate me to get those doing sooner than later now that everyone’s online homes are up in the air.

One more time before the hammer comes down folks! To repeat, I am not deleting this blog or leaving Tumblr! But just for folks who are nervous about the state of affairs! I’ll get folks approved for the AD Twitter within the next day or two! Promise!



Folks and anons alike have been rushing into my inbox to ask where they can find me if Tumblr really does implode within the next year or so after this announcement regarding NSFW material on the platform. I personally don’t think the place is gonna pull an Infinity War and instantly turn into dust, but I think this is the beginning of a long and slow decline that’ll ultimately end in the heat death of the website. 

A lotta folks have been migrating to Twitter (even though due to certain laws getting passed I think it’s only a matter of time before that site does the same thing too) and so I’ll provide the link to my After-Dark/Vore/Fetish Twitter which is [RIGHT HERE]

It’s a privately-locked Twitter and admittedly just like this blog it’s been a bit inactive and quite for the later half of this year, but hopefully that’ll change come next year? I’ll do my best to get everyone approved who isn’t a bot, a random porn-farming account, or anything else that doesn’t look right. This place used to be much more personal but at this point I’m letting most folks in. I think the only accounts I still am denying are other locked ones I can’t see the content of. If you get denied access just note me on my main twitter (shown below) and tell me who you are so we can try a take-two on that. 

My main Twitter is also located [HERE] which I’m a bit more active on and has art from my main Tumblr but also has me yelling and rambling a lot more about random shit. It won’t have any vore, fetish, or super-suggestive content on it though. So if you’re cool with that spamming your timeline feel free to hop on board! I’ll probably be good for announcements of future stuff at least. 

And last but not least is the place where my web-presence first started: my long-standing and ancient DeviantArt account right [HERE] which I should come back to finally and start updating again. It’s also been a bit quiet and collecting dust but HEY it’s there and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon!

I also plan on getting a Pateron, Website, and Webcomics off the ground in the first half of next year so hopefully this shake-up will motivate me to get those doing sooner than later now that everyone’s online homes are up in the air.

Anonymous asked:

I love big anthro/monster women but was always hesitant to draw them, I guess for how I'd be perceived by other people. Was just wondering if you ever had that problem and, if so, how did you get past that? Thinking of starting a blog like this myself.

I think my descent into monster women was more comfortable just because before the kink dial started getting turned up I was just having a blast designing things other than humans for once? The “big” part sorta bleed in naturally pretty quickly because those interests were already there so it was like the food touching on your plate, it was inevitable. 

Honestly there’s a lot of people out there who like this sorta stuff, and there’s a lot of people that don’t. It’s the internet and people are going to say what they’re going to say. But as long as you aren’t drawing anything troubling or morally objectionable no one should shame you for harmless kinks. 

And big monster women is pretty fuckin’ harmless if you ask me. Just start out with what you’re comfortable with but don’t let anyone else hold you back!

 Go for it!


@superamiuniverse has an very interesting and enticing character to me named Catherine who’s got lips that are XXL. A year ago if you asked me if I found a design like that attractive I would have just shaken my head no but here we are a year later and I think it’s pretty damn nifty. 

I force-drafted a random human dude from my pool of designs to get smooched really heavily by her, because it was integral I draw someone face-deep in those things.


I don’t have time to draw anything new for Vore Day (8/8) due to my focus on non-kink work/content right now. Soooooooooo have these pictures I never uploaded of mine (the guy) and an anonymous friends (the girl) characters I drew for an RP we did a ways back. 

The joke was the inside her body is like a weird magical container/labyrinth, so he got lost somewhere in the region of her butt. That’s why the speech bubble’s coming from there ahahahaha. 


So I’m sure folks have noticed the drag on content uploading on here, and I wanted to sorta lay it out for everyone just so all the followers are aware of what’s going on: 

Recently I’ve sorta kinda had an internal dialogue and realized that even though I thought I was using my time at least semi-wisely, I really was just burning it away on personal stuff that has no bearing me on helping me make the comics, stories, content that I actually wanna create as a storyteller. For that reason I’m trying to make a hard pivot to start working earnestly on comics content and updating my portfolio. As a result the activity on here’s kinda gonna be quiet for a while. 

NOW I KNOW THAT IT WAS ALREADY KINDA THE CASE before I made this post, but as I’ve said many times before this kink blog is very much a sandbox that I come and mess around with when the mood strikes me and the motivation is there. My “itch” for this kinda content sorta ebbs and flows like the tides at a beach, there’s times where I’m neck-deep in it and other times when I’m barley wet at the ankles. I know that means less steady content for ever longer now, but that was a never a promise for this blog from the time I first made it. 

So a post or two might occasionally trickle through of art, including more reblogs of fan art of the lasses on the blog, but otherwise it’s gonna be really slow going for the rest of the year at least folks, sorry to say. Me getting my career/body of work rolling is a bit more important than thirsty pics of girls swallowin’ folks right now. 

More frequent posts will be going up on my main Tumblr (due to a buffer of work I’ve build up there) which is linked below. So if you wanna see a slightly more steady-stream of art that isn’t necessarily vore focused and what not then that’s where you’re gonna wanna head if you haven’t already!

Thanks again for the patience and the support. 

FeistyDelights will Avengers 4. (Hopefully by then ayway)


so I found the thing I wanted to show @feistydelights at first like 2 years ago. infinitely better than the thing I posted to main. but I can do better. hopefully.

Getter is enjoying the summer! I’m sure her consistency is pretty resistant to temperature changes (barring really extreme ones like if you placed her at the south pole or something), but regardless she seems to like warmer weather better than colder weather.


@asswolf has a really cute demon chick named Hella with some CHOICE proportions. Unfortunately since I’m went a little overboard with them when I drew this picture. I realized this after having already finished inking it, so I hastily slapped in some dialogue after the fact to try and acknowlage it. 

Maybe she’s being serious about being sorry or maybe her sitting on Monty was completely on purpose. You be the judge.  

Personal apologies to the original artist if I overdid things on her size hahaha. Hope you enjoy the fanart man!


@slimeymonsterguts’s Harvey is a hunk and they did a silly/goofy comic a ways back based on the gag of butt/anal vore. Usually I’m a vanilla lad and I just stick to simple oral but this one for some reason stuck me enough that I had to do a redux of it with my fursona Monty this time. 

I’m sure he’s fine in there...

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