
you’re on your own, kid

@karmaismybf / karmaismybf.tumblr.com

you always have been.
maria. she/her. 26. brasil.
taylor noticed 0x

not to give a man credit but shout out to killatrav for pursuing his celeb crush who turned out to be an unhinged mess at the time and sticking around anyway to be her hype man

taylor: the fucking sky is falling and im going to die right now

travis kelce rolling up with a friendship bracelet:


amy pond as object amy pond as little girl amy pond as grown woman amy pond as womb amy pond as forced to choose amy pond as being unable to choose amy pond as a dream amy pond as a fairytale amy pond as a model amy pond as a kissogram amy pond as a wife amy pond as a girl with a crush amy pond as a vessel amy pond as grabbing what she wants amy pond who can only be with the men she loves in death amy pond with an imaginary friend twisted up inside of herself amy pond as the the imaginary friend of a god amy pond as a god without power amy pond whose sexuality is a weapon amy pond whose sexuality is a curse amy pond as a mirror amy pond as the doctor's daughter amy pond as the doctor's girlfriend amy pond as the doctor's failure amy pond as her own failure amy pond as the image of an angel amy pond as an angel amy pond as a devil coded in red amy pond as a story told by others amy pond as a story told by herself amy pond as a story shaped by a man's hands until the very end amy pond who can only ever be amelia amy pond who is not amelia amy pond as the girl who waited amy pond as a little girl in boots in a garden waiting to be picked up and taken to her death amy pond who was dead before she was even born


“My husband got involved with a younger woman at work.  I was relaxed about it at first.  He’s thirteen years younger than me, so I thought: ‘Shit happens.’  But then she got pregnant.  Luckily through the divorce process I had the opportunity to take over this shithole place with no heating, which I’ve turned into an art studio. And now I’m living my best life.  Everything is for sale except the pink chandelier and the dog.  Anyone is free to stop by at anytime.  You can eat or drink whatever you want.  All the young people in the neighborhood love me.  I’m the oldest person in our friend group.  Everyone else is in their twenties or thirties.  They call me Queen Mama.  I call them my adopted kids.  I always help them with their school projects and resumes and interviews.  I only ask one thing in return.  Each of them has to teach me one new thing every week: a piece of music, a trend, an idea.  Just so I can stay up to date.  Before you take the photograph, let me go inside and put on some make-up.  We were out until 2 AM last night.” (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


I like to fuck around and waste time for at least ~6-10 hours per day, and let me tell you, that really puts some pressure on your schedule. you have no idea how busy I am


im not only calling out this person, this is just an example. can we all please be normal and treat this show with love and respect the brazilian fans? like they’ve been waiting for over a decade, we should be celebrating. we can acknowledge the loss and mourn and criticize and feel sad but be happy and gracious to people at the same time imo.

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