


this account has been hacked, follow my new blog: alixile

This will be the last thing I post on this blog.

I love you all. All of my mutuals, all of my non-mutuals, all of my followers: Thank you for sticking with me. Florallix was once ryden-the-pony. And ryden-the-pony was once iwritesinsnottragedies. And iwritesinsnottragedies was first suiteheartsinablog.

I will always love this blog for what it is. For introducing me to tumblr over 5 years ago, for helping me meet some of my best friends, for getting me into dozens of fandoms.

The only other time I've left this blog was when I tried to take my own life in 2014. I left tumblr for over a year but came back to the most welcoming community I can't believe I left.

I've written enough sappy shit. Goodbye, florallix. Hello alixile :)



She won. This account is over. I've contacted a tumblr employee by email and there is literally nothing I can do. I had three blogs running through this account, one with over 3000 followers. I'm fucked.

My new account is: alixile


You know who you are

Fuck you, you stupid bitch. Changing the email and password to this account. I haven't talked to you in years and yet you're still ruining my life. If you care about me, you'll have to be contacting me through instagram: alto.alex or Google+: wackychix27@gmail.com.

Tumblr, being the shitshow it is, is trying it's best to protect my account and won't let me access it on PC, meaning I can't change my email or password. Also, I can't message people anymore. I'm going to try EVERYTHING to get this account back. This is only temporary, hopefully.


Ambient sounds for writers

Find the right place to write your novel… 



Fictional places

Chloe’s room (Life is Strange)

Blackwell dorm (Life is Strange)

Two Whales Diner (Life is Strange)

Star Wars apartment (Star Wars)

Tatooine (Star Wars)

Coruscant with rain (Star Wars)

Luke’s home (Star Wars)

Death Star hangar (Star wars)

Blade Runner city (Blade Runner)

Azkaban prison (Harry Potter)

Ravenclaw common room (Harry Potter)

Hufflepuff common room (Harry Potter)

Slytherin common room (Harry Potter)

Gryffindor common room (Harry Potter)

Hagrid’s hut (Harry Potter)

Hobbit-hole house (The Hobbit)








Trips, rides and walkings


You wake up one day and realize you’re in a parallel universe. You’re not sure what exactly is different, only that everything seems a little… off. Your suspicions are confirmed when you go with your friends to the mall and Take On Me comes on, and it sounds like this.

this song makes me feel like i’m half asleep on the bathroom floor of a 7-Eleven at 3:17 in the morning and i was trying to make my way back to my hotel took the wrong turn on the highway and i got too tired to keep searching so i just gave up.

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