
Rafaello Cappellino

@inquietatemplar / inquietatemplar.tumblr.com

Independent Assassin's Creed Templar OC blog.

Hi, I'm drawing the squad with all the people I rp with. Can you send me a discription of what rafaello would where in the modern era. Inculde, tattoos piercing....(if has them) Well you get the idea. :) Thank you


Hiya! Wow, this would be incredible. Thanks for thinking of Raf for this! It'd probably be very similar to Modern Hook from Once Upon A Time, if I'm honest. I'd send pictures but I'm currently locked out of my house! Haha.

♣ = discovering them crying.alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed

[Meme [x] - Accepting.]

Of all the things that he’d expected to find Jacob doing, crying was not one of them. As soon as he stepped into the room, and saw the Assassin sobbing, he was momentarily frozen in surprise. After barely a couple of seconds, he shook the shock away and rushed over to the man, kneeling down in front of him.

“Jacob? Jacob? Look at me, what’s wrong?” he questioned, a look of concern obvious on his features as he reached out to rest both of his hands on the other’s shoulders, obviously not good at this whole comforting thing. Internally, he was wondering who he would need to kill for upsetting Jacob, but he kept that question to himself for now.

“Same…I was raised in the brotherhood. I don’t know anything else…but sometimes I wonder what tit would be like to try.”
His hand played with the fabric of Raf’s shirt as he relaxed more and more into his touch. A smile reached his face as he snuggled more into the man.
“Anyone ever tell you, you give really good cuddles?”

“I think I had a normal life - once. Only when I was very young, though,” Rafaello admitted with a smile, seeming more than happy to simply cuddle up with the man. He couldn’t help but give a quiet laugh at Jacob’s words, though.

“No, no one has ever told me that before. But then again, I don’t tend to give cuddles out to many, so consider yourself lucky.”

“I assure you, I treasure every single one I get.” He said contently before returning to fiddle with the man’s shirt.

“Did you ever expect it to turn out this way? You and me, I mean? I have to admit, the first time I saw you I didn’t exactly have the best intentions.” He chuckled.

"I'm glad. I would have had to make them even rarer if you didn't," Rafaello lightly joked before frowning faintly at the man's question. No, he didn't expect things to turn out like, well... This. But he wasn't complaining.

"First time I saw you I thought 'you know what, I'll kill him and earn some renown from the Templars.' I thought it would be easy. Somehow you managed to charm me into hugs and kisses instead, though," he answered with a faint laugh.


"We kill people and then we fuck. It's our thing." *Let's make Jacob drunk just for lolz*


Raf raised an eyebrow at the words, the sentence having come out of nowhere.“I wasn’t aware that was how things worked between us. I guess both parts are relevant but just not– Are you drunk?”


“Only a few rounds…and a half…maybe a quarter and an eighth as well…” He slurred before walking straight into the wall.

“Who…put that there…?” He groaned as he rubbed his nose before looking at Raf and smiling. “Anyone ever tell you that you got beautiful eyes?”

Raf couldn’t help but laugh at Jacob, shaking his head as he slipped his arm around the other’s shoulders and guided him out of the door.

“Come on, you. You’re drunk, let’s get you home.”

“I assure you…I can…hold…my liquor…” He slurred as he leaned into Raf, enjoying the familiar scent of the man.

“You…aren’t…don’t tell Evie…”

"I promise I won't tell her - as long as you don't put up a struggle about heading home and try to stay out any later. You need your bed, and a glass of water for when you wake up in the morning, trust me," Rafaello responded, giving a quiet chuckle to his words.


[[OOC: So, uh, I’ve moved house! That‘s the main reason as to why I haven’t been very active on here.

I’ve also got a multi-muse account that I’d appreciate y’all checking out. You can find it at @trashrper

It’s been far more active than on here. I just tend to get more asks/starters on there than I do here, so I spend more of my time on there.

How have you guys been, though?


💋 - my muse covers yours in lipstick kisses ( *adele voice* hello? )


[[omg your change of name confused me for a moment, haha.]]

Rafaello blinked, pulling away after a few moments before reaching a hand up to his face to touch the strange feeling that lingered, surprised to find lipstick on the tips of his fingers when he pulled his hand away.

“I, uh... What did I do to deserve that?”

“I?” Rafaello repeated before marking it down on the small piece of paper.
‘I / _ A _ _ / _ _ _.’
“You can’t keep guessing vowels forever.”

“Actually I can.” Angelo replied as he stared at the paper. “There are only 5 vowels, discarting them first it’s always the best bet to wing hanged man.” He added.


Raf took a moment to count the spaces across so he could write in the ‘E’.

“There’s only five, so you’re limited. Therefore, you really can’t keep guessing them forever. You’ll run out soon,” Rafaello disputed.

‘I / _ A _ E / _ _ _.’


— Evangeline had hoped that he would see that there was no need for an actual fight to break out, but that would not happen seeing as his elbow connected to her stomach, it only getting her to loosen her grip some, possibly enough to break free from her grip. Though he wouldnt have time to find out as her petite hand took hold of his arm, right where his upper arm and forearm connected and restrained him even further.

❝ You truely want to fight me? I may be a woman, but it wont be easy. I didnt earn my gang and titles by simply sitting and dazzling everyone with my charming looks. ❞

With her sarfcastic words, she made sure he got the message that she wouldnt fight if he yielded, but if he continued to fight, she wouldn’t dare hold back on him at all.

“And you think that I’m about to sit here passively and give in? Non una possibilità,” he muttered under his breath, pulling against her in an attempt to break her hold on him. If there was one thing he wasn’t capable of, that was giving in without a fight.

Rafaello flinched as he heard the gunshot, and the sudden jolt of the elevator startled him, for lack of a better word.
“You piece of shit…” he cursed under his breath, quickly considering his options. He could die in here, sulking to himself, or die out there, at least trying to get out of this situation.
With continued muttered curses, Rafaello pushed himself up onto his feet and began to climb out of the elevator, hating every single moment of it.

Temperance couldn’t help the huge grin plastered across her lips, spinning the gun like a cowgirl and sliding it away into the holster.  The redhead doesn’t wait long before she too is ascending towards the next floor up.

With the doors reached, she hooks her knee and lower leg in against the ladder to secure herself as well as she can before reaching up to try to pry the doors open.  It’s a good thing she was pretty strong otherwise she’d never have managed.  But when the doors open, it’s silent.  Climbing the rest of the way up and through the doorway, she pauses to get a good look around.  The floor looks abandoned for renovations with plastic creepily swaying and the distant sound of the city playing through the building.

Reaching down, she offers the man a help up through the doors, “There.. Isn’t that better?”

“I hope you know that I fucking hate you,” Rafaello stated, reluctantly taking her hand so that he had extra help climbing up through the doors to the next floor. Climbing was definitely not one of his strong points, but he didn’t exactly have any other choice.

“No. You’re... Ugh. There’s no words to describe how much I hate you.”


Adeline, was in the library of the Kaldwin mansion, searching for facts and clues to where the piece of eden was. She scanned past books from the 11th centuary to now.

“My, my farther, you did keep things in order…” she spoke to herself as she pulled at tattered book from within the shelf.

Almost the first thing Rafaello saw as he stepped into the room was Adeline, and he shut the door purposely behind him to make his presense noticed by her.

“Your presense is required at the headquarters. Immediately.”


Acts of affection ( shippy/ fluff edition )

💝 - your muse says “I love you” to mine

❤ - our muses stay up all night talking

💔 - your muse gives up _____ for mine

💓 - our muses have their first kiss and its not exactly perfect

💗 - our muses are wrestling playfully and yours suddenly kisses mine

💕- your muse cares for mine while ill

💘 - our muses have been friends for quite a while, and yours suddenly realized they have deeper feelings for mine

💋 - my muse covers yours in lipstick kisses

💄- your muse covers mine in lipstick kisses

😍 - your muse notices mine for the first time, and its love at first sight

💏- our muses have been “friends with benefits” up until now and they are both realizing they want more than that

🌸 - your muse puts a flower behind mine’s ear

🎊 - my muse is pregnant and yours is ecstatic upon hearing the good news

🍟 - your muse steals a fry from mine and says “You’re cute when you’re mad.”

💯 - our muses wake up together after a one night stand


Honesty meme!

Send me a symbol for my muse to come clean about:

 ♥ - Something they like about your muse.

 ❦ - Something they hate about your muse.

 ✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse.

 ♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse.

 ♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting.



I am… not a chronologically locked rp blog.

That means that if you talk to me to establish that we want to ship our muses, or have a particular relationship or type of report between them, I am 1: totally okay with multiple threads of varying length and styles with you and 2: will probably jump around in the supposed ‘timeline’ of our muses relationships in order to keep things interesting/ make ask prompts work.
For example, we may be writing an intro thread with our muses, but if you wanna send me a thing for like… a first kiss that may happen months down the line (and shipping is what ur up for) go ahead and do it! The way I see it, separate points on a timeline are FUN to RP because then you can look back later and figure out how they connected/ try to work in little details that make them flow together. 

It's so dead on here. Literally just have rp meme blogs posting on my dash right now. ._.


[Continued from [x] - @unhornyboy]

Taako was posed comfortably against the wall of the elevator, watching with vague amusement, though making no effort to try and help. He just hummed a bit, before raising an eyebrow as he was addressed.
 “To get us out of here? Not particularly.” He replied easily. “I mean, maybe, but I’m not really feelin’ the whole magic casting thing right now. I’m sure someone will get us out.”

Rafaello couldn’t help but raise a hand to massage his temples in irritation. Perhaps if he had a weapon on him, he’d threaten the other, but without one he doubted this mage would even flinch.

“I’m already late enough as it is. Can you just do something?”

Taako’s grin was wide as he gazed at Rafaello, like this was nothing more than a minor inconvenience to him. Unfortunately for Raf, this wizard was one particularly more bold than the average.

“Sure, sure. You’re going down, right? How do you feel about particularly dangerous and uh- probably unconventional? That’s the Taako style.

"The 'Taako style' sounds idiotic, and likely to get us both killed. Just use magic to send a message to someone that can fix this damned thing," Raf grumbled, the situation already getting him more and more worked up.

“Well, I hardly look the part of my job, I mean, look at me!” She huffed, “I might as well be workin’ in a flower shop or something cutesy like that. I charge less so I get any work at all.” She smirked, “At least, on the first job. If they seem uncertain I charge more, but if I was recommended, I can get far more.”

“Hmph. Well, whatever works for you, I guess. Doubt I’d be coming to you for your services any time soon, however.”

“Won’t hurt me none,” she shrugged, “in my own defense though, I am very good at what I do.”

"I'm sure you are. You wouldn't be alive if you were bad at it, would you?"

Mialee’s face went red from the effort it took not to scream at Raf. She huffed.
“What is your problem? Why do you have to antagonize everyone? You know it just makes people hate you, right?”

“And why should I care whether or not I'm liked by people? It's a petty thing to be concerned about," Raf answered in response, giving a slight shrug as if it was one of the silliest things that he'd heard in a while.

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