
Poorest little mew mew ฅ(=˃̣̣̥ᆽ˂̣̣̥=)

@mateodoodle / mateodoodle.tumblr.com

20 | you can call me Mat/Lexicon/Hèctor | i sold my gender on ebay for $3

I know you have all probably seen the esims for gaza posts circulating. Some of you have probably looked at them and thought maybe you should help out, but have weighed up the daunting process of signing up for something you're unfamiliar with vs. the gut-wrenching scale of the things people are going through on the ground right now, and you've put it off or questioned whether it will make enough of a difference vs. some other future kind of activism you could put that $6+ towards. I'm not calling you out or scolding you, it is natural to feel conflicted and ambivalent about the multiple calls for aid that you are seeing on social media.

but consider this: what would you do if you suddenly had to leave your home? how would you cope? how would you begin to plan where to go next, or figure out what to do to take care of yourself? most likely you would reach reflexively for your phone.

telecoms access is not a petty luxury in 2024. a loaded esim means the ability to call family members and find out where they are and whether they're safe, and whether they need anything you can provide for them. it means access to maps and regular updates on the situation unfolding around you. it means you can look up whether it's safe to drink rain water, or how to tie a type of knot you've never had to think about before, or how to treat an injury without medical supplies. it means the ability to tell people outside the situation what you are seeing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking. it is an absolutely crucial resource. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.

many many people have observed that internet access is changing the way the world understands genocide. internet access is life or death, and it is shaping modern history in front of you. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.

please, please visit gazaesims.com and spend 5 minutes and $6 to change the way this plays out for everyone.


If you need a discount code, please check out my tag #esim for multiple different ones from different carriers.


Can we support Firas through this Exceptionally Hard Time ? Firas's One year old son is sick while he can't be with his children right now, as his parents are sick and in desperate need of him! Verified by @el-shab-hussein Here To Donate Click Here

My Angels .. God Bless Them 💖🙏 Firas Salem and his family are my friends from Gaza , he is a software Engineer .

  • He is a father of two Wonderful kids (2 Year Old and 1 Year old )
  • Currently he is the Provider for his Parents and younger siblings
  • His Family All together in Gaza = 11 Members).
  • They need to get out as soon as possible (hopefully together) .
  • Your Donations will help them get out of Gaza to Egypt ( 5000$ per person).
  • A part of it will help them afford life and medical expenses in Gaza and in Egypt for one month until they can work and get on their feet again.
  • Their current living condition is hellish but they're considered lucky to live in cramped tent !

His 1 year old is very sick and got Hospitalized with severe Gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea .. Magid Updates : here & here Rokayah Update : here & here His mother and teenage brother had Hepatitis C and the mother's health keep getting worse and worse with little medical care and clean water and food . Here & Here Vetted or added to lists Here: #111 @el-shab-hussein list Here - #4 @fallahifag list Here @blackpearlblast list Here - @communistchilchuck list Here #1 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt list Here @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc list Here @kordeliiius list Here ___________________________________________ @ibtisams Here ,@fairuzfan Here , @palipu Here , @brutaliakhoa Here and many others if you searched his name

Can We Help Him and Share his Words and Story on his behalf so People Can DONATE AND SHARE ? PLEASE FOLLOW HIS ACCOUNTS: @firas-salem & @firassalemgaza



Anti-voting rhetoric will be the death of the left. Literally.

Not a single fucking Republican voted to protect roe. It was fucking overturned in the first place bc trump got three Supreme Court appointments.

Every fucking thing wrong in this country is almost certainly the result of Republicans being in power. In 2020, Texas cut half of the polling places in black neighborhoods, and doubled them in white ones, regardless of population. It was Republicans bitching about mail in voting, and constantly, constantly fearmonger about voter fraud. Literally, their platform is about making civil rights harder to practice.

Would you like to know why? It’s because Republican politicians know better than anyone that higher voter participation means higher republican loss.

But what do I see from the online left, champions of the oppressed?

“Voting doesn’t do anything, the parties are the same, the system is rigged, etc, etc”

Don’t sit here and tell me you give a fuck about marginalized people if you aren’t ready to march your ass to the voting booth and vote out the party actively stripping their rights away.

Protest, donate, community build, unionize, and vote, vote, vote.

By the time direct action is the only option, it will be too fucking late.

If voting didn't do anything, nobody would be trying to stop you from doing it


Hence why in the UK the Tories are trying to impede young people from voting in the coming general election with restrictive voter ID laws, as only 2% of people between like 18 and 15 vote for 'em (it also negatively effects lower income folk, disabled people etc. who also statistically don't vote for them either).

Democracy isn't perfect. You can't bring about utopia with it. We can't agree what utopia looks like and democracy is about agreement.

All you can vote for is best-case scenario, and sometimes even best-case scenario sucks, but at least we can see the shape of it.

Sometimes you're tied to the track before the trolley even changes points. You should still send it down the better path, even if you're getting run over either way. You owe it to the people down the line to engage with the problem as best you can when an opportunity is handed to you, and you owe it to the people up the line to trust they did what they could.

It's better than all manning our own slightly different barricades, waving our slightly different flags and using our numbers for no more than to blame one another as we all fall alone.


house and wilson decide the only thing stopping them from dating is that neither of them is a woman so they start secretly dosing each other with estrogen and slipping in she/hers in regards to each other until one of them notices and then it’s a race to see who can forcefem the other one the fastest and the winner gets to be the man

I feel like tumblr is giving me a very skewed idea of what House M.D is about.


hey. to the fat person reading this who wants to transition or is transitioning. make your transition goals fat like you. please. the things you aim to gain from transition can be gained while fat. you can be/express your gender and be fat. there is nothing wrong with that, no matter what anyone says. i promise.

let yourself exist. let yourself be happy. you have just as much of a right as every other person in this world to do that, especially as you transition. it's okay. you're going to be alright, and you're also going to look fucking awesome. you already look fucking awesome. it's your body. own it.


ok im gonna be deadass right now i think people need to reflect on how they treat black and brown characters in media especially when they find them attractive. like there’s nothing wrong with finding them attractive, but it’s just the copious amounts of fetishized art and fics that are made of them so frequently that it’s literally just a straight up racism problem


[ID: a screenshot from the website Queering The Map, with a pinpoint in Palestine. The pinpoint reads “i am trans, and i am Palestinian. i will not chose between my country and my queerness and i will not let colonisers erase one half of me so the other can be free. allah's love is for all”]


The biggest threat for queer people in Palestine this pride month is Israel


im so fucking serious when i say that no one is crueler to visibly disabled people than girlies with blue wolfcuts and sharp eyeliner wearing hundred dollar sweaters from shein.

like. there's a weird misconception that it's old people, but i have never once had an issue with anyone over the age of, like, 55. they are fine with me muttering to myself or making weird faces or not hearing them the first five times they call my name. that's not a problem for them. when my brother goes out with a cane, they're the ones who compliment it, and tell him the spikes and ribbons are a cute addition.

yesterday this pink haired girl in the bathroom told me that i needed to stay away from movie theaters if i was going to act like a schizo. ten minutes later an 80 year old woman complimented me on my bright red hearing aids and said she wished she had that confidence when she got hers.

anyways to the anon who just said that maybe i shouldn't be in public spaces. thank you for proving my point

no offense but if you're low support autistic or adhd and you're thinking of adding on your story, i very much cannot stop you, but i beg of you to remember this post was about psychosis and physical disabilities. there's a problem with people taking over posts about physical and more stigmatized disorders and making them about low support autism and adhd

hey okay addressing something ive been seeing in the comments.

the blue hair wolf cut is not the point. what im trying to say here is that alt girls, especially queer alt girls, especially queer alt girls with autism or adhd or anxiety, have a tendency to claim they are above ableism. they say that they cannot be ableist because they are a woman, because they are queer, because they have autism or adhd or anxiety.


yes!!! My school is a prime example of this. I go to an art school full of queer neurodivergent alternative people, so I assumed it would be a supportive environment of my disability. Nope! They photograph me and post it online, record me and other disabled people and neurodivergent kids with higher support needs, they write graffiti about how I’m faking. But then those same students will turn around and proudly call themselves leftists.


I love my friends, and I love my family, but oftentimes they act like I need to try harder, or take some ibuprofen and suck it up. Even in a family of left leaning people, who are all ND, I am treated differently.

My younger brother has incontinence issues and my other siblings tend to bully him for it ruthlessly, going so far as to tell his friends about it as if it's some moral failing.

I have very progressed mobility issues, and still my friends and family act as if I do not, or treat them as exaggerated.

I am autistic. I stim, my family and friends act as if it is gross or embarrassing.

I have tourettes, I ticc. My family and friends act as if it is embarrassing for them to be near me, and I am told to cut it out, or to calm down.

I have P-DID. I am unable to speak to my family about this, as they believe my trauma and pain are not enough to "count". That the trauma OF pain is not traumatic enough.

It tends to be the younger, left, alternative, progressive, "activist", queer, ND, who treat disabled people as worthless, as uncomfortable, as if their "comfort" matters more than my livelihood.

I hold nothing against my family, and nothing against my friends, but it is up to them to realize and reform those ideas.

To all able-bodied people, to all people without a stigmatized disorder/disability, to all the people who call themselves an ally, a supporter, to all the family members and friends:

You are not immune to ableism.

You are not immune to being an asshole just because you have anxiety, ADHD, LSN autism. You are not better than high support needs people, psychotic people, physically disabled people, people with stigmatized disorders and disabilities.

You are not better than the teen with fibro.

You are not better than the adult who uses AAC.

You are not better than the kid with a rollator.

You are not better than the person with psychosis.

You are not better than the autistic person with HSN.

You are not better than the person in a power chair.

You are not better than the person with a G-bag.

You are not better than the person with a feeding tube.

You are not better than the person with hearing aids.

You are not better than the person with visual impairments.

You are not better than the person with seizures.

You are not better than, worth more than, or deserved more than a disabled person. No matter how uncomfortable they make you.

You are not better than us because you're "special".

You are not immune to ableism.


tumblr user with an encyclopedic knowledge of homestuck blames the fact that they dont know where Venezuela is because of the American public school system

tumblr user who jokes about how they love reading random wikipedia articles for fun suddenly incapable of googling "where is nigeria located"

if you're tagging this as #me i urge you to develop a sense of shame immediately


" Y'all can't even boycott Chick-fil-A " objectively funny and correct to me and I will hear no arguments against it

funny in a sad sort of way to be clear. Yes I'm sure there's infinite Nuance and if I really put my mind to it I can come up with about 10 different scenarios in one minute about why someone might need to eat at Chick-fil-A but at the end of the day those don't really apply to a lot of the bitches who are just like "oh but that spicy chicken sandwich though..." Does it? The truth is y'all are weak in the knees and have a spinal column the consistency of almond paste

If you tell me I'm so strong for adhering to any given boycott because food it's just that good I don't think it's funny and I don't respect you for it I'm just embarrassed that these are the people I have to work with

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