

@kingofhellordoftime-blog / kingofhellordoftime-blog.tumblr.com

23, they/them, 🏳️‍🌈🇰🇷 | Disabled kitchen witch with 1 toad, 4 rats, & 2 free roaming house rabbits. | Witchy stuff, bioactive vivs, and whatever random or relatable posts I find at 2am.

So along with Crested Geckos I also keep several other species of reptile. This is the bioactive enclosure for my male Leopard Gecko, Aurelio. 

The enclosure is a 40 breeder that originally belonged to my female Leopard Gecko, Bonita. But after she passed I revamped it and gave it to Aurelio. The tank took a lot of work to set up and is the result of years of experimenting with bioactive with Leopard Geckos. 
The substrate is a mixture of Excavator clay, Quikrete All Purpose Sand, and a generic organic potting mix from my local hardware store. I do 50% soil, 30% sand, and 20% clay. After they were all thoroughly mixed I sieved the substrate to remove large pieces of stone and wood. When setting up the enclosure I took all the sieved wood and stone and used it to line the very bottom of the enclosure. I then added a ton of temperate springtails and some baker’s yeast to encourage mold growth. That mold becomes a good food source for springtails and bacteria that will help to keep the tank clean. 
The next few steps are hard to explain in depth without pics, so I’ll keep things short and simple. Basically I added my substrate mix next, I added a black plastic hide on the right, and a half log hide on the left. Both are buried under substrate and stones so they’re basically invisible. I furnished the enclosure with stones taken from a local state park, that were then sanitized, and a couple types of plants. The plants I chose were  Euphorbia tirucalli and Sedum reflexum “yellow bouquet”. The plants are doing well and have been growing nicely. 
For a cleanup crew I have temperate springtails, tropical springtails, Armadillidium vulgare isopods, dwarf white isopods, terrestrial nematodes, fungus gnats (for some people these are a pest but as maggots they can be a great cleanup crew in the soil), dubia roaches, buffalo worms/beetles, mealworms/beetles, and lots of various bacteria and fungi that are naturally present in the soil. The enclosure is only a month or so old but already my Leopard Gecko’s waste is getting broken down after only a day or so. Which is a GREAT sign!
The tank is lit with 3 grow bulbs, as well as a 24″ T5HO 10.0 UVB bulb. I strongly believe ALL reptiles should have access to UVB so despite some articles out there, I chose to give my Leopard Gecko UVB. For heating I use a 150w CHE on a thermostat. The CHE is in a wide-domed lamp allowing for max heat distribution. This gives my gecko the opportunity to thermo-regulate as he has access to basking areas ranging from 78*F up to 94*F. The ambient temp in the cage is 74*F during the day with a 2*F-4*F drop at night. As said before, Aurelio only has two hides. One cool, and one warm hide. However, due to the fact that the cage is bioactive and is misted weekly the hides are BOTH humid hides with humidity ranging from 60%-90%, something VERY important for a Leopard Gecko’s health as despite common knowledge, Leopard Gecko’s naturally seek out more humid areas and burrows in the wild. Exposing them to consistently dry conditions in captivity can be very detrimental for their health.

I’ve seen Leopard Geckos in some seriously inadequate enclosures so when I redid this tank to give it to Aurelio, I chose to give him the very best life I can. And since upgrading him, I’ve noticed him basking more in the UVB, he eats better, his color is better, and he’s noticeably more active. Keeping your animals in tubs or bare bottoms tanks is NOT natural and here at Manticora Reptiles I chose to give my animals the very best life I can in a bioactive setup.


Hospitals are struggling for nurses right now because people are leaving the profession entirely or leaving for temporary travel contract positions that pay well. They have been treated poorly, underpaid for the work they do, and inadequately protected this year, and they’re done.

My brother in law said they’re advertising for a position in his normal unit, offering twice his salary. But they won’t offer him extra to stay after risking his life working in the COVID unit for months, so he’s out. It’s absolutely insulting, and so many industries are going to have a major reckoning coming up.

My father retired early because they refused to hire just one person to help with the work load. They had to hire 5 people to replace him.

This is a common occurrence amongst his retired coffee group.

One lady was a head nurse that ran two floor at her hospital. They wanted her to take on more work. She agreed to do so oy if they gave her a small raise and hired an assistant for her. They refused so she retired early. They had to replace her with 20 people.

You are NOT replaceable!!! They tell you this to make you complacent to their exploration of you.


Fun fact! This sort of reckoning happened after the Black Plague, also! I'm no historian, (and history side of tumblr, please come in with the accuracy) but I did look into the history of the Black Plague for writing purposes, and in that case, it was because there were so few people left that peasants started agitating for better treatment and fairer wages, and because there were so few people who could do the work they had been doing that they were able to gain better wages and better hours. Historically, the labour shortage created by pandemics means a heightened bargaining capacity for workers of all sorts - an if there was ever a time to take advantage of knowing history, it's now. Because the thing is, in these "unprecedented times" there are precedents, and the precedent leans toward workers. During the Black Death, villages emptied, fields were left, and people migrated to find work that paid them better and offered a better way of life. Wages for lower-class workers rose drastically. In Oxfordshire; a plowman who had earned two shillings per week before the plague could command 10 shillings per week afterward. Pay rates for artisans increased, too. In Paris, wages for masons quadrupled between 1351 and 1355.

This isn't to say that the elites just let this happen, either. Laws were passed to limit wage increases, and threats were made, but the workers had economic bargaining power on their side. Labour was in such short supply that employers and landlords had to take what they could get. The people held out - and so can (and should!) YOU.

This was the start of peasant revolts, popular rebellions, and - ultimately, more labour protections, political representation for the lower classes, lower taxes, and an end to serfdom. People could afford to own their own land, the feudal system vanished, and eventually, the Renaissance would rise. In these unprecedented times, there is a precedent, and that precedent is that when workers know their worth, agitate for better and for more, when they hold out and unite, they force the elites to loosen the reigns, giving more power, autonomy, rights, and profits back into the hands of the workers, and with that freedom, society improves.

Know your worth. Know that you have bargaining power. Let's make this pandemic part of the precedent. <3

👆 “Historically, the labour shortage created by pandemics means a heightened bargaining capacity for workers of all sorts - an if there was ever a time to take advantage of knowing history, it's now. Because the thing is, in these "unprecedented times" there are precedents, and the precedent leans toward workers. “

I study ancient and Medieval history and have a particular interest in working-class lives from the past. What @0hcicero said almost perfectly mirrors the content of some of my textbooks!


Friendly reminder: when people say ‘as long as you tried your best’ it doesn’t mean ‘the best you could possibly have done ever’ it means ‘the best you were capable of at the time.’ Sometimes ‘trying your best’ is just getting out of bed in the morning. Just because you weren’t working yourself to the bone doesn’t mean you weren’t trying your best. 


Burnout is honestly such a mild word for what people use it to mean. I'm not experiencing "burnout", which sounds so casual and routine that some face masks and a little rest is going to fix it.

My body and mind and even nervous system are stretched to the point that it's going to take a lot more than just a "break" or a few self care tips to recover, and even then, my recovery is just so that I can reenter the spaces that contributed to me being this way in the first place. I'm a little bit more than just burnt out by this.

Workplaces and educational institutions aggressively overwork us, expose us to all kinds of discrimination, which they overlook and gaslight us out of acknowledging, and then constantly ask us to ignore our mental, emotional, and physical needs so that we don't inconvenience them.

We're not burnt out. We're borderline traumatized. Burnout is always talked about like something transient and mild that a little rest and relaxation will fix.

But we're exhausted. We need deep rest and healing. We need new systems. We need new ways of being. The language around burnout just seems like a way of upholding these current violent systems and downplaying their impacts.

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