
Team Trixany


Warcraft / WrA / It's about 2get meta / oops I fangirled again / CAUTION: this blog has gone feral / aka pooktales, writer of "My Life for My Prince" on fanfiction.net

No spoilers were harmed in this post

Meanwhile at Trixany's faction-neutral dream house in Suramar...

Coco: *stomps in*
Trixany: Whoa, big mood sis! Are you ok?
Coco: Eh, it's nothin. I joined this lore group that meets down at the tavern. Things got really heated and I had to go.
Trixany: *relaxes on the couch* Wow, that certainly is heated if you stomped out of the Wyvern's Tail in Orgrimmar, through a portal, and all the way to here.
Coco: We was talkin about The War Within spoilers. You don't wanna know about it.
Trixany: Don't be silly! We can just slap [REDACTED] over anything some people would rather wait to hear. We do live in a video game--
Coco: Gods, the fourth wall is shattered in this house, ain't it?
Trixany: *points to a fancy needlepoint sampler hanging on the wall* 🌼 🌸 As For Me And My House, We Serve The Fourth Wall... For Dinner 🌸 🌼
Coco: That is like. The crappiest, yet coolest thing I have ever seen you make.
Trixany: Aw, thanks sis! You know, it kinda makes me think of how Moira is going to [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] in TWW. Like. In front of everyone. And she doesn't even care that Wrathion saw.
Coco: Whoo, spicy take!
Trixany: I know, right. [REDACTED] is gonna be mounted up on my wall, next.
Coco: Sis! You're on fire with this stuff!! Slow down hea with the hot takes on lore too sizzling to even be mentioned without a warning first. And ya choice of memes and pop culture references when it comes to [REDACTED], it's like putting sriracha on it. It's insane!
Trixany: *toys with her hair, grins* Yeah, I watch a lot of PlatinumWoW.

Welcome Summer! " I see...only muscle...before me."

I hope this picture brings you a cozy seaside vacation vibe! For me, one of the happiest moment in my daily life is seeing others smiling because of my artworks.

But currently I feel extremely sad because I meet a serious problem in my life :( My 10-year-old cat Kiwi is diagnosed with SCC in his mouth…it's a type of cancer that is quite dangerous.

The fact is heavy to me :( I don't want to lose my sweet little family member who wakes me up every morning and falls asleep with me together every night, but the medical fee is a big number, and as a freelance illustrator who just starts the business, my income is unstable, after I pay the rent I have almost nothing.

Please, I'll be very thankful if anyone or some of you can give me a hand ! The way is simple, if you like my artworks and you want to have a customized one or some, please please please commission me. You can check my illustration page https://www.instagram.com/nmerulaart/ and commission page https://ko-fi.com/nmerulaart/commissions

Also, I draw some very cute digital stickers and emotes set in my small Ko-Fi shop, including my cat Kiwi, and characters from WOW( Wrathion and Anduin up to now, I'll keep updating so please follow my shop if you like them! ) https://ko-fi.com/nmerulaart/shop

I actually struggled a lot when I'm writing these text…because it's my personal issue and I'm not sure if it's suitable to post them here. So, thanks for your patience! And I hope all of you and your pet friends ( if you have) live a healthy life!


Eternus called her out smh

Meanwhile, on a void-scarred landscape...

Trixany: Eternus!! I'm here to make a deal with you.
Eternus: *the twilight dragon spins as it soars above, then makes a majestic landing*
Eternus: What are you doing in this realm, mortal?
Trixany: *struts forward* Don't 'mortal' me. You already know why I'm here. That the alternative universe I want to build IS possible, and it could be amazing. If we work together.
Eternus: Nice silver jumpsuit by the way.
Trixany: Thanks, it's trending.
Eternus: Now that you're the one wearing it?
Trixany: Exactly.
Eternus: Aren't you bold as ever? You want to take apart the Warcraft canon. You want to destroy the ones destined to protect it, the lore police. What gives you the right to tear apart what has been carefully laid down?
Trixany: The lore means nothing if all it does is bully people and deny us a beautiful, creative future where we all take part. How many of us have had our storylines unjustly sidelined? Or our heroes corrupted with little explanation as to their motivations?
Eternus: Wait, is this about Kael'thas Sunstrider?
Trixany: *patient smile* Good. You sense that, this time, indeed, in this timeline, I am being very serious. Will you and your flight join with me?
Eternus: ...
Eternus: In every timeline, there is a point of no return. Do you really want to hasten the bottleneck for this one? The main event past which nothing can ever be the same again? Like shattered glass.
Trixany: *lifts her chin* My own headcanon is better, and it will prevail.
Eternus: Also. You do know that if this is actually just an excuse to do a giant parody of the Fall Guy movie starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, I will end you even faster?
Trixany: ...
Trixany: Gotta go. I think I left the headcanon oven on. *speedwalks away*
Eternus: Do not worry, small, trendy and devious one! I will see you there at high noon, at the edge of the canon! RWAAAAR!


Meanwhile, on a windswept cliff overlooking a neon, alien landscape...

Trixany: *walks to stand beside a tall, dark Night Elf stranger. Takes off her shades*
Trixany: I need your help.
Al: *wearing a silver, sleeveless jumpsuit. Chews gum*
Al: I dunno, Trixany. I'm not sure I do that kind of work anymore. Not since... the accident.
Trixany: Accident? What the hell happened to you? Ya look fine to me--
Al: Uh, Teldrassil?
Trixany: Wait. Right. So...
Al: I know that you can't see them, Horde scum. But I have emotional scars all over my flawless kaldorei physique.
Trixany: Look! You're still an assassin by trade. Suddenly, you don't want to take someone out? Someone who deserves it?
Al: I don't work for the Horde. Never will.
Trixany: *puts her shades back on, stares at the horizon with him*
Ambience: *otherworldly, high-pitched ambience noises*
Trixany: Why are we standing in Hellfire Peninsula anyway?
Al: It makes the reflections on my silver jumpsuit look really amazing.
Al: Anyway, I'm Alliance through and through. I would never take a contract to get caught imbetween two rabid Horde dogs who probably already deserve it.
Trixany: I want you to murder the lore police.
Al: Seriously? Speaking of Teldrassil, I've been wanting to take a chunk out of them for years. I'd do that for free. Unprompted.
Al: I'm actually feeling really jealous that I didn't think of it first.
Trixany: I knew I liked you.
Al: Better than Sharpen?
Trixany: Huh?
Al: What?
Trixany: ... Anyway. Make it happen. Also? We didn't have this conversation. *strolls away*
Al: Pshaw! The conversation where I looked all sci-fi and amazing in my silver supersuit? Oh, it HAPPENED.
To be continued...

Lazy panda bod works for him I guess

Meanwhile in Pandaria remix...
Trixany: Oh gods, what's wrong now, Sharpen? You look like you have the Plague.
Sharpen: A Blood Elf is making that joke?
Trixany: Touché. *sips her beer*
Sharpen: I- I just didn't expect it to be so crowded here in The Lazy Turnip. Everyone who is anyone in Halfhill is here. I can't, ya know... walk up to Chen in this tavern crowd.
Trixany: Chen. Chen Stormstout? You're trying to pick up Chen Stormstout??
Sharpen: Shh! Back at the brewery, when he said anyone who calls him handsome gets a free beer? Then I figured I might have a chance.
Trixany: Oh gods, here we go--
Sharpen: But if I go over and say that, he'll just think I want beer!
Trixany: Don't do it, then. I mean, are you seriously going to get together with all the strange, beefy side characters in every expac out there? This is like Rexxar in Legion all over again.
Sharpen: Wait, I know! I'll up the ante! *gets up*
Trixany: At this rate, I'm surprised you didn't get with like Ebyssian. Or Iridikron. Uh, Sharpen?
Sharpen: *walks over to Chen at the bar* I- I think you're--
Chen: ...
Sharpen: SEXY! There, I said it!
Trixany: Oh gods, what has he done now??
Chen: I am?? Well you know what that means, everyone! Free body shots!! Starting with... this guy!
Sharpen: WOOO!
Trixany: Sonofabitch. Now this feels like... re-originating Uldum into a giant middle finger at the Thunder King, all over again! I'm just blown away. Sharpen's got game--
Lore police: Alright, Miss Cuomo. You've been warned. That is not what happened at the Forge of Origination.
Trixany: What the! You guys followed me here, too?
Lore police: Followed? We opened up special branches in every alternative timeline and Blizzard platform in order to keep tabs on you.
Trixany: That hardly seems fair. *shifty eyes*
Lore police: Miss Cuomo! We have a plain-clothes officer stationed at the Frozen Throne, waiting for you to take a selfie with Lich King Arthas while he still lives and claim you were there, back when it was "trending." All to post it on your pitiful tumblr page.
Lore police: *leans in, raises sunglasses* Go on, try us.
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