
Ghana's Premiere Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

@sharmsonline / sharmsonline.tumblr.com

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2019 Goals - #Ayuverdic Hair Care?

Happy New Year ladies! New year new you? This year, one of my main hair goals is to grow out my hair, I think I am finally done with the short hair phase. I wore my hair in braids for most of 2018 so outside of that, I didn’t do too much to my hair. 

This year, I am trying to venture away from my usual ORS Hair Mayo deep conditioning and just Castor Oil and get into some other oils and masques and deep conditioners that are actually formulated for hair growth. Don’t get me wrong, Castor Oil is definitely still on the menu, but I have been reading a lot about Ayuverdic Hair Care and I think I am ready to dive in. 

What is Ayuverdic Hair Care, one may ask? 

Acc to Wikipedia, Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of alternative medicine. So we are talking all sorts of herbs, spices and oils that have healing properties. 

Some of the main oils I am looking at for my hair are 

  • Bhringraj Oil 
  • Neem Oil 
  • Bhrami Oil 
  • Castor Oil 

I will also be adding in some essential oils like 

  • Peppermint Oil 
  • Tea Tree Oil 
  • Sweet Almond Oil 
  • Vitamin E Oil 

So, I found the perfect product which combines most of these oils which I will be using for weekly hot oil treatments. This is sold at Melcom/Jumia/First Choice Salon/ Colours by K (imported by Gokals Cosmeceutical). The key is to stimulate the scalp and keep it in tip top shape so the follicles are able to produce beautiful hair strands which I can retain. 

Other interesting videos to watch to learn more 

I also massage my scalp and hair line 3x a week with my Castor Oil.This is the goal, I think we might be able to hit mid-back length by December 2019 (but don’t quote me). I will come back with updates as and when I have them. But we can chit chat on Instagram - @sharmsonline​ 

Until next time, stay fly!! And leave a comment if you miss me :* 


My Top 3 Products for Maintaining Braids

Hi Ladies! 

It’s me again! 2 posts in one week? Sharms is every thing alright? I just got a boost of inspiration so let’s ride the wave shall we? I have been rocking braids quite often this year mainly because they are so convenient and require very low maintenance especially in the mornings when I am trying to leave the house in 45 mins. I thought I would come on here and share with you ladies the top 3 products I use to maintain my scalp and braids. 

I have been using castor oil on my scalp every other day since the days of my long hair don’t care journey (A few posts to remind you - Bouncy hair, Faking the fro, Growing long hair, etc). I love it because I can actually see how it works - especially compared to my lazy days when I don’t use it. It is quite heavy so I only recommend a few drops at a time, if you use it often. 

I’ve always been a fan of using products targeted at naturla hair on my relaxed hair! They do a better job when it comes to moisturising, which prevents the hair from itching. I love it and use it when my hair isn’t in braids as well. It is also quite light weight so my hair doesn’t feel sticky after I use it.  

This is the product that actually slicks the hair back especially in week 3 / 4 when it’s almost time to take out your braids. I wet my braids with some water, use this on top, wrap it up for the night and boom, braids are fresh and brand new in the morning! 

Check out a few of my braid styles I have had over the year. 

Until next time, stay fly! 



L’Oréal gets their hands dirty - Citizen’s Day Clean Up Exercise

Hi Ladies (and gents)! How are you all doing? It’s been a million years? Taking the opportunity to pop in to say hi! I miss you all dearly!!

That being said,  you all know I have worked with L’Oréal a few times in the past on different campaigns for Mizani, Maybelline and Dark & Lovely. I think one of the main things that draws me to the brand is the fact that they stay giving back! Although I haven’t received any products from them recently (hint hint ;) ), I can’t get too mad because their CSR is always on-point. 

Last week, for their Citizen’s Day (which I have had the privilege of attending at some point in my life - 2010? maybe) they cleaned up one of the busiest beaches in Ghana - La Beach. It was a great way for their staff to interact with the local community (my people) as well as bond and interact with one another outside the office (because we all know that can be a drag). Check out a few photos from the clean up

According to Mr. Sekou Coulibaly, General Manager of L’Oréal West Africa, “It’s an honour for us to contribute to the beautification of this iconic beach. As practitioners of beauty here at L’Oréal, the focus of this year’s Citizen’s Day drive is especially fitting, as it exemplifies our commitment to contribute to the aesthetic values that make us great as a people both on the inside and out. He added, “We are proud of the difference we have made in lives over the years as a result of the Citizen’s Day initiative and look forward to more years of giving back.”

Well done guys! 

Until next time, stay fly!



50% Off ALL Clip In Extensions - Shop Online

Hi Ladies, I am doing a HUUGE sale on all my clip in extensions as I need to get rid of ALL the stock I have. 

Click to shop online - zoe.storefoundry.com 

Kinky Curly (Perfect for the natural girls) 


Body Wave 

Virgin Hair 

I have nationwide delivery available and you can pay online by Mobile Money or with your Visa Card 

Email me - makeupbysharms@gmail.com or DM me @sharmsonline if you have any questions 

Get to shopping!! 



Skincare routine - My favourite products & routine

Hi Ladies! Hope your 2018 is off to a good start! If not, perhaps you should check out my blog post from last week which talks about setting goals for the new year - you know, the whole new year new me thing. 

So skincare. I have struggled with my skin for a while, to this day, I can’t say I have 100% mastered my skin, but we are getting there. My current routine and product choices leave my skin fairly smooth throughout the month, with a few bumps here and there - nothing as bad as what I used to get in the past. I have oily skin, large pores and I get black heads on my cheek bones quite often. For me, exfoliation is extremely important because it prevents the black heads from forming in the first place. 

Let’s get into it 

Product List (Click to purchase)

Step 1 - Remove Makeup 

No matter how much or how little makeup I am wearing, I never skip this step. If I am wearing light makeup, then I will use the Soap & Glory makeup remover with a cotton pad to take off my makeup. If I am wearing heavier makeup - foundation, powder etc etc I will use the Noxema cream cleanser and my facial brush to make sure I really get the makeup out of my pores. 

Step 2 - Cleanse 

I alternate between my sulfar soap, Soap & Glory Vitamin C wash and the charcoal soap if I want a deeper clean. I wash my face twice - it is important to make sure my face is completely clean so my pores don’t get clogged overtime. 

Step 3 - Tone 

Toning tightens my pores and in the long run, will help me reduce the size of my pores in general. I follow up with the Vitamin C serum which helps to get rid of my acne scars and whichever dark marks are on my face  

Step 4 - Moisturize 

Now the final step - your skin loves to be moisturized, make sure you don’t skip this step, no matter what. During the day I use the traditional moisturizer (with vitamin E infused) and at night, I use the serum in oil which I must say, my skin looks best when I wake up first thing in the morning. I love this serum! 

Weekly mask 

If I feel like my skin has had it rough during the week, I will do a charcoal mask and leave it on for an hour or two. Skin usually feels rejuvenated and revitalized after the mask. I know Skin Gourmet has some really nice face masks, I actually want to try their clay mask. You can also get essential oils like tea tree, peppermint, avocado oil from the health / natural shops around.

Clear skin requires you to stick to a routine and be consistent with it. Make sure you take your makeup off at night, no matter how tired you are. Make sure you are moisturizing at night and I think investing in a mask helps, especially if you do a deep cleanse once a week. Don’t forget to drink lot’s of water (I do 3 liters per day), cut back on sugar and try your best to incorporate some greens into your diet.

Here I am (With a slight filter but you get the drift) 

Until next time, stay fly! 



New Year, New You? Setting goals for the New Year

So it’s 2018.. HOW IS IT 2018? Wasn’t it just 2015? Anyway, I digress. Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2017 didn’t suck all of the life out of you and you still have something left to give 2018... For me personally, 2017 had some ups and downs, but I think I am looking forward to what 2018 has to offer, because I have figured out little ways to stay on top of the game. 

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New year new you right? I want to start the year off by talking about how to set goals for the new year (or in general, if you aren’t really a New Year New Me type of person). Personally, setting goals for the year allows me to stay focused throughout the year and work towards what is important to me. What you must realize is that even though you may have a set of goals you are working towards, life doesn’t always follow the straight and narrow path, so leave room for change and diversions. That being said, here are some tips I use to set my goals - both personally and professionally

Think broadly - Figure out which aspects of your life need improvement - When you are setting goals for the year, you should definitely be thinking broadly in a way that looks at various aspects of your life - your spiritual life, relationships (familial, platonic and romantic), your career, your finances, your health and more specifically your mental health / well being. Take each aspect and think about what you want to achieve. Do you want to save a specific amount of money? Do you want to improve your relationship with your family? your spouse? your girlfriends? Pick 3 - 4 things you want to focus on and figure out how you can set goals to improve those aspects of your life 

Write it down - Be specific! Make sure you are putting down specific goals, that way you are more accountable to yourself when it comes to evaluation. If you just write ‘save more’, at the end of the year, if you have saved 10ghc more than you did last year will you consider that an achievement? Be specific with your goals - ‘Save 70% more than last year’, ‘Savings account should be at xxx,xxx by the end of the year’, ‘Save xxx per month’. When you are writing down your goals think about HOW you are going to achieve them. If you write down ‘Be a positive person’, how are you going to achieve this? Be specific! Think about ‘Practice gratitude everyday - write down one thing I am grateful for each day’, or ‘Do not swear when drivers cut me off on the road’ or ‘Stop complaining about work’. These specific goals are easier to achieve and in the long run will get you closer to where you need to be. 

Measure yourself - Take the time every quarter to evaluate yourself and to see if you are achieving anything. There is no point in writing down goals and tucking them away under the bed for the year. It is important to constantly refer back to your goals to see how you are faring. Hold yourself accountable! Sometimes, you will realise that you may need to adjust some goals, especially those that are too broad and may be difficult to achieve in the short term. Keep a reminder close by to constantly be aware that you have something you need to achieve!

Reflection & Evaluation - You should take the time (usually at the end of the year) to write down what you have achieved (even if they do not directly pertain to your foals) and which goals you were unable to achieve. Now the fun part, you should take a minute to figure out why you were unable to achieve certain goals and what you can do different to achieve them next year. There will be some goals that you probably didn’t touch at all and there will be some that you halfheartedly attempted to conquer. Figure out WHY. 

Some goals to consider for 2018 

  • Practice gratitude daily - write down 1 thing you are grateful for everyday 
  • Drink 3 Litres of water per day
  • Excersice for at least 20 mins everyday 
  • Read a book for at least 20 mins everyday 
  • Check on a friend you don’t speak to often at least once a month
  • Save at least 50% of your income 
  • Limit alcohol intake - once / twice a week only 
  • Take 1 hour per week for self care - face mask, pedicure, paint your nails 

I hope this helps someone, I have been using these tips to set goals for myself in the last 2 years and I think we are making some progress. If you want to chat specifically about somethings you would like to achieve and how, send me an email at makeupbysharms@gmail.com, I am always happy to help! 

Until next time, stay fly!



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FUNTASSELY FUNTASY - New Jewellery Collection from Odara

Yesss ladies!! Get yourselves right and tight for December! Odara has a new collection out and I am loving every single one of them!! I will definitely be getting a few of these.. do I feel a styling video coming up? Order online or at any of the shops that stock their jewellery 

Official online store 

Instagram -@odaraonline

Discount Code 



Kash Boutique, Nyaniba Estates, Osu, Accra

Sage Gifts, Sakumono Regimanuel Estates, Funbizz, Tema

Argy's, Spintex Road, Coastal Estates Junction, Accra

Fairmill Pharmacy, Kisseman Achimota, Accra

A post shared by Odara (@odaraonline) on Nov 21, 2017 at 2:13am PST

Get Yo Life - Organizational Tips & Tricks

Hello my lovelies! Hope all is well and you are well caught up with the blog. I recently uploaded a story on my #MaybellineNY x Glitz Africa Fashion Week backstage escapades, if you haven’t checked it out, read it here. A fun time was had by all. 

Moving on swiftly onto more ‘serious’ matters, I just thought I would come on here and share a few tips on how to GET YO LIFE because honestly, the struggle to balance work, life, family,spouses, friends, dogs, cats etc is REAL! I think one of the best ways to get ahead of ‘life’ / ‘adulting’ is to build habits that help you stay organised and ‘in control’. 

Let me know what you think! 

  1. Do what you can now (No more procrastination)  - I think for me, this is how I stay productive. I never leave anything on my to-do list for tomorrow that I can do today. It just takes away the stress of knowing that there is something I need to do tomorrow (in addition to tomorrow’s tasks). The cleaner my to-do list is, the more satisfied I feel. I think the best way to prevent procrastination is to trick your mind into thinking you are only going to tackle a little chunk of the task. Before it came ‘naturally’ to me, I would say “Okay I need to do this task, which I don’t want to but I know I should do it.. So I am only going to do it for 10 mins..” next thing I realized I had completed the whole task and all was well with the world. Once you get started on a task, it becomes much easier to finish it. And this applies to tasks at work, washing the dishes, starting an essay pretty much anything. You need to train the mind to gain satisfaction from completing tasks and that way, when you see a task that needs to be done, you simply cannot leave it undone. 
  2. Prepare for your day the night before- This is something I live by. It is much easier to meal prep (pack your lunch / get out your ingredients for dinner) / pick out your outfit / iron for work etc the night before than scramble around in the morning and waste time. For me, I find that when I have everything ready the night before, my mornings go smoothly and I can take the time to just enjoy my morning. Something as simple as trying on 2 outfits in the morning can take away about 20 mins of your time, thereby making you late which spirals into a ‘bad day’. The best thing is to have a smooth morning which makes you a little more equipped to conquer the day ahead.   
  3. Set time aside to plan ahead - Take the time every week or every month (I do both) to plan out your week, schedule meet ups (social / personal), meetings (for work) just to give yourself an idea of what to expect. I spend at least 10 mins each week looking at my calendar and making sure I know what is coming at me in order to be mentally equipped to handle everything. I also spend about 30 mins once a month to plan out my full month, obviously as the month goes along, more and more things will pop up (which is why it is good to also do the weekly catch up) but planning ahead helps me with budgeting, ensures that I don’t forget important birthdays/ social gatherings and takes the stress of having to keep everything in my mind. The monthly planning allows me to see the bigger picture which we tend to forget when we only focus on our daily to-do lists. 
  4. Write it down! - Listen! This is my life motto. You must write it down (or put it in your phone or whatever works best for you). For me, writing down things to do, things to buy, birthdays, plans, goals etc frees my mind up to think about more important things. If your mind is full of tasks and plans how are you going to channel your creativity when it is time to handle real challenges? Take a minute and write it down! 
  5. Budget - Staying on top of your finances is one of the best ways to feel ‘in control’. There is a tendency to feel like you don’t know where your money is going and that is because you are not taking the time to come up with a monthly budget and you are not tracking your spending. This adulting thing is a chore and if you do not put in the effort, you will constantly feel like you are drowning / running around in circles. I personally use Spendee (App) to budget / track my spending and let me tell you that some months I actually scold myself for the ‘nonsense’ I spend my money on. Tracking my spending allows me to see the patterns in my expenses I need to break or build on whether it is to cut down the number of pedicures I get in a month or to increase the amount of fuel I purchase at a go. 

These are all habits you need to work on forming, they don’t magically start happening in your life. They require you to be ready to put in an effort and to be consistent about it. But that being said, once you are able to incorporate some of these in your life, you will notice things going smoother than before and your ‘bad days’ will be drastically reduced! Of course no one is perfect, but hopefully these help a little bit! 

Books I recommend (Please feel free to add to this list in the comments below)

Until next time, go forth and conquer! 



Maybelline NY x Glitz Africa Fashion Week - Come backstage with me!

Last weekend I had the privilege of going backstage with Maybelline NY and I had a blast! Check out a few photos from backstage, I think the Maybelline Makeup Artists did a fantastic job! Afua Rida has a fun video that captures all the fun! 

Skin is in! Model with her finished look – all natural with a hint of glow

I went the extra mile to get you all the full list of products used on the models :D

 Full list of products used, most of which I have reviewed here (Click)

  • Fit Me! Matte Poreless foundation
  • Maybelline Vivid Matte Color Sensational Liquid Lipstick (Berry Boost)
  • Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation
  • Maybelline Clear & Smooth All in One Powder
  • Maybelline Face Studio Master Heat Blush
  • Eyestudio Master Kajal Eyeliner
  • Volum' Express The Rocket Waterproof Mascara

Until next time, stay fly! 



#maybellinenygh #maybellineny #GAFW17 #backstagepass 


Maybelline New York creates platform for upcoming talents at Glitz Africa Fashion Week

Leading make-up and beauty brand Maybelline New York is set to glitz up the runway at Ghana’s biggest fashion event, the annual Glitz Africa Fashion Week, which is taking place in Accra at the Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City from 6th to 8th October 2017 and a Street Runway Show on the Osu Oxford Street on 5th October 2017.

As part of their participation in the Fashion Week celebrations, Maybelline New York has created knowledge and skill sharing platforms and opportunities by bringing together professional and upcoming make-up artists from across the country to showcase their artistry using a wide range of beauty products from Maybelline New York.

Speaking to the media about Maybelline New York’s participation in the Glitz Africa Fashion Week, Brand Manager Aretha Yorke Sabeng said, “At Maybelline New York, we are committed to providing scientifically-advanced formulas, revolutionary textures as well as up-to-the-minute trendsetting shades effortlessly, affordably and beautifully. This makes us excited to be a part of the ongoing fashion revolution in Ghana.” She added that, “All elements of fashion, including make-up are regarded as an art-form worldwide and we are proud to be part of a movement with Glitz Africa that seeks to elevate artistry that celebrates fashion into a legitimate industry in Ghana.”

As the official make-up partner for the Glitz Africa Fashion Week, Maybelline New York is showcasing their wide range of beauty products with a mission to bring New York’s inspiration and the power of make-up to all women to enhance their beauty and make things happen.

Adorned by the best models Ghana has to offer will be world renowned Maybelline New York products such as the Colossal Volume Mascara for a false eyelash effect to the best-selling Maybelline Colossal Kajal for beautiful eyes and the air-soft Dream Mat Mousse, ideal for delivering perfect matte coverage to normal and oily skin.

Since its first edition in 2013, Glitz Africa Fashion week has attracted fashion talents and connoisseurs from across Ghana and Africa, inspiring creativity and setting trends in the fashion industry.

 #GAFW17 #MaybellineNYGH #makeithappen #makefashionhappen


Job Hunting in Ghana - My personal experience / key lessons learnt

Hello my lovelies! Hope everything is going well for you all! It has been a while since my last post - How to Look Put Together All the Time and so I thought it was about time I came back and shared some more gems with you. Today’s post is focusing on the corporate side of my life, as many of you know (or don’t know) I am not a full time blogger (very far from it) I spend most of my time in corporate Marketing / PR.

That being said, I thought it would be helpful a few key lessons to learn about job hunting in Ghana since I recently started a new job in the field which I am loving so far!

Okay so some background information. I completed my Master’s degree (MSc Marketing, Distinction) in September 2016 and graduated in January 2017. I returned to Ghana in September 2016 and did not find a job until April 2017, almost 6 months later. This can be daunting but I think by sharing the lessons I have learnt, one of you out there who might be in the same predicament will be better prepared to face the challenge of job hunting in Ghana.

Basically, I took a well deserved break from September 2016 - November 2016 - I took this time to catch up with friends and family I had neglected during my intensive 1 year programme. In November, I begun to send out a few emails to some professional contacts and networks to let them know I was back in town and looking for a job. Most of the responses I got were “No one is really hiring at this time of the year, it will be better to start in the New Year.” So I slowed down in December / early January / until I returned from my graduation and then I switched gears at the end of January. I sent my CV to any and everyone I knew who was in the industry and signed up and with some recruitment agencies. The most important point for me was that I did not want to get hired because of nepotism / as a favour. I wanted my CV and experience to speak for itself so that whoever was going to hire me would really see the value I would be bringing to the table. Long story short, one of the professional contacts I got in touch with responded and let me know there was an availability and the rest is history.

Here are 10 key lessons i have learnt during the 6 months I was job hunting in Ghana

1. You will be ignored & rejected - You will receive various emails saying ‘I regret to inform you that your qualifications do not match our requirements at this time”. Do not let this get to you, continue to prep for individual jobs / interviews make sure you know your strong points and are selling them to each company in the appropriate manner

2. Experience matters - As much as you can, do not have too many gaps in your CV as this puts many employers off. Try as much as possible to list your experience and continue to reiterate it in interviews. Sometimes, experience trumps qualifications

3. Figure out your Unique Selling Point - Figure out what your strengths are and when you have been able to apply them during your career. Focus on these points during your interview. Try not to be a jack of all trades, pick a few skills you have and build on them

4. CV matters - Your CV is the first impression your potential employee has of you, make sure to wow them. Keep the CV short and simple, with bullet points and short, sharp quantifiable experience. I have a blog post about writing a CV here - you can also feel free to send me yours if you would like some input (makeupbysharms@gmail.com)

5. You might start at the bottom - In Ghana, it is very difficult to start a job at the position you think reflects your qualification and experience. Be patient, give each challenge your all and you will be able to rise through the ranks quickly! It is especially important that you let your potential employer know that you are looking to be promoted within 6 months during the later stages of your interviews so they are aware that you are willing to work hard. Don’t confuse starting at the bottom with starting with a completely different job in a different department. The best example I can give for this would be starting as an Account Executive at an agency when you should actually be an Account Manager

6. Patience & Humility - During the time of your hunt, you are going to need to be extremely patient with yourself, with your potential employers and even with your friends and family who may be pressurising you to look into other industries / other positions. Stick with your goals and continue to work towards what you think is best for you

7. Keep an open mind - This is related to points 5 & 6 - keep an open mind with regards to different positions you might enjoy, timelines for hiring and even salaries. You might need to be a bit flexible in the first few months to ensure you get a position you enjoy

8. Connections / networks are important - These are not necessarily personal connections but it is advisable to attend industry events in order to generate strong networks you can fall back on when it comes to time to look for a job

9. You will be pressurised - You will definitely start feeling pressurised by your family/friends and even by yourself especially if it is taking a while to get a job. Stand firm in your beliefs and continue to revaluate your choices

10. Qualifications don’t always matter - Sometimes, your qualifications don’t always matter. You will see people in your position or higher who don’t have the same qualifications as you. That is fine as your education opens up your mind and allows you to think of solutions in different ways. These qualifications may not necessarily matter on paper but they open your mind up beyond what it would have been able to process before you got the degree

Downloadable version of the key lessons - http://bit.ly/jobhuntinglessons

My personal advice is to figure out what career path you would like to take based on your personality, your interests, your likes and dislikes and then find a position that is best suited for you. It may not be a perfect fit but if it ticks 8 out of 10 boxes, then its a good fit. Stand firm in your choices, do not get swayed by others who may not necessarily know what your end goal might be.

Resources to check out for job hunting

Until next time, feel free to email me any questions you might have - makeupbysharms@gmail.com - I am always happy to hear from you!  If you need help with your CV feel free to email me as well - makeupbysharms@gmail.com

Please note that these lessons are from my personal experience, you may have a different perspective and so we would love to hear from you in the comments below!

As a reminder to myself, I will be doing a post on how to get ready for interviews, how to spruce up your Linkedin profile in order to get more views. If there is anything else you would like me to talk about let me know in the comments!



#corporatelife #corporateghana #workinginghana #jobsinghana #jobhuntinginghana #lifestyle


#GHFashion - Royal Dennis x Vlisco - #newcollectionalert

The leading African print manufacturer, Vlisco and the sensational fashion designer, Royal Dennis, have  unveiled a new dynamic collection at the Vlisco store at the Accra Mall.This collaboration follows similar partnerships with Stylista, PoquaPoqu& Melanie Crane in 2016.

“Royal Dennis is one designer we at Vlisco are always excited to work with. He is very creative and pays attention to details. He is simply good”, said Stephen Badu, Marketing Director for Vlisco Ghana.

“I call this collection GOLDEN by ROYAL DENNIS. I wanted to show Royal Dennis in a new way. I wanted to center my collection around a major concept which then is translated into different styles. 

The collection is created for a woman not afraid of real beauty, a woman in charge of her own femininity, a woman who is golden” said Dennis Dodoo, owner and Creative Director of Royal Dennis.

This will be on display at the Vlisco store from now till end of August 2017

Welcome to the colourful design world of Vlisco. Since 1846, Vlisco has been creating unique textiles in Holland that have influenced the fashion landscape in West and Central Africa. These textiles reflect true Dutch craftsmanship and were originally known as ‘Hollandais’, from the French word for ‘Dutch’. Today, Vlisco is still the only brand creating authentic Dutch wax fabrics and is recognizable for its unique design, colours and wax craquelé, all of which combine to create this inspiring fashion statement. It can only be Vlisco!

Until next time, make sure you are subscribed to my beauty blog and my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss a thing!

#beauty #beautyblog #beautyblogger #beautyinfluencer #style #vliscofashion #visitvliscoaccramall #vliscotailoring #ghana #ghanablogs #hair #haircare #relaxedhair 


How to Look Put Together & Under Control (Even when you are on the struggle bus)

Hello my lovelies! Hope you are all well? Hope these mid-year blues haven’t attacked you - can you believe it is June already? HOW? June 2017? Anyway, I digress. 

I hope that today’s post is helpful to you out there - whether you are in school or working or just trying to figure life out in general. Sometimes we find ourselves in extremely stressful situations - exam time, work deadlines etc etc but I think it is important to keep your outer cool no matter what. That being said, I thought I would share with you some tips on how to look like you have everything under control, even on the days when you actually don’t. The idea is to look like nothing phases you - you stay fly no matter what. 

These tips are mainly focused on your outward appearance, I will write a post on how to keep calm inside your head when you feel like you are drowning in life. 


No matter what style you are rocking - natural hair, braids, weaves, relaxed hair, wigs always always always make sure it looks fresh! It might require some extra effort eg. styling your hair before bed (something I used to do when I was natural) to save time in the morning, or wrapping your hair before bed or braiding your weave before bed or even wearing clip in extensions on bad hair days. You need to invest a little time into this schbang (that’s if you care) or else you will always look like you are trying to catch up with yourself. Rocking 3 month old braids with visible dandruff is not a good look - neither for the academic nor the corporate world. If you notice that you don’t have time to get your braids redone in good time, get some dry shampoo or braid spray and do a little DIY at least once a week. For more haircare tips, click here 

Me rocking some braids - I keep em looking fresh by laying my edges daily and scarfing them at night 


Girl! Even if you do not fill in your eyebrows everyday, trimming or plucking or waxing or tweezing them is all you need! There is nothing like a clean brow and you will notice a difference in your face instantly! Keep your brows neat and tidy - they give the illusion of you wearing makeup (see the difference below)


In general stay away from overly casual clothing (depending on the occasion of course).  I generally stay away from t-shirts, mini skirts, shorts, ripped jeans (unless that is the look I am going for ). Combining these items with flip flops makes you look like you just rolled out of bed and didn’t put in any effort - we are trying to look like we are on top of things. Also if you do want to wear jeans and a tshirt and flip flops, make sure you consider your accessories so you look like you tried (see Riri below)

I am not saying you cannot look fly in ripped jeans and a t-shirt however, I think to look more put together, overly casual clothing doesn’t make the cut without being properly styled. 

I try to avoid wearing flip flops and stick with sandals or heels - I particularly like a low heeled sandal or if I am wearing ‘slippers’ they have to have a twist to them ;) Keep your sandals stylin’ so that even if you don’t rock heels, you stay cute. (I feel a blog post coming on?)


Jewellery & Accessories 

This is a major major key for me! I loovveee jewellery and accessories. At any given time you will catch me wearing my watch, earrings and at least one necklace. If you cash me on a less simple day, we will throw in a couple of rings and bracelets to the mix. Accessories (doesn’t have to be loud or make a statement) always elevate your look and make you look like you tried. The trick is to invest in at least one gold necklace (if you can) and just wear it all the time - that is if you are the type of person who doesn’t like to take off their jewels.Get a cute watch - doesn’t have to be expensive and keep it cute! You can get very affordable watches on ASOS, H&M and even Amazon. 

I have a discount code for the #odaraonline website - http://myodara.com/ so you don’t really have an excuse. Use my code #SHARMSONLINE2K17 to get 10% off whichever jewels you decide to buy, some of my faves are their dainty necklaces and their simple stud earrings

Light Makeup 

Dab your face at least once a day with some blotting paper (I use regular tissue if I am honest) to get rid of the grease and shine. I carry a bag of lipsticks with me so I am spoilt for choice when it comes to re-applying after lunch or after work. I know not everyone wears makeup to work my current product list for work includes transluscent powder, mascara and lipstick (of course with my eyebrows drawn on - I never leave those at home). A touch of lipstick or even lip balm makes you look like at least you tried

Does anyone have anyother tips they use to look put together at all times? Cos I see some of you ladies and you look forever beat! Share the love, comment below! 

Until next time, make sure you are subscribed to my beauty blog and my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss a thing!

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Sharms Online - General Updates/What’s Next?

Hello my lovelies! This time, let’s not even go through the ‘it’s been so long’ speech. It has been a while - I have missed you all so much! Every time someone comes up to me and says BUT SHARMS WHY HAVE YOU STOPPED BLOGGING? I’m reminded that hey! you guys are actually out there reading and I am not just rambling to my self. Honestly speaking, a lot has happened in the last 2 years which shifted my focus away from Sharms Online. I finished a Master’s degree, started a new marketing/business blog, launched an online store for my clip in extensions and started a new job. Basically, life happened. Don’t get me wrong I do put up post every so often, like this one for Mizani and this one talking about battling dry hair. 

Anyway I want to hear from you guys! Inspiration is dwindling and I am defs running out of beauty/hair topics I am interested in or want to talk about - I don’t shop for makeup that often, I wear the same face every day, I have figured out what products work for my hair and I am sticking with them, my hair is short now so there isn’t that much to do to it. 

I do want to talk about job hunting in Ghana and how to stay motivated in school/at work. Oh and I also wanted to do a guide for up and coming beauty bloggers in Ghana - tips/ tricks , how to get companies to notice you, how to build your brand etc (although I might post this on mfsbghana.com). If you are an up and coming blogger and have some questions about the tricks of the trade - feel free to message me on makeupbysharms@gmail.com I am actually celebrating 7 years of blogging this month - would you believe it?

Anyway, do any of the topics above sound interesting to you?  In the hair and beauty realm what do you have questions about? If you are too shy to comment below / you want to keep it private feel free to email me - makeupbysharms@gmail.com  I am always so happy to hear from you guys and chat with you a little.

I actually meant to write a blog post on full body exfoliation but I think my little update is long enough - I am trying to get back on my blogging schedule of one post a week (please don’t hold me to this fully yet).  

And here is a selfie incase you have forgotten what I look like :D 

Make sure you are subscribed to my beauty blog and my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss a thing!

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Battling Dry Hair - Tips, Tricks & Product Recommendations

Hi ladies! Hope you are well? Fab! I am quickly going to talk about my struggle with dry hair / a few of the products I use to moisturize my scalp and my hair. I have had dry hair for as long as I can remember and I only recently figured out how to battle it. Okay before we get into it, here is a little update - my hair no longer looks like this (Old posts about managing longer hair: here, here & here)

I got it cut by Beauty Technicians (Dzorwulu - tell them Sharms sent you ;) ) and it looks like this 

Maintaining a bob requires a different technique, I will defs talk about it in an upcoming video/post (Subscribe!)

Dry hair means your hair is more likely to break off, therefore making it very difficult for you to retain length.

Shedding is ‘normal’ for the most part (of course there may be other reasons why your hair might be shedding eg antibiotics) but breakage is not. You might notice your hair will shed a lot when you comb it in the shower or right after you take out your braids - not to worry, this is normal. However, when your hair breaks off in short pieces, this could be because your hair is dry and brittle.

So, tips & tricks 

  • Drink lots of water - dry skin, dry scalp, brittle nails and dry hair can occur if your body is dehydrated. I drink between 3 - 4 litres of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. 
  • Moisturize your hair at least 3 times a week - when I was actively growing out my hair (check out a few posts here and there) I would moisturize my hair everyday and then I would seal in the moisture with a drop of either Avocado Oil / Macadamia Oil / Olive Oil. Currently, I use the Mizani Rose H2O Moisturiser probably twice a week (laziness)
  • Seal in as much moisture as you can on wash day - Dry hair is caused by a lack of moisture however, we can’t walk around with wet hair all the time right? On my wash day, on the days I airdry my hair (check out how I airdry my relaxed hair) as soon as I come out the shower, I will pat my hair dry and whilst it is still about 90% wet, I will apply my leave in conditioner (Currently using Creme of Nature ) and my Cantu Shea Butter Leave in. If you allow your hair to dry before you add your products, it is not going to absorb enough moisture / the product itself. 
  • Massage your scalp - I live for scalp massages! I currently massage my scalp with Castor Oil (Click this link to get you some Castor Oil) at least twice a week. Massaging your scalp keeps it stimulated and encourages blood flow to that area, keeping the strands healthy. 
  • Wrap your hair up at night - Wrapping your hair up at night keeps the moisture locked in and prevents your pillowcase from sucking up all the juicy stuff from your hair.  
  • Almost forgot to add - when the weather is extra dry, make sure you step up your protective styling game to protect your hair from losing extra moisture. I have a post that is a little more harmattan specific, since we all know that that time of the year is a real struggle for our hair, our lips & our skin.

I hope these tips are helpful! I love hearing from you guys and answering your questions so feel free to comment below /tweet me/email me/slide into my DMs if you have any questions or you would like to let me know what kinds of videos/posts you want to see!

Make sure you are subscribed to my beauty blog and my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss a thing!

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Vlisco Reopens Refitted Flagship Store at Accra Mall

Hi ladies! Here is a quick update from one of my faves - #Vlisco, just incase you were wondering why their shop has been closed for a while.

Vlisco celebrated the reopening of its flagship store and launched its new season collection at the Accra Mall, on Tuesday 11th April. The event was coupled with the 60th birthday celebration of one its loyal consumers Mrs. Winnifred Ampofo. Hosted by acclaimed media personality Anita Erskine, the simple but colourful event was very entertaining with exciting promotions which ensured the event was one to remember.

Speaking at the event, Marketing Manager of Vlisco Mr. Stephen Badu said the store was redesigned with its customers in mind and that Vlisco aims to provide its fashion savvy customers with more exciting fashion and a differentiated customer experience. He said, “Whenever you visit our newly renovated boutique, you will be pampered by ample choice, professional advice and styling tips from our staff. If you are a ‘Connoisseur of style’ and lover of authentic Wax Hollandais, come and enjoy the new and improved unique Vlisco retail experience.” 

Adored by patrons for its colourful and vibrant fabrics, such as Wax Hollandais, Super-Wax and Java, Vlisco has over the years influenced and contributed to the growth of the fashion landscape in West & Central Africa. The refitted Vlisco boutique reveals a new environment concept where Vlisco aims to make the customer experience, and their journey towards their dream outfit, as pleasurable as possible. Vlisco connoisseurs will be thrilled to still find old favourites, new products as well as new services and promotions all under one roof. Guests at the reopening were treated to a fashion show with elegant outfits created by Stylista with new season fabric from Vlisco. Stylista showcased her talents by merging unique and bold colorful Vlisco fabrics.

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