
artist ask meme!!

1. what is your favorite color to work with?

2. who is your favorite character to draw?

3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art?

4. how often do you draw?

5. digital or traditional?

6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations!

7. do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?

8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.

9. what drawing program do you use? (if the artist does digital art)

10. are you right or left handed?

11. warm or cool colors?

12. draw one of your favorite characters in 15 seconds.

14. what was something that you used to draw a lot that you don’t draw as much anymore?

15. when was the last time you did art?


4 - joker, riddler and two face (fue lo primero que se me vino a la cabeza no he dormido xD)

4. adopt, be adopted by, marry (nice this a pure one)


i think be adoped by joker, cause i think he’d let me do whatever i want yet be super protective of his trash (me), might kiLL ME WHO KNOWS ??? -- 

marry riddler cause (i think) he the less likely to kill me :’v  ? ?  (if it arkham games riddler im gonna fite him for makin me collect trophies tho)  

AND ADOPT TWO FACE I GUESS,  CAUSE LAST OPTION,, HE CAN GO DO WHATEVER HE WANT im bad parent who doesnt know about their children

We watch as Supes sticks his hand straight through the Joker's chest - killing him instantly”
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