
my art my fun

@mnstrcndy / mnstrcndy.tumblr.com

I got told I paint pretty good rocks once. Art Tag List ask kofi

I hope you all have a happy and restful holiday.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I´m an artist, but I´ve been stuck for such a long time, not really producing anything, because the idea of investing time and energy into trying to improve but failing nonetheless just petrifies me. I know consistent practice would probably be the solution, but I wanted to ask you, who has so much experience, whether there are any good ways, courses, techniques to actually learn the idea behind drawing, certain techniques etc. and not just blindly copy?

I own some old Dover publications that I enjoyed learning from. I like learning from the oldest books I can find. They have a lot more reading and I feel like I gain better technical understanding from that. https://store.doverpublications.com/0486224872.html https://store.doverpublications.com/0486202410.html https://store.doverpublications.com/0486200825.html That being said, I think your problem is not what books or videos you consume or who you copy to learn your craft. Instead it might be living up to your internalized label as 'artist' which sounds like it is stopping you before you even start. You will never reach perfection. Time and energy is not wasted as long as you enjoy what you are doing. Remember you are worthwhile as a person before your art. Art is a self expression. When you love and enjoy yourself you will love and enjoy your art more too.

Anonymous asked:

Hey! It occured to me recently that i hadn't seen you post anything in a while, and were just generally inactive on all social media. I hope you're doing well and still creating art! <3

I had to take a new job to better make ends meet, and so much happened after posting had to stall out. But I am doing very well and have still been arting! I have a lot of projects and many secrets! Thank you anon!!

Anonymous asked:

What advice would you give someone who’s a beginner at art~? I’m 17 and hope to be an animator someday, but I’ve only started taking drawing seriously very recently, and seeing the art of people who’ve been drawing since they were kids makes me worry I’ll never be good enough.

Nothing in life is timed or set in stone. As long as you strive to reach your goal, at any time of life, you are a successful artist.

I think when you are young you grow so fast through so few years it feels like life will always be that fast. You are a child and then suddenly an adult in such little time it feels like your window of opportunity is small. But that's never been true. As you get older you will see you have lots of time to accomplish everything you want as long as you focus and spend your time on what is most important to you. As for good enough, that comes from comparing yourself to others. This is understandable when you want to do art for a living but art is a technical skill that comes with practice. If you can embrace your individuality and love the process instead of looking forward to the end result, you will never quit and always keep going. If you never quit you will always get better. I'm sure if you give yourself the time you need instead of rushing yourself you will be a wonderful animator. So keep up the good work 17yo anon. :)


Heyy! I just wanted to let you know that when you go to one of your tags to look at your art (like undertale for example) there is no button to move onto the next page. Even if there is, despite my best efforts I could not find it. Thought you might want to check that. Also I think your work is amazing, you made me log in to tumblr after soo many years :D Have a nice day!


Oh thank you! I'm very glad you enjoy the art! Welcome back to the tumblr pit I guess lol. It's a bit hard to see. I have not figured out how to make it bigger or change it without having to shift the whole layout. I'll try to make a new(better) layout when I get a chance and can post more.

Anonymous asked:

I’ve recently tried to get more and more into drawing realistic, do you have any tips for a beginner like me? Also I love your work, you inspire me a lot to keep pushing myself keep ip the good work.

You might like to try life (figure) drawing or still life drawing. Everyone perceives reality in their own unique way. So it helped to draw from how I see life instead of always drawing through someone else's filter or a digital filter. aka online references. Drawing my own shoes and hanging clothes helped a lot with learning fabric. When something is right in front of you it's easier to see the whole shape and shadows. Understand how it works. Makes it a bit easier to study I think. I think a bonus is you develop in your own unique way drawing how you personally see things. :)


I just saw your Last Unicorn art, and it's so hauntingly gorgeous! I really love the one of the wave of unicorns cresting out of the sea; you've really captured those wavecrest shapes, more than I thought anyone ever could! It's like an image from a dream. Thank you so much for sharing your work here!


Thank you very much!! :D I'm looking forward to sharing more.

Anonymous asked:

I'm sorry if this is rude to ask, but I was curious if art is your career, or if it is primarily a hobby for you?

It can be neither of those because making things is my passion. I believe If you think this kind of question is important you should put more thought into your views of creativity and labels for yourself and others.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Does your undertale art book have a limited stock like your sans pins do? Im interested in buying them, but my bro is still deciding if he wants to buy it too. Love your art! ❤

Thank you very much for liking the art and wanting one!! >< The book is limited as well yeah for the same reasons as the other ask. The ones I have listed are all I have left and I wont be reprinting it.

Anonymous asked:

Just curious but why can't you make more sans pins? Did you lose the file? I'd love to buy ANY pins you make in the future ^^

I want to make some fun things for people to have but not make competition for the makers themselves. So I only do one or two runs of fanart things and then discontinue them. And thank you!! I have some other designs I look forward to making when I can! I sell unlimited stock of my own stuff. ^^


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