
Bendy to the MAX

@mendyboyistalking-blog / mendyboyistalking-blog.tumblr.com

Ask blog for Mendy, a fusion of Bendy (Bendy and the ink machine) and Max (Sam and Max) Ask away! (Main blog: https://lectionelectronic-64.tumblr.com)

I’ve been watching the animated series again, and Max has so many wonderful, wonderful outfits. I had to have a go at it. 


they say bringing a knife to a fist fight is a bad idea because my opponent could steal it and put me at their mercy. or would they? they anxiously handle the blade. i reach into a pocket. pull out my gun. they brought a knife to a gun fight. who’s getting dicked? who reigns supreme?

it’s actually like rock paper scissors. knife beats fist because you can cut them, gun beats knife because it’s longer range, and fist beats gun because you can put your finger in the gun hole to stop the bullets


So, Net Neutrality has officially been repealed. It was split 3-2.

Now you guys need to absolutely pummel your local congressional representatives with calls, letters, and protests until Congress steps its game up and fixes this so that the FCC can never do this again.

We watched as three men callously laughed about how silly they thought some of the calls were for not being eloquent enough for their taste. We watched as they lied about the internet, even when the truth was uttered minutes before.

Don’t let them have this win.

Make your representatives miserable until they fix this. The news will be worthless to you in the upcoming months, as every major news network is either owned by an ISP or has tangential business with ISPs. They all serve to profit on this. Fact check with extreme prejudice. Don’t stop until your internet is back to where it needs to be.


I don’t care if you’re far-left, far-right, or dead down the center. Do you want it to be where an ISP can choose to throttle access to Fox News or Breitbart on a whim? What about Vox? What if some bad reviews come out for a movie and Comcast throttles it to hide that? What if Netflix is throttled into oblivion so that Hulu becomes the only possible option for viewing? What if you go to start-up a new business and you’re told that you have to pay for the $500/mo “business package” in order to get higher than 0.3 Mbps traffic speeds to your site?

Nothing about this decision is going to benefit how you use the internet.You use it for paying bills, for doctors and hospitals, for school, for work, and for entertainment.

Don’t give up, guys!


Just to be clear, the FCC voted to repeal #NetNeutrality (which we already knew would happen) but Congress still hasn’t voted (which is what we’ve been campaigning for) 


You can also contact them by going through Resistbot  Text RESIST to 50409

SCRIPT: “ My name is X and I am a constituent in [ZIP CODE]. I’m calling to express my strong disapproval of the FCC’s move to roll back the 2015 net neutrality protections. I ask that [CONGRESSPERSON NAME] immediately work to use the Congressional Review Act to reverse this decision and preserve a free, open Internet that’s equally accessible to all.

If leaving a voicemail, give your full address so it can be recorded.  


If net neutrality disappears then that means only rich people will be able to access Tumblr so just to be safe we need to post memes that the rich people will like so we all have a chance at being Tumblr famous after we can’t afford the internet anymore


Here, I’ll start us off:


This is one of the most adorable comics I’ve ever read

I’ve been waiting for this to pop back up on my dashboard.. we are way too hard on ourselves.

This is so cute and inspirational I love it

A little story

mmmmmmmm i’m not gonna lie i saw the first panel and i thought it was gonna continue with ‘the world is gonna roll me’-


“Particularly damning is what today’s repeal will mean for marginalized groups, like communities of color, that rely on platforms like the internet to communicate, because traditional outlets do not consider their issues or concerns, worthy of any coverage. It was through social media that the world first heard about Ferguson, Missouri, because legacy news outlets did not consider it important until the hashtag started trending.” -  Mignon Clyburn, FCC Commissioner for Net Neutrality 


Today the FCC voted 3-2 to kill the net neutrality rules you helped pass back in 2015

Let’s not kid ourselves: This is a major setback in our fight for a free and open internet. But It’s not the end. Not for us, and we hope not for you. 

Net neutrality is too important to be subject to the whims of any administration. We need legislative action. 

Go to Battle For The Net to get connected directly to your Senators or Representatives. If we work together, we can get it done. Again! 

Here’s more from Commissioner Clyburn this morning:

I am optimistic, that we will look back on today’s vote as an aberration, a temporary deviation from the bipartisan path, that has served us so well. I don’t know whether this plan will be vacated by a court, reversed by Congress, or overturned by a future Commission. But I do believe that its days are numbered. (Verge)

BREAKING NEWS: The following states will join New York in suing the FCC to defend #NetNeutrality protections:













-North Carolina




If your state is not on this list, make it a top priority to call and pressure your representatives to support net neutrality and challenge the FCC’s decision. If your state is included on this list continue to call and encourage your representatives to support the voices of the people who elected them in the first place. Don’t stop calling, no matter what. Don’t stop talking about net neutrality. Don’t stop pressuring your elected officials to stand with the American people over the greed of a few large corporations. The only reason the FCC is even being sued is because there was enough public outrage to inspire all of these states to actually do something about it. Don’t let that passion die out, and they won’t either.


Yeah… this is abuse. The stranger with the styrofoam cup is correct.

I found the article, it’s as bad as you think it is:

“Being a psycho girlfriend is a unique kind of power that says A) you have absolute control over your happiness, even the happiness that comes from another person, and B) you’re pretty. When your boyfriend lets you get away with some next level crazy girl shit, he’s essentially saying that you’re pretty and he loves you. And sometimes you need to hear those things by any means necessary. So if you’re in a pinch, you should have some go-to fights to start, just for fun!”


hey everyone! if you so does literally any of these things, especially for the reasons listed in this ass backwards article, they are abusing you. do not stay with abusers.


The motion to repeal Net Neutrality has been passed in a 3-2 vote

Before everyone loses their shit, I will like to urge everyone to talk a deep breath and focus on the following:

1: This cannot go into immediate effect.

2: There is still many issues that WILL be addressed by the Congress, Supreme Court, and many other government officials have a current say in the false comments, stolen idenities, denial of public hearings, and many other issues that the FCC did not address.

3: CALL. YOUR. OFFICALS. Do NOT give up, just because the vote has passed, don’t you DARE stop. Make this shit go front-page, make some NOISE.



👆🏼👆🏼yES, this, don’t let them take our internet and get away with it👆🏼👆🏼

but also, I’m so aggravated because despite all of the uproar this has caused on the internet, despite the millions of people who contacting congressmen and gave their opinion, despite all of the input from the people, the government still does this shit. they aren’t listening to us. they don’t care about us. this only benefits them and large companies (from all I know). America has turned into a seriously corrupt system, and with this, it can’t “be great again”. they’re disregarding us, the PEOPLE, and I’m sick of it!

don’t ignore this. keep speaking up. it might have been repealed, but I refuse for this to be the end. we have to protect our internet!


Net Neutrality has been Repealed.

As predicted, all three men voted to dismantle the protections. Please go to their twitters and call them gopher fuckers.

You may panic, but be smart. There are plenty of lawsuits waiting in the wings. Net Neutrality repeals have failed twice before when taken to court. However- do not bank on it, there is always a chance for this slimy shit to slither right through.

What you should do right now is call Congress and tell them what you think.

If we are quick enough we can force them into using the CRA- the Congressional Review Act. You can tell them you want that. 

We have 60 days to do this.

You’ll see a script on your screen, or you can say something like this:

I support Title II net neutrality, and I urge you to use the Congressional Review Act to pass a “resolution of disapproval” reversing the FCC’s December vote to repeal the Open Internet Order.”

You also need to call your Senators and Representatives, especially if they received money from any telecom companies (Verizon, Comcast, AT&T and so on). Give. Them. Hell.

You can also Text “BATTLE” to 384-387 to use a simple chat-bot to send a message to your lawmakers.

Text “RESIST” to 50409 for ResistBot.

If you are outside of the US, consider donating to these organizations- they will continue the fight for the free internet.




With a vote 3-2, Net Neutrality was repealed

“What I am pleased to be able to say is the fight to save net neutrality does not end today. This agency does not have, the final word. Thank goodness.” - FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn

You heard the woman. The fight is NOT over. It does NOT end today. This agency does NOT have the final word. This initial repeal means we have to fight HARDER and without mercy. This repeal will go to Congress and they will have the final word to repeal Net Neutrality or to keep it.

THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY AND EVERYDAY UNTIL THE DAY THE COURTS DECIDE. Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel confirmed it at the hearing, our protesting does work! Clogging their phone lines, emails, and fax machines does get their attention! Use the sites you have been using like BattleForTheNet, SaveTheInternet, and continue to text RESIST to ResistBot At 50409, free of charge! (Despite the rumors of not doing this, THIS DOES STILL WORK) Send your personalized emails, whether long or short! Call your representative’s offices and read scripts found on the internet if you don’t know what to say! Non-Americans who want to help! CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE WORD OF WHAT TO DO! WORD OF MOUTH WORKS!



We managed to make the repeal of Obamacare such a hot button issue the GOP failed to get the votes needed to repeal it outright, so we can do this. We need to treat net neutrality the same way. Make it too hot to handle. Make congress hear us and make them unwilling to touch net neutrality. 


They’re going to try and kill him.

He’s probably already dead




seriously guys boost this

I don’t care if it looks ugly on your blogs THIS COULD POSSIBLY SAVE LIVES

Nigerians are about to save the world


Governments are gonna kill this guy.

his name is Maduike Ezeibe, a professor at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State. this is huge

The world won’t get serious about this unless a post goes viral and that’s sad af You rather talk about a vine video or popular culture ok that’s fine and all but there’s a cure for HIV/Aids and america is lying There is a cure for HIV/Aids and no one will spread the news for those who are diagnosed with it, so that THE WORLD COULD WAKE TF UP There is hope for those who have been diagnosed with a disease that may have given them 20 or so years to live For the first time in the history of the world there’s is a possible preventative cure for one of the most deadliest viral diseases

Most def had to reblog this. I’m supporting him 1000%

Repost & Save a Life!!!!!! Repost

There is hope .Amen Repost this would help a lot of people…

God bless this man. I hope this saves lives.


Reblog it saves lives


Ok, this was going to be for @bonnie-bombay ’s birthday, but I couldn’t post it on time, my apologies. I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to draw Bonnie with my OC since a long time ago, but well, I guess I was a bit shy to do it (well, too much shy). I tried my best drawing her, but keeping my style on, I don’t know how to explain this properly. But well, I just wanted to say: Happy Birthday!💜 *Bonnie Bombay belongs to @bonnie-bombay *That skunk with a purple dress that hasn’t got a name yet because I’m horrible giving name to my babies is mine :’^) Also, sorry for bad english ;; I tried (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

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