
Hell's Kitchens resident PI and ass-kicker



Like 60% of being a teen hero is screaming internally

eh, that’s about 60% of being an adult hero too

It should only be 60%?

You have to allow for the external screaming

once again @jessica-jones-memes is exactly right.

That's 60% of being!

what if you punch a bag instead of screaming

That's what we in the business call a "coping mechanism"

better than punching the wall

Only because you can't punch through the wall


One of my favorite things is when a character does or says something nice and they’re like “don’t tell anyone about this, I have a reputation” it’s so funny they’re literally like I’m okay with being nice but I draw the line at other people knowing that I’m nice

Other characters are like “I can’t let people know i did this thing that was a total dick move because they’ll think I’m a dick :(“ and these guys are like “I’ll do good things but only if I get no credit for it, it’s important to me that everyone continues to think I’m an absolute bastard”


manage expectations


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