
why do i put up with these clowns?

@natasharomanovamemequeen / natasharomanovamemequeen.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Steve, thoughts on the stupidity of anyone that angers Pepper and Natasha at the same time?

I mean, it’ll be a pretty brief stupidity before they disappear down a deep, dark hole. Barely even time to comment on it, really. It’s a good thing that Pepper and Natasha are patient women, honestly, or about half the male Avengers would still be missing. 


we’re just biding our time for sweet sweet revenge


A Note From Steve Mod

Hello, readers and fellow roleplayers! 

As you all may have noticed, my activity here has dropped off in the past few months, as I’ve been adjusting to a new job, a more active social life, and some other minor life changes. I hate to say it, but I haven’t really been able to devote much time to the Steve Blog, and I’ve felt bad about it, but these things do happen.

This is a sideblog attached to my regular tumblr, so I can’t give it away; anyway, I might still want to post here occasionally when I’m feeling funny :D But I can’t promise any kind of real or regular activity, and it feels selfish to sit on this character when someone else could be having fun with it.

So! While I will keep MemeCaptainSteveRogers and may even post by him occasionally, I want to make sure that folks in the shitmeme know if someone else wants to build a Steve shitmeme blog and start playing in, they’re welcome to do so and I won’t contravene them in the game. 

This has been a ton of fun, you guys, and I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to participate. Thank you all for a great run, and I hope to see you around in the future! 

I hope it’s okay that I hop on this to express that I’m in a similar situation and would like to extend a similar invitation.


Coming to the horrified realization that I was, in fact, An Urchin.


I am Groot?

That might have been better! 

It’s an Earth slang term for cheeky kids who grew up poor in the thirties. More like this: 

so were you the urchin singing “it’s a hard knock life” or were you the one singing “food glorious food”?


base jumping is fun. i like the rush when i pull the parachute and float safely to the ground. without smashing my face into the pavement. or sustaining lots of broken bones. or causing major property damage. steve.


two truths and a lie is less fun with spies, because as it turns out, we all lie all three times


it would almost be worth getting possessed by some weird space entity if it meant i didn’t have to wear a black leather catsuit in 100% humidity and 98 degree heat


i am carrying sixteen knives on my person and not even barnes knows where all of them are, but go ahead. steal that french fry. i’m sure it won’t end badly for you


the only super food i want in my fridge is the super large pizza from the joint down the street


that’s not my emotional support anything because i don’t have emotions. i’m not smiling. i have no idea what you’re talking about.

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