
your sunset lover

@multifxndomtrxsh / multifxndomtrxsh.tumblr.com

|Rye| |Proud Bi-Racial & Bi-Sexual| ☆Welcome to my Domain☆ ~ I write all sorts of stuff so take a look if you please ~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ  Masterlist


I haven't written a lot yet but I figured it'd be better to start now rather then later¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Steve Rogers x Reader

Where you Go I'll Follow (Dark!Steve x Reader) NSFW)

The Sooner The Better (Dark!Steve x Reader) Smut)

Right Here (Steve x Reader)Angst)

Not In Kansas Anymore (Steve x Reader) Smut) Halloween Special)

The Both of You (Steve x Reader) Fluff)

As Long As you Let Me (PreSerum! Steve x Reader) Angsty Fluff)

His Omega (Dark!Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader) Smut)

Your Alpha (Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader)Smut/Fluff) Part 2 to His Omega)

like nobody can, even better (Cheater! Steve x Reader) Angst)

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Coffee (Dark!CEO! Steve x Reader) Smut)

Life Could Be A Dream (Dark!Steve x Reader)

Bucky x Reader

Falling With Autum (Bucky x Mom! Reader) Fluff)

Closet Confessions (Post Endgame Bucky x Reader) Mostly Fluff)

The Little Things (Bucky x Deceased Reader, Platonic Stucky) Angst)

Instant Family (Dark!Bucky x Mom!Reader) NSFW)

Just a Hooker With a Pretty Smile (Dark!Bucky x Prostitute!Reader) Smut)

As Spring Turns To Summer (1940s! Bucky x Reader) Angst/Fluff)

Daddy's Little Princess (Dark!Bucky x Reader) DD/LG Smut)

Stucky x Reader

Moral Support (Possessive!Stucky x Reader) Smut)

A Ride For 3 (Dark!Stucky x Reader) Smut)

Through Thin Walls (Stucky x Reader)Neighbor AU)

Tony Stark x Reader

When You're Sober (Drunk!Tony x Reader) Fluff)

In Death You Leave Me (Tony x Deceased Reader) Angst)

Make You Mine (Tony x Bratty!Reader) Sfw)

An Innocent Man (Dark! Tony x Reader) Smut)

Natasha Romanoff x Reader

Little Dove (Dark!Natasha x Reader) Smut)

Peter Parker x Reader

Keep Forgiving You (Bestfriend!Peter x Reader) Platonic Fluff)

The Best That I Can Be (Dark!College Student!Peter x Professor!Reader) Smut)

God Only Knows (Dark!Peter x Reader) Gore/Angst)

Avengers x OFC

The Breeding Program: {Teaser} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}

Other Fandoms:


You Belong to Me (Dark!Curtis Everette x Plus Sized! Reader)Smut)

Knives Out-

Play Pretend (Ransom Drysdale x Reader) Fake Relationship)

Anonymous asked:

Hey! I am a new writer who's exploring a/b/o and am so confused. I read His Omega by multifxndomtrxsh and it was different. Going Against Nature by gotnofucks was also different concept. Claimed by cherienyphe was ALSO different. 8th World Wonder by multi-fandom-imagine too was different. And you've got an absolutely out of box concept too. Just wondering if there is a fix way with abo? (Thank you for writing, also shout out to above authors) sorry...I don't wanna bother but am just confused

First shout out to the writers listed here from the anon. @multifxndomtrxsh @gotnofucks @cherienymphe @multi-fandom-imagine

You are not a bother at all. 

I think there is a lot of flex with anything we write. You said we're all very different (I have to go do some reading because I'm a sucker for A/B/O) in the way we describe our verses. I imagine we just take the basics and then morph them into what we enjoy or picture in our minds. 

Personally, I don't think there is a wrong way, whatever you imagine, write that version out. That's what this is all about after all. No one can make a story quite like anyone else. In the time I’ve been here, I’ve had the pleasure of reading all sorts of different versions of ABO vibes, and have really enjoyed the differences in the stories compared to the similarities. 

I hope this isn't just a rambling hot mess and makes sense to what you were asking. 


First I’d like to thank this anon for reading my fic and remembering, like jeez! I’m honored to have made an impression on you lol. But like @sweater-daddiesdumbdork said there is no wrong way. Some a/b/o has characters set as werewolves/shapeshifters. Some (as mine) has characters as enhanced humans with special traits that classify them as Alpha, Beta, or Omega. It’s whatever you’re more comfortable with or whatever fits your story better.

If you ever want to talk a fic out feel free to message me anytime! I’m not super experienced but I’m always willing to listen to any thoughts or ideas!


Will you still be continuing Instant Family ?? 🥺


Once I start getting into the flow of writing again I have plans to continue working on this fic and a few other things, but I can’t promise that it’ll be the first thing done or when it will happen. But I promise I’ll get back to it! Thank you for your support❤️


To anyone who’s wondering where I’ve been for the past month or two:

Hey guys it’s me, still alive and well (besides a small cold). I’m sorry for just disappearing like that. Like I posted my last fic and I haven’t really been active since. I’m not gonna lie, I still open the app daily, check notifications, and read a few fics here and there, but I haven’t opened any of my drafts or started a new fic since the end of July.

I’m not sure what caused this lack of motivation to write bc it hasn’t happened to me for a long time. I think it may have to do with the fact that like an overeager idiot I signed up for too many challenge fics and ended up stressing myself out about them to the point where writing wasn’t fun anymore. I joined like 6-7 total and I think I only completed 3. So that’s really my fault for getting ahead of myself, but I don’t think I’ll be completing the challenges at all. Just looking at the drafts makes me want to not write. I apologize to all of the users who’s challenges I joined and will not be able to finish, as most of you are people I consider friends I’m so sorry for not doing what I said I was going to do. I think that maybe one day I will finish them, but I can’t right now.

I’m not here to just complain and give a long list of reasons of why I haven’t been writing, but I do want to explain that I have things that have been stopping me lately. Very few people knew this, but my mother is currently pregnant and is due sometime in November. As her oldest child a lot of new responsibilities have been placed on me and I’m often busy helping her with things or doing things that she’d normally do but can’t right now.

And while things are starting to open back up and close back down at a confusing rate, I am considered an essential worker so I still work a part time job. Not to mention that I started my fall semester of online classes four weeks ago and I’m currently super stressed about that too.

These all may sound like petty reasons or dumb things to some of y’all who’ve gone through so much, but it’s a lot for me. So I’m trying to take things one day at a time and do the things that everyone else needs from me first before I do something that I want. But I hoping that I’ll find some time on my hands soon to work on some new fics or new parts to older ones.

Idk how many people are actually gonna read this but if y’all did thanks lol. Hopefully you guys will hear from me again soon in the notes section of a new fic.


Guys, please.. I need help..

My friend @ihelpanyoneinneed is suicidal right now..


We made a deal..

Please.. I don’t want to loose them..

Tagging people to help:

I’m sorry for tagging you guys, I just need this to be rbed…

I’m going to keep boosting this-

Welp, time to boost @yo-it-dey @launchsteinward @im-the-trash-man @popiplant @Fucking anybody-



Every day is another day worth living.

Rebloged to the wrong page so I’m gonna reblog again!!


Hey, can i have a couple of more days for your challenge. I wrote a story and hated it so I want to redo it. I actually thought of something I liked right as I wrote this🤣 my writers block has been weird


Absolutely!! I understand this feeling more than you even know😂 I have like 4 challenge fics sitting in my drafts right now because of different writer’s block and set backs. You can have as much time as you need, just write something you can be proud of! It’s so important to be able to love your own work before sharing it with anyone else. I can’t wait to see what you come up with☺️


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

  1. She ain’t no games in real life so I take her serious all the time
  2. Anyone with a name that starts with a “Z”, ends with an “i”, and isn’t some kind of Italian pasta, IS SERIOUS
  3. I’m not climbing no mountain with a pig on my back, 🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿 Negative.

Nope. I know better, have your reblog Madame Zeroni.


who the fuck is Madame Zeroni

Look at these stupid children who don’t know who Madame Zeroni is


Man lissen if you don’t know you better ask somebody AFTER you hit the reblog button

Idk who she is but I have an exam today so I’ll reblog her

idk who she is but i have an exam today so i’ll reblog her

^Haiku^bot^0.4. Sometimes I do stupid things (but I have improved with syllables!). Beep-boop!


Because wise, I am.

Oh fucks no she’s back lmao must reblog. I’m sorry guys


2 million people aren’t wrong

Zeroni sounds like a fancy kind of pasta :’) im so sorry


Ooc/ I love this book and movie so much oh my god

This post was liked when it appeared on my dash, so I know I’ve reblogged, but I’m not about to mess with her!

Also, these poor youths who have no idea 😭


This is a movie that has stayed with me into adulthood. 🤞🏻

AHHH this was such a distant memory in my brain, took me like ten minutes to realize where I recognized her from!!!

Man even in the 5th grade when I read the book, I knew that they shouldn’t have played her👊 They paid the price smh and I’m not about that lifestyle so reblog


You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are loved. Not a forward. Just sending my love. 💖


You’re absolutely too sweet! It’s crazy because you’re always sending me good vibes and love when I need it the most without me saying ANYTHING! It’s like you just know or something😭

I hope you know that I love and adore you so much, I’m just awkward and never know if I should say something or not lol. But trust and believe when I say at least once a day I’m thinking of one of your amazing fics💕 I hope your weekend is wonderful and filled with great things! You’re so awesome and you definitely deserve it❤️❤️


I’m right and I should say it

Wait. How are peoples with siblings greeting eachother then?



“greetings, whore”

“[fortnite dances]”

[silent nod]

[attack crouch]

[wierd noise]

[wierd noise back]

“where’s the fucking cheese?”

“the dog ate it.”

*start hitting each other as greetings*

“*sings old country music*”

“Get the fuck out.”

“why are you in my room?”

“fuck you, that’s why.”

[source: a conversation between me and my half brother.]


*plays rock music*

“Turn that sh*t off and hear this! *plays rap music*

*sighs* “get out”

“Your hair looks weird”

“I hate your music”

Source: things my brother and i have said to each other


“No shut the fuck up and give me my notebook back”

“Down with capitalism”

“What the fuck do you want communist scum”


“Fuck you”

*ruffles hair*


“No, bitch.”

“Hello,Brother!” In the most dramatic voice possible

Me: Hey, Pissbaby.

My Sister: Shut the fuck up, you bully. (Starts doing the Gabbie Hanna villain monologue)

Me: (starts interpretive dancing)

My Brother: (joins in dancing)

Brother: *Enters the room playing loud music*

Me: *hisses loudly* TURN THAT SHIT DOWN OR SO HELP ME—


My big sister: another creeper? You fucking suck

Me: Did you take my earbuds?

My 13 year old sister: Why would I take your earbuds when I have three pairs of my own, you broke BENCH? (She says bench instead of Bitch)


Me: Hey the dog peed, can you clean it?

My 11 year old brother: I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING, JESUS!

Also Also-

Me: Hey Buddy! Daddy told me you wanted to call!

My 5 year old brother: *screaming* nooooOoOOOOOOO! *runninh away from facetime*


I’m right and I should say it

Wait. How are peoples with siblings greeting eachother then?



“greetings, whore”

“[fortnite dances]”

[silent nod]

[attack crouch]

[wierd noise]

[wierd noise back]

“where’s the fucking cheese?”

“the dog ate it.”

*start hitting each other as greetings*

“*sings old country music*”

“Get the fuck out.”

“why are you in my room?”

“fuck you, that’s why.”

[source: a conversation between me and my half brother.]


*plays rock music*

“Turn that sh*t off and hear this! *plays rap music*

*sighs* “get out”

“Your hair looks weird”

“I hate your music”

Source: things my brother and i have said to each other


“No shut the fuck up and give me my notebook back”

“Down with capitalism”

“What the fuck do you want communist scum”


“Fuck you”

*ruffles hair*


“No, bitch.”

“Hello,Brother!” In the most dramatic voice possible

Me: Hey, Pissbaby.

My Sister: Shut the fuck up, you bully. (Starts doing the Gabbie Hanna villain monologue)

Me: (starts interpretive dancing)

My Brother: (joins in dancing)

Brother: *Enters the room playing loud music*

Me: *hisses loudly* TURN THAT SHIT DOWN OR SO HELP ME—


My big sister: another creeper? You fucking suck

Me: Did you take my earbuds?

My 13 year old sister: Why would I take your earbuds when I have three pairs of my own, you broke BENCH? (She says bench instead of Bitch)


MCU Dark Library Kink Challenge


August/September 2020 Coming Soon


What Do I Do?

This is up to you! We will accept drabbles, six sentences, long stories, short stories, even mood boards! We want to showcase any and all creative endeavours. Just make sure you tag us and send us a DM with a link to your entry because notifications are unreliable at best. More importantly have fun.

Who Can I Write For?

We are actually looking to expanding the library so you are welcome to enter stories involving characters played by MCU actors such as Charles Blackwood or Curtis Everett. We see those dark Ransom fics and we are here for it!

What Tag Should I Use?


How Dark Is Too Dark?

Please tag your stuff. We see a lot of dark hate on this site, so we ask you to please just tag tag tag. We will not accept underage, incest, child rape or beastiality fics.

Can I Collaborate With Someone?

Absolutely. We love a good partnership!

How Long Will I Have?

The challenge will run for the entire month, HOWEVER, you are more than welcome to put your entry in late. Just make sure you tag and message us!

I Already Have A Story Covering These Kinks. Can I Enter That?

Absolutely. We want people to see these hot kinks in all their glory! Just send us the link and we will add it to the master list.

Kink of the Month Announcement August/September

The sleeping princess syndrome, a paraphilia of the marauding/predatory type in which erotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on intruding on and awakening a sleeping stranger with erotic caresses, including oral sex, not involving force or violence from Latin, somnus, sleep + -philia). 

There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of being the recipient, which occurs more readily in fantasy than in actuality. See also sleeping princess (or prince) syndrome; (adjective, somnophilic): the condition in which a person is dependent on intruding upon and fondling a partner who is a stranger asleep, or fantasizing doing so, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm. (Urban Dictionary)

Hmmm maybe I can whip something up for this...🤔



Okay now I’m mad because of how accurate this is😡 No one told y’all to know me this well😭

I can tell y’all too, when I was little I was one of those kids who used the word “gay” as an adjective for anything. Like when I was mad about something I’d be like “man this is so gay” in a negative way, because I heard all of my older cousins say it too.

Then I entered middle school where I learned that my entire friend group was made up of bisexuals and a pansexual. I was like yeah these guys are great why did I ever think there was something wrong with this. I also started joining fandoms and became a shipper, I was all for the yaoi and gay ships. I was like yeah this is groovy I’m gonna support y’all as much as I can. I wore flannels buttoned all the way to top and unconsciously flirted with girls and boys alike. On multiple occasions my mother accused me of liking girls but I refused it each time because i didn’t know myself and I didn’t want anyone to tell me.

And then came highschool, and I had this epiphany when I started watching this one girl on Tik Tok. Her cute little gap and freckled face made my heart race and I’d squeal every time she did something cute. I realized that- holy shit! IM KIND OF GAY and yeah. That’s cool.

I’ve talked a little bit about my bisexuality on this app because it’s the only platform where none of my family are here to see what I post. I don’t think I’m in a position where my whole family would disown me for coming out, but I feel like there would be some disappointment of my grandparents who are highly religious and not quite as progressive. I’ve come out to my mom, my boyfriend, my younger sister, some of my friends, and my most trusted cousin. I never picture myself ending up married to a woman so it doesn’t feel like something I should blindside my family with.

I think I can live a happy life without telling the whole world, but sometimes i wish that I didn’t have to come out. I wish that we could just love who we love and no one would think twice about it. Let’s hope homophobia dies out as well as racism and sexism over the next few generations...


The Perfect Life

Part One of Three

Summary- 1.7k Dark!Steve x You x Dark!Bucky. You are a naive woman living her life. Till two super soldiers decide that you would be perfect. For them, You were the final piece in The Perfect Life, after all this time, don’t they deserve it? Warnings- Non Con, swearing, some knife play, bondage, oral sex (m/f) threats, breeding kink, manipulation, threesomes. If I missed anything, let me know. 

A/N- Written for @nsfwsebbie​ Birthday Challenge (Happy Birthday fellow Leo! I hope you have a great day babygirl) . My prompt was for @multifxndomtrxsh​: Well then I’d have to say, my dream fic would be a dark Stucky x reader fic with lots and lots of breeding kink where they just want the reader to have their kids and be the perfect house wife for them. Babes, I hope this fits what you were looking for. Honestly Dark writing is a challenge for me, but fuck it, lets give it a shot. XD  I will be posting the next couple chapters over the next couple days. 

Steve rubbed a hand through his beard as he remained crouched on the rooftop, watching the top floor apartment windows.

How dangerous you lived, so trusting and innocent. Leaving all your lights on, curtains opened, and running around in those cute pale green panties and sleeper tank without a care. Like you were actually safe all the way up there. Didn’t you know how people worked? Staying in the shadows looking for there victim. So naive, so perfect. Steve could vision him and Bucky taking you so sweetly apart till you were crying for a release. “What do you think Buck?” Steve asked softly, but he knew the answer.

“She’s perfect, a Real Doll.” his companion lowered the binoculars he was using to get a better view of you. You were just digging in the freezer, and the cold air had filtered through your tank to harden your nipples, that so deliciously grazed in peaks through your tank that the soldier couldn’t help but drag his teeth over his bottom lip. “And easy fucking access to. Go right down the fire escape onto her landing. The Doll even left her window cracked for us.”

Ah! This was amazing!!!!! Are you really gonna post more parts?! If so I can’t wait and hope you’ll tag me and every one of them!😍 I loved this so much, I’m so thankful that such a wonderful writer got my fic request and got to turn it into something so delicious!🥵 Thank you so much!!!❤️❤️


Play Pretend

Summary: After nearly 2 decades without seeing the Thrombey family, you return to the estate to visit Harlan on the day of his 85th birthday party. After you spend the evening reminiscing, on your way out you bump into someone you weren’t expecting. Ransom. And after one brief interaction, he’s asking for your help.

Word Count: Roughly 5,500

Paring: Ransom Drysdale x Reader, Fake Relationship

Warnings: mentions of loss, some sketchy choices, some swears and a bit of a cliffhanger. But nothing terrible.

Notes: This is my first submission for @cevansgirl ‘s writing challenge! She’s a sweetheart and has some of the most amazing Chris Evans fics! If you guys are thirsting for that gorgeous man you should go check her out!!! So I haven’t posted in a minute and that’s because of things happening at home, I’m sorry about that :/ I have lots of new ideas in my drafts but I’m gonna finish up these challenge fics before I move on to anything else. I’m thinking maybeee a part 2 to this fic? Maybe even a part 3? Let me know what you guys think, hope you enjoy 😊

You sit in the driver’s seat of your parked car with a murky feeling in your stomach. You’re normally not such an anxious person, but thinking about a reunion like this had dizzy butterflies whizzing around your belly. You aren’t exactly nervous for what’s to come, just a bit on edge.

After taking a calming breath you pull the keys out of the ignition and shove them in your purse. You know these people. At one point they were like your second family, there’s no need to be so uneasy. In one swift motion you open your car do and step out, closing it behind you with a quiet thud.

You walk the familiar stone driveway while your eyes scanned the house. A wave of nostalgia settles over you as you take in the many features of the old Victorian home. It looks the same as it did all those years ago. You can’t help the sad smile that appears on your face.

Each of your steps seem to alternate between confident and wobbly, one moment it’s like nothing has changed and the next it feels like everything is different. But it seems like that’s what time does to things.

With a tingly sensation working it way through your body you use the front of your knuckle to rap on the door. You wait a moment, wondering if you had knocked hard enough to be heard over the noise of the party when a woman with beautiful tan skin and dark eyes opens the door. She gives you a sweet, gentle smile.

“You must be Y/N.” She opens the door to welcome you into the house. “Harlan has been waiting for you.” Her words send another burst of butterflies through your tummy.


Play Pretend

Summary: After nearly 2 decades without seeing the Thrombey family, you return to the estate to visit Harlan on the day of his 85th birthday party. After you spend the evening reminiscing, on your way out you bump into someone you weren’t expecting. Ransom. And after one brief interaction, he’s asking for your help.

Word Count: Roughly 5,500

Paring: Ransom Drysdale x Reader, Fake Relationship

Warnings: mentions of loss, some sketchy choices, some swears and a bit of a cliffhanger. But nothing terrible.

Notes: This is my first submission for @cevansgirl ‘s writing challenge! She’s a sweetheart and has some of the most amazing Chris Evans fics! If you guys are thirsting for that gorgeous man you should go check her out!!! So I haven’t posted in a minute and that’s because of things happening at home, I’m sorry about that :/ I have lots of new ideas in my drafts but I’m gonna finish up these challenge fics before I move on to anything else. I’m thinking maybeee a part 2 to this fic? Maybe even a part 3? Let me know what you guys think, hope you enjoy 😊

You sit in the driver's seat of your parked car with a murky feeling in your stomach. You're normally not such an anxious person, but thinking about a reunion like this had dizzy butterflies whizzing around your belly. You aren't exactly nervous for what's to come, just a bit on edge.

After taking a calming breath you pull the keys out of the ignition and shove them in your purse. You know these people. At one point they were like your second family, there's no need to be so uneasy. In one swift motion you open your car do and step out, closing it behind you with a quiet thud.

You walk the familiar stone driveway while your eyes scanned the house. A wave of nostalgia settles over you as you take in the many features of the old Victorian home. It looks the same as it did all those years ago. You can't help the sad smile that appears on your face.

Each of your steps seem to alternate between confident and wobbly, one moment it's like nothing has changed and the next it feels like everything is different. But it seems like that's what time does to things.

With a tingly sensation working it way through your body you use the front of your knuckle to rap on the door. You wait a moment, wondering if you had knocked hard enough to be heard over the noise of the party when a woman with beautiful tan skin and dark eyes opens the door. She gives you a sweet, gentle smile.

"You must be Y/N." She opens the door to welcome you into the house. "Harlan has been waiting for you." Her words send another burst of butterflies through your tummy.


Not Your Forever

Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader

Word Count: 1,740

Summary: Steve Rogers made a choice…and it wasn’t you.

Part of you had known from the beginning that your relationship with Steve was doomed to fail. You ignored that nagging voice in your mind though because you were happy. He gave you hope, even with how dark the world had been. He made you laugh and smile like no one else could. And you thought that maybe…you were enough for him. But you never were. 

How could you be enough when his heart was never yours? His heart had already been given away long ago. It was easy to blame yourself for getting in too deep, but you never thought he would have a chance to go back. And…you naively never thought he would take the opportunity if it came up. 

The moment he asked to talk to you alone before returning the stones, you knew. It was the beginning of the end. He paced slowly as he tried to speak. Silently, you waited until you couldn’t take the quiet any longer.

“You’re not coming back…are you?”

Steve slowly shook his head as he faced you. “No…I’m not.”

You nodded as tears filled your eyes. “So…this is it then, is it?”

“It’s…I never meant to hurt you,” he swore when you began to cry.

“Yes, you did,” you whispered. 

“No,” he said, looking stricken as he dropped down in front of you and took your hand. “The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. If I had met you first…”

You quickly pulled your hand away. “So because you met her FIRST, that makes a difference? You said she had a life. A family. She moved on.”

Steve’s jaw clenched a bit, not responding.

“She’s good enough to have a life with, but I’m not?” you asked as you began to openly sob. “Why am I not enough?”



inspired by (x)


When you’ve been abused by a parent like that dealing with anything afterwords is terrifying.

I can only imagine the emotions Zuko was feeling when he apologised to Iroh there. 

^This is one of the reasons that I think going in to apologize to Iroh is one of the bravest things that Zuko’s ever done, because of how much it must have terrified him to do so (Iroh would never hurt Zuko like that, but that fear had to have been at the top of Zuko’s mind at this moment)

And why I love Iroh so, so much for being who he is. 

I think this puts me even more in my feels when I think about the fact that all Zuko ever wanted was his father’s approval. After disappointing him he just to regain his honor and be accepted and loved. And the only way he could do that was by doing something outrageous and completely difficult. His father never actually expected him to catch the Avatar, so he was entirely okay with leaving his son in exile.

But Iroh was always willing to give Zuko the love he deserved. Iroh treated Zuko like the son he had lost, because Iroh understood the importance of family and loving those around you more than anyone, as his son was taken away from him at the hands of war. So even though Zuko had wronged Iroh by turning his back on him, Iroh still forgave him. Because Iroh loves Zuko like his own son, and Iroh knew that Zuko was grasping at straws, trying to earn his father’s love back. Iroh knew that life was too short to not forgive.


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