
Art? Art...

@kingclowsif / kingclowsif.tumblr.com

He/They Artist


I made some cute stamp pride stickers this year, partially because I've been meaning to open a sticker shop and partially because the idea of fruit and flower stamps colored by pride flags was TOO good to pass up!

If you wanna help out a fellow queer creative out and get some SUPER cute waterproof holographic stickers in the process for only $6, check out my ko-fi shop!

These are sent out in regular USPS mail so no tracking but it also means free shipping, and yes that includes outside of the US!


check out these amazing pride fruit stamps my friend is selling!! For if your feeling, fruity ;)


Artistic rendition of a real moment from my friend and I playing minecraft. We were bed-strip-mining in the nether and I was on Lava Watch. I had already missed one exactly prior to this moment, so my friend thought I was kidding to make up for it.

Is this good art? Who knows, but it makes me giggle so enjoy-


I have had this character for over a decade and honestly, this is the first time I've drawn a proper ref for her. I've drawn her lots, sure, but nothing as clear and concise as this.

This is my bunny girl Rei! She has a magic called "Blank Magic" which allows her to basically erase things from existance. Yes, its very dangerous and she does struggle to control it, especially when she's emotional.

Her toy bunny was made by her adoptive father. She refuses to be seperated from it.


Today on fusions: some of my lil guys I kept. Well, most of them. Mr. Swaggins I gifted to my friend bc I didn't know what to do with him but my friend loved him. I wanted him to have a good home, my little freak of a pokeman =w=

Crystal Rain and Spirited I initially made years ago, way back in yonder days of highschool. Still love them though.

Leedol was a challenge with my friend to both create a snomver (Snom Snover) and we kept them. They are siblings now.

Kihar was just me indulging in my appletun love. His name is because low key he looks like a kingdom hearts character-

Mr. Swaggins was when I was doing fusions based on wondertrades in ScarVio. What an icon.


I spent way to long on this. Not because it was complicated, thoguh partially that too, but simply because I kept procrastinating drawing Hodari. I'm not well versed in tired old men, but I did it.

The market is over and man, I miss the hot pot game. Played an insane amount of that game.

The human in the image is my Palia OC and yes I chose Hodari, I literally was holding out on the chance they added him as a romance option and I am so glad they did. I am V normal about that game I promise-

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