
partners in crime

@romuses-blog / romuses-blog.tumblr.com

multi-muse blog! may add more as i see fit blog created: 5/22/17 written by Ro

i think im gonna remake again lmao 

(i keep abandoning my blogs i know)

lms if we’re currently mutuals or if you want me to check out your blog when i remake and i’ll IM you!


that being said i really need to work on my character descriptions for this blog


i like how my oc sideblog is mostly just reblogs of various aesthetics


so i’m not totally gone from this blog but school is starting up in a couple weeks, so if i do any rps, they probably won’t be too lengthy unless there are one or two rps that i decide to put all my time and energy into


PSA;; RE: Mutuals Only

if someone says their blog is mutuals only or they’re doing something like a starter call and say “like this for a starter (mutuals only)” they literally mean mutuals only. it’s doesn’t mean non mutuals like this post anyway and I might make you a mutual – it means mutuals only

when a non-mutual likes something that says mutuals only it can be really annoying/disrespectful for the mun to have to deal with and it will probably make that mun want to consider being in a mutual following with you even LESS. it will make the mun feel like their rules are not being listened to and that they are not being listened to.

 and it’s very easy to check if you are in mutuals with a person – just go and see if they are following you and before you try to interact with someone who is mutuals only. it only takes a minute or two and will save both you and the other mun from an awkward situation.

tl;dr if someone says mutuals only they mean it so respect that


REMEMBER KIDS !!   some very important relationships are PLATONIC.   some are maternal, paternal, friendships, siblingships.   they do not all have to revolve around romantic/sexual attraction.   please don’t ever think that i wouldn’t write with you if you didn’t want to bring a romantic/sexual ship to the table. I LOVE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS.   THEY ARE UNDERRATED, UNDER EXPLORED, AND LOOKED PAST WAY TOO OFTEN.    THEY CAN BE THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP TO A CHARACTER.   PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

this is a blog that will not judge you based on your ability to be grammatically correct / fluent in the english language. meaning, if you’re having difficulty replying to a thread because of language barriers — i will be 100% empathetic. meaning, i won’t reblog posts critically bashing roleplayers based on their writing style, because i don’t know the struggles that each person goes through in regards to writing. meaning, i won’t nitpick little grammatical errors in your reply.
please don’t ever feel inferior because english is your second language or you have a disability that keeps you from formulating “the perfect sentence.” the fact that you’re trying is enough, and you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. 

Being a good RP partner

So I saw this thing going around and it made me think about just what it means to be a good RP Partner. These are my thoughts. Feel free to add to or disagree. But I think these are key.

  1. Take interest in each other’s characters.  You mutually appreciate each other’s characters. You understand your character enough to talk about little headcanons and backstory pieces and you ask about your partner’s.  There is sincere interest on both sides.
  2. Have your own story. Be able to keep your story going on your own. If the other person has to leave for RL, your characters should be able to stand on their own. Each should keep their own identity within the relationship and story.
  3. Make time for each other, together and apart. You honor commitments and make adequate time for each other to RP in whatever medium you have chosen. You are respectful of other commitments (RL or other) that you each have. You spend quality time together doing things that are mutually fulfilling as well as quality time apart doing what is important to you individually.
  4. Be genuine. Be authentic. Show your true colors always. You encourage each other to grow and change. In other words, you inspire each other to be better.
  5. Communicate. Discuss when something is bothering you.  Whether it is the story line, a change to the character, or even the amount of time spent together. Be honest with each other when feeling out of sorts. A strong sense of trust is built between you. Openly discuss everything—the good, the bad, and the ugly. There is no hidden agenda and no secrets about the story, goals, or challenges. Listening carefully with undivided attention is essential to real understanding.
  6. Give feedback. Share your positive and constructive thoughts on how things are going, on writings, and be accepting in return.
  7. Share the spotlight. Make time for each character to develop equally. Each of you contributes your fair share to the relationship, whatever that happens to be. Each partner brings their best strengths and abilities for the benefit of the “team.“
  8. Be Respectful. Be nice to each other. Be on the same page in terms of your basic values and story goals. Know what each wants out of the story, what each person’s common goals are, what each of you wish to accomplish. Be committed to achieving these together. Each person feels safe communicating personal needs and wants. Time is set aside to discuss issues. You respect each other’s differences even if you disagree on important issues. And you are able to turn your differences into fair compromise.
  9. IC stays IC. While discussing OOCly the actions taken IC and how they make you feel is important. It is also important to remember IC is just the story you are telling.
  10. Meet new people. Its okay to RP with new people and even introduce them into your story. The story is richer the more details and people help add details.

(Thanks to @high-inquisitor and @enigmatic-elegance specifically for inspiring this.)


did you know… that you can like a villainous character… without trying to erase the fact that they’re a villain??? you can appreciate a dynamic and well-written villain while acknowledging the fact that they are evil and have done terrible things…. liking a villain doesn’t mean that you condone their actions…. AND you can definitely like a villain without wanting them to be “redeemed” by being forced into an unhealthy and out of character relationship with one of the heroes…… wow….. who knew…… 



who’d want to rp with any of them without knowing shit 

unless u wanna IM me i’ll be glad to tell u what i can


i want to use kail/ey flyte as a face claim for one of my ocs but most of her posts are made on her own blog and idk if i can use her or not??

she’s really pretty tbh

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