@perceivedinexcess / perceivedinexcess.tumblr.com

the person you seek no longer dwells here. why do you traverse this grave?

figured that since this is still my base blog an actual pinned post might not be a bad idea

I am an adult

I no longer use this blog, though others on the account are still in use

literally why would you stay here this blog is v v dead


just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.

for those of you who don't know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.

autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie 'inspiring' and important' and it's absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.

💛 - your local actually autistic pal

p.s. please, please reblog if you aren't autistic.


Anyway, daily reminder from a culturally isolated Romani person.

Gypsy does not mean wanderer.

It literally means ‘people from egypt’ or similar, as europeans believed Romani people were from Egypt. It has become known similar to nomad due to how our ancestors have been forced to be nomadic due to racism and ostracization, but it is a SLUR.

Romani people are STILL being forcibly sterilized.

Romani people are STILL being forced into ghettos.

Romani people are still facing violence and danger in countless European countries- and recently, I’ve seen the beginnings of the extremes in the United States.


And for the love of whatever’s up there, ESPECIALLY do not use it to describe your witchcraft. It is playing on the ‘magic gypsy’ trope, and is EXTREMELY insulting.

non romani people, please reblog this.


considering it's black history month, UNFRIENDLY reminder that police brutality and racism aren't magically gone just because joe biden's the president now. keep the energy you did for george floyd, breonna taylor, sandra bland, ahmaud arbery, atatiana jefferson, and many many more these next four years. there's still so much work that needs to be done. we CANNOT give up.


Hey, so they’re making a Netflix Harry Potter.

With that in mind, we’re all gonna remember that JKR is a terf who has literally been cited by legislators engaged in legislation that actively harms trans people, and we’re not gonna give her any more money.

That means not streaming the new show on Netflix, because regardless of how much influence she has on the production, she gets paid for it.

We’re gonna make the show flop. We’re gonna show Warner Brothers that we don’t forget (of course, how would we forget, it isn’t as if she’s stopped), and that their business association with terfs is no longer profitable.

It is NOT like Lovecraft, because Lovecraft is very dead and his works are in the public domain. By consuming Lovecraft media, you are not giving any money to old Howard.

I’m an autistic adult who was a little girl crazy in love with the Harry Potter series. I’ve come to an understanding that not only is supporting it bad, but much of the source material—the attempted HIV/AIDS parallels, the attempted racism parallels, the antisemitism, the way the house elves were pulled off…—was actually bad. It hasn’t stopped privately holding a place in my heart, privately enough that I feel weird posting this. I think other people who relate to it in that private way need to understand. We’re not giving JKR money today. Without having seen this TV series yet, there’s nothing to have latched onto. There’s no reason not to stay away. Bundle up and reread your books if they’re comfort material, but we’re not looking at the show on Netflix even to hatewatch. If we pirate it, we’re not making gifsets or w/e and building other people’s interest in watching. No one is emotionally attached to the Harry Potter Television Show™ fandom yet, and it’s entirely within our power to keep it that way. You don’t need to watch it. Notice how more and more places seem to be platforming JKR now that she’s an active transphobe? Notice how last time we all got mad at her they ran all 8 Harry Potter movies on television, like, within the week? Just reread your old books and don’t watch. You’re not attached yet. There’s no reason. If you want to see new interpretations of the characters, I highly recommend ArchiveOfOurOwn or fanfiction.net for that.


actually, yes, i do think it’s time to stop putting sexism and racism in your high fantasy books

If you can believe in dragons, you can believe in a society where gender and race aren’t used as excuses to treat people like shit.

If you want to oppress your fictional masses, find a more creative reason.


you don’t have to cancel everyone the second they misstep or do something dumb but you also DON’T have to defend everything that your fave does. you can say “hey this particular thing sucked” without getting into this all-or-nothing mentality. you are not an extension of the things you like. you can think freely and criticize the things (and people) that you like, and a criticism of something you like is not something that you should take personally or feel the need to correct/defend.


Holy Shit


I know it's visible on the screen but if you cannot see her name that is Adanna Madueke. She's a natural hair influencer.

Even if you don't have curly, coily, or kinky hair I highly recommend watching these influencers. Not only are a lot of them innovative, like this woman, but you will learn a lot more about how Black hair works. There is not nearly enough education about how our hair works, and most people without this kind of hair are clueless.

I suggest adanna, Naptural85, Kimberly Cherell , NaturalReign , StarPuppy, Chev B, MsNaturallyMary, Loveth Speaks , EvaniwithaV ,Eugenia Kelcy, TheChicNatural, WillonaWhim , GreenBeauty, Curly Chemistry, VivHairTherapy and Bianca Renee Today. These are people of different genders, hair types, and methods. Protective styles or wash and go people. People doing g it cor fun and actual chemists. Because there is no one size fits all. There are also thousands more, but these were the first people I thought of. Take this as your chance to learn something new


Hey, so they’re making a Netflix Harry Potter.

With that in mind, we’re all gonna remember that JKR is a terf who has literally been cited by legislators engaged in legislation that actively harms trans people, and we’re not gonna give her any more money.

That means not streaming the new show on Netflix, because regardless of how much influence she has on the production, she gets paid for it.

We’re gonna make the show flop. We’re gonna show Warner Brothers that we don’t forget (of course, how would we forget, it isn’t as if she’s stopped), and that their business association with terfs is no longer profitable.

It is NOT like Lovecraft, because Lovecraft is very dead and his works are in the public domain. By consuming Lovecraft media, you are not giving any money to old Howard.


So apparently the US military is buying location data about Muslims using Muslim prayer and Dating apps - so to my fellow Muslims: 


(If you’re not Muslim you’re free to rb) 


say it louder

somehow this post made it to terfs and transphobes who think this means “men who think they’re women are a harmful to women” or “identifying as nonbinary is harmful to [binary] trans people” etc. which is NOT WHAT IT MEANS. the poster of the tweet is nonbinary and trans, and i am nonbinary and trans (and trans women are women, trans men are men, nonbinary identities are valid, etc). 

This tweet means that trans identities and pronouns are valid and should be talked about as such. Language matters. I don’t “identify as nonbinary,” I AM nonbinary. I don’t “prefer they/them pronouns,” they/them ARE my pronouns. “Identify as” and “prefer” leave room for doubt and debate, and trans identities are not up for debate.

To reiterate: “Identify as” and “prefer” leave room for doubt and debate, and trans identities are not up for debate.


You know what sucks? Despite being on this site for almost a year now, I have never seen one positivity post about LGBTQ+ people that are muslim, and I think that’s really bad, so I’m making my own.

Muslim sapphics who wear hijabs / niqabs / burqas? Y’all are absolutely amazing and beautiful.

Muslim people who like multiple genders? Stunning and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Don’t even get me started on muslim trans and nonbinary people, oh my god you guys are so incredible and so freaking valid.

Your religion does not contradict your identity, I am so proud of all of you 


Even if you aren’t out you are SUPER valid. There is nothing wrong with you and you are not broken. 

oh my gods finally, a post about this. I used to be super religious but them stopped because of reasons, and like I never saw rep or support for muslim queers.

muslim men who like dudes, you are totally valid go find yourself a man.

muslim gender fluids who always have a hijab in you bag for when you change gender, you are so awesome. (also I totally did this when I wore my hijab)

muslim women who you are bi or pan, you are valid.

all muslim queers are valid, religion does not make your orientation invalid at all.


JoJo Siwa is gay and this is what it means

With the publication of this tweet, it is official and indisputable: Joelle Joanne Siwa is gay. And this is a massive win for the LGBTQ+ community.

Allow me to explain.

In the past few years, JoJo Siwa has all but become the next Hannah Montana. She’s the pinnacle of child star culture. Her songs are sickeningly peppy, to the point where teenaged and adult listeners cringe at the lyrics before they can even notice the production. 

She did this on purpose. JoJo Siwa is nearly eighteen. Similar to Ke$ha’s promiscuous image, Siwa’s persona is an exaggeration of one part of her personality. Which leads one to wonder, why would she ever choose that part of her personality to exaggerate? I don’t mean the energetic way of talking, per se, but the glitter. And the ice cream. And the JoJo Juice.

The thing is, behind all of this, Siwa is an expert businesswoman (assuming that the “best gay cousin” shirt uses gay as an umbrella term for bisexual/lesbian, not a way of saying transmasc mlm). She carefully positioned herself as the most powerful force in the childrens’ music industry. She’s going to have as much of an influence on kids’ lives as early Disney Channel series did on many of yours. And she did this on purpose.

It’s easy to think that her purpose is to make money. And while that’s always a motivator, she said it herself on an interview with Jimmy Fallon. She’s here to spread an uplifting message.

And now that’s what she’s doing. 

JoJo’s face is on everything. She has an entire business empire. She has made entire videos going through her merch catalog, since there’s so much of it. She has solidified herself everywhere. People have shirts, backpacks, even food with her face on it.

Not only that, but her image is that of innocence. People tell their kids to listen to JoJo Siwa, since it’s clean. People point to her as the pinnacle of cheerful innocence. She’s a role model to kids all around the world.

And now she’s gay.

Now homophobes around the world are going to have to grapple with the fact that gay can also be innocent. This isn’t Miley Cyrus. She didn’t release any raunchy singles before coming out. She’s at the height of her career. Kids love her songs, teens love her TikToks, parents love her safety. She’s showing homophobes that gay people can also be marketed towards a young audience. 


Welcome to the future, where you don’t own anything and the stuff you rent stops working once your phone has no signal.

App powered car? 🤦‍♀️

I wish people remembered the age old wisdom that if something doesn’t absolutely require an Internet connection to function, it shouldn’t be connected to the internet - same goes for apps.


Sometimes I’m glad that I’m too poor for my “cool future stuff” monkey brain to be set loose to buy stupid shit like this.

please please please do not buy into the Internet of Things. Digital displays for appliances are one thing, but you shouldn’t need the fucking internet to do your laundry or use the fridge.

I hope this is obvious, but this is a means for corporations to abuse privacy and gather metadata. The only reason I can imagine no one discussing this is because it’s obvious.


Help us kick Bezos in the dick

Boss Baby Bezos is at it again! Amazon opened a union busting website for people to report workers unions, so lets do the world a favor and waste Jeff’s time, money, and life energy (I hope) by spamming his website with bogus reports. Eat shit, Jeff.


As a sidenote, mitch mcconnels valid email is  senator@mcconnell.senate.gov, so put that in instead of your information

This was fun


This has no notes and it’s heartbreaking

This just shows me how little people care about the oppression of ace and aro people

The exclusion

The hate

I’m fucking begging you please report them

reporting one person lots of times doesn’t do any good, one or two reports are all we need. reporting a lot of times doesn’t do anything, it doesn’t speed up the process or make it more likely that they’ll be banned. it does however clog the system up with reports of one person. do not report them, i’m assuming op already has lots of times and that is all that needs to be done. now is just waiting.

however, i do suggest that everyone BLOCK them for being horrible and aphobic and arophobic

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