
Trash King

@yanachii / yanachii.tumblr.com

YANA | ♀ | Ace | INFP Hello~! ヾ(^∇^)
Welcome to my grab-bag of a blog! I primarily post art and various kind of reblogs, so be ware!
Anonymous asked:

I was wondering if you ever post your fics anywhere?

Apologies, I have no idea how long this ask has been sitting in the void awaiting an answer since I’ve pretty much abandoned this blog.

In regards to your question: Yes, I do. However, if it’s anything relating to Danny Phantom I no longer create content for that fandom and have since moved on to Undertale.


Just in case you forget this exists.

With those “when you want to design a character but you don’t know color theory” posts flying around I thought this would be relevant again.



there’s also Coolors website that gives you randomized palettes!


Don’t forget ColourLovers, either! It’s a social media-esque site where you can browse tons of palettes and share your own.

You can browse the most popular ones or search for certain colors, themes, and even specific hex codes!

When you find one you like, you can download a wallpaper swatch of it and also select the specific colors it uses to look at more palettes that use those same ones.

ColourLovers is my go-to for when I’m having trouble coming up with a color scheme! It’s also been around for over a decade, so there’s plenty to browse through.


Shifting Gears

Yoooo. I figured it’s high time I made a post about this on this blog. But to anyone still following me on this account, I’m not really using this blog anymore. Shocker, I know. Not as my main place for posting art, anyway. I’ll still be using @yanachin to post some stuff--primarily Gaia Online commissions, though this may change in the future. I still pop onto this account every now and again but it’s no longer my main go-to. I think I might wind up using this blog to essentially bookmark tutorials and stuff, though--just random reblogs and whatnot.

With that said, I’m no longer posting any of my Undertale or fandom related art work on here. You can find my new main art blog at @panoramicpancake though I’m trying to keep that focused more on original content as well as stuff I’m not embarrassed to share with people IRL. I just feel more comfortable with a definite line between what I do online and what I am willing to share with those offline--like relatives, prospective work, etc., hence a separation between a public online presence and a more private one.

But yeah.

Anonymous asked:

i am in love with the 80s anime aesthetic you used for that amethyst drawing!! what programm do you usually use for drawing and how did you create that fuzzy effect?

hank you, im really glad you like it! I usually use SAI to draw and Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 (yes its absolutely ancient i knooow) to add certain effects i cant quite recreate in SAI

to get that fuzzy effect, i have the entire image on one layer and duplicate it, changing the opacity of the copy to around 30-40%


then i hide the copy for a bit, and select the background. there, i apply the “diffuse” filter found right here:

the “lighten only” mode, creates a base to get that “scanned pencil lines” look which helps to make it look more like a screencap of an older anime. 

(i found that this works best with clear lines and cell shading)

then, still on the background layer, i get a gaussian blur filter going, found over here:

a radius of 1-2 pixels blurs the whole deal out a little to make it look like its a good ol low quality screencap

then i go back to the other layer and, using the same gaussian blur filter but a radius of 15-20 pixels, get that foggy feel going!

this step is the most important as it creates that dreamy, foggy feeling which helps to make it look like ye olde animes

lastly, i clean up some highlights that might’ve gotten washed away by all the blurring, and we’re done!

of course you can always do more things like add a texture to make it a little grainy, or resize the canvas to fit the average dimensions for most old animes, or do something difficult and technical with the colors which i know nothing about, but i feel like this process is a pretty alright method to satisfy those ~ a e s t h e t i c ~ cravings!

(quick before/after)

i hope this helps, im sorry this turned out so long…..feel free to ask me to clarify if anything isnt clear!


typically these should be in every photoediting/drawing program like photoshop too if u guys are unsure c:


Background Tutorial

requested by ion4ever. sorry it took me so long to do this for you but hopefully I was of some help? 


  • I use CS6, and this was mostly done with default hard round brush at around 50% opacity or higher, 100% flow, and size pressure on. I made some random brushes for the greenery by modifying the default ones.
  • always use a large canvas. I go about 3000px x 3000px.
  • with enough practice, painting backgrounds like this will be a fairly quick affair. this one, for example, took about 30 minutes? it’s just a matter of time/experience. :)

So yeah, good luck doing backgrounds, and have fun!! :D

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