
Dionaea Cosplay


Father daughter cosplayers in Colorado.  NOTE:  We like to post pictures of other cosplayers as well.  Pictures are posted with respect.   Our impression is that most cosplayers quite enjoy having pictures of all their hard work on display but if you find a picture of yourself that you would like removed we will do so happily.  We will also be happy to post your name or links to your own pages.  Just let us know.  We are happy to hear from you

I had a lot of fun with my Edward Elric puppet at NDK.  Biggest downside was that the Alphonse armor is not very comfortable to wear for a long time.  I thought it would be fun to make a Hobbit puppet and I could be Gandalf (who I seem to resemble more and more these days).  I wanted to make a puppet head that was more sculptural and less generic muppet.  This has taken several attempts.  (I might be able to use my first attempt to make a fish or possibly a snake puppet but not a Hobbit).Anyway, here is the current Hobbit head.  It looks a little more like Farmer Maggot than how I picture Frodo or Bilbo but I think it will do for now.  Adding hair might help.


A little more snowy Dragon Ai!! The last of the pictures for now. (I can edit and post more if people want but these ones were my favorites)

I tried doing an effect in Photoshop for that last one! IDK if it’s perfect, but I had fun at least.

This shoot was so so cold but totally worth it

Thanks as always, @utanoprinces for the art and kind words :)

Also thanks to the people who attend her streams that I’m too shy to talk to… But who are also the sweetest!! People!!! Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!


My next major cosplay will be Kog'Maw from League of Legends. Starting to work out the skeletal structure and figure out how I will fit into it. This still needs some tweaking but I think the underlying shape is getting there. It is made from an external frame backpack that I found at a thrift store, PVC plumbing pipes and connectors, Irrigation pipe and a whole lot of hose clamps.

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