

@verdigriss / verdigriss.tumblr.com

||||||||| old, quite bitter | WCIF friendly ||||||||| ||||||||| TWH reqs open | sim reqs open |||||||||

I intentionally made a .3 second preview because the screenshot setup/editing stuff makes me burn out 🤷 I removed the little table/stand from this plant to make it more usable, requested by an IRL friend.

Requires For Rent Contains all vase colours from the original Same price, categories etc. Tested for 2min in my game, the edit is minimal enough that I'm 99% sure it won't create issues but if it does I'm sorry -- I haven't created CC for... (checks last post) oof, 4 years.

Be excellent to each other ✌️


Recolours of @cowconuts ‘ Meghan hair  and @verdigriss ‘s conversion

Download recolours (SFS, no ads)



Alternate download (Google Drive, no ads)


*Will Smith pose*


𝑮𝒆𝒇𝒏 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑾𝑰𝑷

I’ve been working on my very first frankenmesh and it’s nearly finished! Big shout-out to @soft-simmer for teaching me how to do the thing. At the moment I’m just working out some of the kinks and putting on the final touches. 

 (Also, this means I’m probably gonna need a downloads page. RIP. 💀)




Original: Anna by @isjao

CONVERSION ADULT TO CHILD dl (no ads, direct) EA colours | TWH colours - mesh not needed - two versions: EA (18 colours) and TWH (35 colours), you can have either or both in your game - properly flagged, specular removed, custom thumbnail - NOT hat compatible as the original isn’t either so I didn’t bother tbh

ADULT VERSION TWH RECOLOUR dl (no ads, direct) - MESH NEEDED - properly flagged, specular removed - 35 colours in one package - you can remove the original textures from the mesh by following this tutorial

HEADBAND RECOLOUR dl (no ads, direct) - mesh not needed - hat category, no subcategory - 17 pastelly colours from the Sol palette by @twikkii


Original: Anna by @isjao

CONVERSION ADULT TO CHILD dl (no ads, direct) EA colours | TWH colours - mesh not needed - two versions: EA (18 colours) and TWH (35 colours), you can have either or both in your game - properly flagged, specular removed, custom thumbnail - NOT hat compatible as the original isn’t either so I didn’t bother tbh

ADULT VERSION TWH RECOLOUR dl (no ads, direct) - MESH NEEDED - properly flagged, specular removed - 35 colours in one package - you can remove the original textures from the mesh by following this tutorial

HEADBAND RECOLOUR dl (no ads, direct) - mesh not needed - hat category, no subcategory - 17 pastelly colours from the Sol palette by @twikkii

Anonymous asked:

do you play any other video games apart from the sims + what are they if so?

Hi nonny thank you for the ask! I play a bunch honestly! My all time faves are the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series I played through them dozens of times and am VERY into the lore etc. I also play Fallout (3 and NV, although I plan on getting 4 soon), Dishonoured (still have to play DH2), Subnautica, Stardew Valley, and I literally just finished Portal 2 tonight for example. I like me some good RPGs but puzzle platformers are also great tbh (just started Braid again!). I just am not at all a fan of multiplayer, I’m not at all competitive and MMOs stress me out. I do admit Overwatch is fun and I really dig the lore but I don’t have the time or patience to improve so I sort of quit. :D


Another conversion for kiddos, this is my new fav male hair and I just couldn’t resist!

Original: Rizal by @marsosims (gorgeous!!!!) -- not needed for the conversion to work

Two versions: EA colours (textures from the original, 18 standard EA colours) TWH colours (recoloured in all 35 colours, all in one package) You can have either one in your game, or both (if you really want to – thumbnails are the same though).

Has hat chops, it’s properly flagged, specular was removed, custom thumbnails.

DOWNLOAD (no ads, direct) EA colours | TWH colours

Enjoy! Any issues let me know.


Decided to learn how to convert hair for children, turns out it’s easier than a lot of other projects I got started on.

Original: Meghan by @cowconuts (not needed for this to work)

Two versions: EA colours (textures from the original, 18 standard EA colours) TWH colours (recoloured in all 35 colours, all in one package) You can have either one in your game, or both (if you really want to -- thumbnails are the same though).

Has hat chops, although I’m not sure why you’d want them -- but I’m proud of them in any case. Properly flagged, specular removed. Works with the scrunchie accessories no problem (I was just too lazy to add them to the preview). Custom thumbnail.

Weights are a biiiiit imperfect, the pigtails clip through the shoulders when the head is rotated a lot but that’s pretty much a standard for cc hairs so I personally don’t mind. This has been a disclaimer.

DOWNLOAD (no ads, direct) EA colours | TWH colours

Enjoy! Any issues let me know.


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