
Dispenser of justice in an unjust galaxy

@little-autumn-serenade / little-autumn-serenade.tumblr.com

Lottie│25│ She/Her│ Lover of Video Games, Fanfiction, Autumn, Poetry, Love Letters and Fictional Characters│Artist 🐻


— (varric)


you dont understand as soon as he appeared onscreen i burst into tears and couldnt stop crying it was baaad. i missed him so much gwah :")


A sketch of Lucien, my love 💛

I wanted to draw him with a loose braid + a constellation of freckles.

I found a new brush. It’s got the texture of a tapered pencil and I AM OBSESSed.


WIP of the lucien art i’ve been cooking because I adore him so, so much

I’ve been seeing sm of those aesthetic bathtub photoshoots, and I was like you know who would look pretty posing in a bathtub????


my roman empire is realizing how lorcan taunted rowan several times in qos about aelin’s mortality and what a fool he was for falling in love with a mortal when at the end he himself fell in love with elide, a mortal, and renounced his immortality after he married her and bound his life with hers.


Rhys: “So let’s see if I’ve got this; you have immense shadow power, incredible combat skills, height, tattoos, secrets, dead parents, a thirst for vengeance, the weight of the world on your shoulders, a rebellion to lead, and a dragon?”

Xaden: “Yeah? I mean, there’s also my girlfriend who I’m completely in love with and 107 people under my protection but-”

Rhys: *frantically flipping through papers* “this is the hyper-intelligent girlfriend with unprecedented lightning powers? The one you speak to with your mind and call a nickname permanently?”

Xaden: “I do only have the one girlfriend. Kinda offended you’d think otherwise.”

Rhys: *signs a paper* “Adopted. The rebellion thing is handled. Me and your aunts and uncles have got this. Your new mom is going to need some time to add you and your mate to the family portrait gallery. Your bedroom is upstairs, knives are in the training ring, family dinner is every Thursday, your allowance is infinity and your curfew is never.”

Xaden: “I am…. Older than your wife?”

Rhys: “Did I fucking stutter?”

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