
A Delicate Fury

@delicatefury / delicatefury.tumblr.com

I'm an adult. I'm a lawyer. I spend way too much time writing time travel fics. The author of The Dark Path Lit by Sun and Stars and Grey Dawn Breaking

I have no break scheduled for the foreseeable future.

I now must sacrifice my Saturdays to working the farm’s stand at the farmer’s market.

My clients keep giving me new, necessary documents the day before filing.

If they aren’t spamming me with two sentence emails instead of fucking replying to my emails directly.

And between adobe, our filing software, and the firm’s custom work website we are required to use, I am this close to chucking my phone into my monitor.

I am teetering on the brink of pure misanthropy and I dread what I will do/say when I snap.

Please, please pray for me that I can survive until Memorial Day weekend.


I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.

There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.


Unironically how I reacted to Minnesota. Sky too big.

Florida did that to me, it was too flat.


Having grown up on the edge of the plains, the first time I went somewhere surrounded by mountains, i legitimately started feeling claustrophobic.

In high school, on my Europe trip, I was full of anxiety the whole time we were in Switzerland and only began to calm down when we reached the farmland in Italy.

I guess what I’m saying is eldritch horror can be entirely relative. The biome that brings you existential dread may be the cure for someone else’s.


Note to vacationing non-Americans: while it’s true that America doesn’t always have the best food culture, the food in our restaurants is really not representative of what most of us eat at home.  The portions at Cheesecake Factory or IHOP are meant to be indulgent, not just “what Americans are used to.”

If you eat at a regular American household, during a regular meal where they’re not going out of their way to impress guests, you probably will not be served twelve pounds of chocolate-covered cream cheese.  Please bear this in mind before writing yet another “omg I can’t believe American food” post.

Also, most American restaurant portions are 100% intended as two meals’ worth of food. Some of my older Irish relatives still struggle with the idea that it’s not just not rude to eat half your meal and take the rest home, it’s expected. (Apparently this is somewhat of an American custom.)

Until you’re hitting the “fancy restaurant” tier (the kind of place you go for a celebration or an anniversary date), a dinner out should generally also be lunch for the next day. Leftovers are very much the norm.

From the little time I’ve spent in Canada, this seems to be the case up there as well.

the portions in family restaurants (as opposed to haute cuisine types) are designed so that no one goes away hungry.

volume IS very much a part of the american hospitality tradition, and Nobody Leaves Hungry is important. but you have to recognize that it’s not how we cook for ourselves, it’s how we welcome guests and strengthen community ties.

so in order to give you a celebratory experience and make you feel welcomed, family restaurants make the portions big enough that even if you’re a teenage boy celebrating a hard win on the basketball court, you’re still going to be comfortably full when you leave.

of course, that means that for your average person with a sit-down job, who ate a decent lunch that day, it’s twice as much as they want or more. that’s ok. as mentioned above, taking home leftovers is absolutely encouraged. that, too, is part of american hospitality tradition; it’s meant to invoke fond memories of grandma loading you down with covered dishes so you can have hearty celebration food all week. pot luck church basement get-togethers where the whole town makes sure everybody has enough. that sort of thing. it’s about sharing. it’s about celebrating Plenty.

it’s not about pigging out until you get huge. treating it that way is pretty disrespectful of our culture. and you know, contrary to what the world thinks, we do have one.

Reblogging because I honestly never thought about it but yeah, this lines up.

This is also why the idea of “pay a lot for fancy food on tiny plates” pisses so many Americans off. Unless you are rich enough not to care about throwing your money away, it’s not just a ridiculous ripoff in terms of not filling you up, it’s stingy. Restaurants are places of hospitality. If I pay that much for a plate it had better be damn good and it had better be generous. Otherwise they are just trying to fleece me out of my money AND saying they don’t value me as a customer.

If I go to IHOP or Olive Garden or whatnot, I absolutely don’t need to eat again until evening if I had leftovers, and until the next day if I did eat everything (you can’t really take pancakes home as leftovers).

But EVEN IF I DID EAT EVERYTHING and then ate a full meal on top of that, later, it’s really not anyone’s place to criticize what other people eat. It just isn’t. Let it go. It’s old.

Making fun of American food culture and food habits isn’t original or surprising or witty or funny or getting one over on us or crafting a clever retort or whatever. It’s lazy and petty and childish.

Yeah, we eat a lot of hamburgers. They’re fucking delicious. Cope.


Having worked in a touristy restaurant, there’s a reason why servers always ask if you want take-out boxes. A reason why nearly every restaurant, even ones without a pick-up or delivery option, have stacks of take-out containers. You are expected to take extra home. If you don’t and there’s still a good portion on the plate… was the food not good enough?


✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨


on the one hand, extremely funny to get told “get help” by a fortune cookie, on the other, i can’t believe betterhelp has breached influencers and podcasters and started getting fortune cookies to shill for them

And they're alse just a fucking awful service, too.


I got an add for Napster. Fucking Napster. In my last fortune cookie.


Funniest misinterpretations of Catholicism I've seen in fiction

1. Nancy Drew priest who acted like giving the kids holy water was something the church didn't want him doing.

2. That time in a Knight's Tale when one of the characters gets mad at another for offering ale to a medieval monk because he's a holy man and thus does not drink. The famously sober medieval monk.


No orders of monks or abbeys ever became famous for their alcohol.

(*cough* Frangelico *cough* Chartreuse *cough cough*)


“People from my culture love food! We basically invented flavour, we infuse it in our cooking, and we love to eat meals together! We are unique in that way!”

-every culture on earth other than the Germans

German food is so good are you insane

@bl1tz-kr1eg-fr17z-1965 @militantbrocon kill this man

Yes I am insane, but the Germans cook like they hate ingredients.

They make passable beer sometimes tho

I mean, Germans make beer like they hate ingredients.


Jägerschnitzel and spätzel is one of the best, most comforting dishes I have ever had.

Can’t really speak to beer, as I still haven’t found any that I like.


OK the only people I have known who have a garage fridge are Korean and use it for kimchi because they make enough of it they need a Designated Kimchi Fridge, so I get that.

But can my fellow white Americans please explain what you put in the second fridge?

An ice cold brewski babey!!!!!! Hellllllll yeeeeeeaaaah!!!!!


Drinks. I never had a second fridge, but everyone I knew that had one kept soda or capri suns or beer in theirs.


Dear Catholics who are really fidgety and can't sit still and focus for almost anything, how the heck do you get through an entire Rosary?

Rocking back and forth and holding my head helps a bit. Why can't I just be normal


I picked my rosary very carefully. Wooden beads on a cord with knots. I can fiddle with the beads as much as I want. It helps. So much.

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