


SIMS4 Korean Creator (Pose, Accessories, Interior) / ! Don't ask WCIF Please !
Anonymous asked:

hi! your scorpio necklace is just so pretty! I was wondering if you would make any others, perhaps a virgo necklace? Thank you so much!

I'm busy right now, so the items I've already made are being pre-uploaded. 

But when I made that necklace, I was going to make other constellations! 

So maybe I'll upload other constellation cc later:)

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I was wondering, do you still take cc commissions?

No. The event period is over. And I'm not going to get sponsorship. And I'm going to distribute only what I've already made at least month because something busy has come up to me :-( I'll open the event again when I'm done with my busy work. Join next chance!

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