
Autistic & still mad abt Sarah's death

@sarahtwdg / sarahtwdg.tumblr.com

Hewwo! I'm Noe! She/her Icon by @randomfandom-bs

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hey im Noe! 19 years old. (Dont have a carrd anymore, tumblr removed the link and can't find it anymore rip.)

she/her, please tag animal death if we’re mutuals! ^^’


Sorry to be talking so much about my pets but so many things keep surprising and amusing me about chihuahua ownership because we only hear the bad things about the breed when in reality they’re loud goofballs.

Like I’ll forever advocate for not turning them into purse dogs that are never allowed to touch grass but also sometimes they just really really want to chill in a bag and it’s the most conflicting feeling.

Ellie naturally insists on walking when we’re outside but inside she’s at her most relaxed in her sling bag. Especially when I’m in the kitchen. She falls right asleep.

It’s one of those situations where I have to remind myself most dogs would probably do the same. Small dogs just have the right size to be carried around like that.

A lot of cats love it too and they’re known for not putting up with crap so why should a pup the same size be any different.

Having a chihuahua is a constant battle with stereotypes both from other people and mentally. It’s so funny and weird at times.


there is so much discourse that boils down to "if someone doesn't want you to call them something, don't call them that" and it makes me feel insane that nobody can wrap their heads around this kindergarten-level shit


i am so desperately concerned with some people on this website.

Please Understand That Queerness Is Not Inherently Virtuous.

much like having brown hair, or being above 5 feet tall, or being left handed, it is a singular amoral trait about you.

facing persecution against my gender identity is not a choice i made because i'm a good person, it is a consequence of the unjust pieces of the society i was born into.

to meaningfully contribute to discourse, especially one involving societal issues, you must draw on experience and knowledge, and incorporate empathy and critical thinking into your conclusion. please do not forget this.


How To Tell Your Cat That You Could Walk To His Food Faster If He Weren't Weaving Under Your Fucking Feet In A Beautiful And Intricate Idiot's Ballet


how to tell human,,, "ilove you",,,


Just to make this very, very clear. Every act of referring to any form of sexuality as degenerate is nazi rhetoric. Not like “oh crypto fash dogwhistle”, no I mean actual NSDAP politics that were used to put us in concentration camps.

It doesn’t matter if you mean only kinksters or whatever. You are still using their rhetoric and to do so while claiming to advocate for us is at best severely misguided, at worst actively vile.

Do not, under any circumstance, spread the use of ideas to describe sexuality that have been coined to eradicate us.

Do not normalize the way nazis referred to us, just by picking another target. You are still empowering the people who want to put us against the wall.


To clarify this for people who just don’t get it: degenerate does not just mean “gross”. It means “showing decline from a higher civilization”. Ask yourself – really ask yourself - what the fuck that could possibly mean in the context of sexuality.

Do you really think that two people doing cringey roleplay are a part of a broader trend that is undermining Western civilization? Do you really want to associate with people who do?

More to the point, do you really want to feed into the rhetoric that the main threat we’re facing is “the decline of Western civilization” in the first place? Who else are people concerned might be “undermining the West”? Who else are you implicitly singling out as your enemy by perpetuating a narrative in which (white) “Western” influence is falling across the board, and in which that’s an existentially bad thing?

This is like Nazi rhetoric 101, guys, and you need to stop uncritically parroting it, holy shit.


many games can be slotted into multiple genres and many gamers play and adore lots of (sub)genres. try to narrow down to your ultimate favourite!

if i listed your favourite game in a certain genre and you think it fits better into another, don't worry about it, it's just a silly little poll! ^_^

i made this poll because i didn't like a different one on the same topic that's cirulating, hopefully this fits more genres that are well liked on tumblr!


No you'te not "acoustic"

You're not "delulu coded"

You're not "letting the intrusive thoughts win

You are being SILLY ONLINE


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