
I don't know anymore


end my suffering

hey uhhh but fr the concept of fallen angels existing but risen demons being an impossibility is kind of a great summary of sin in christianity


holy shit

no, no, come back here and tell me how stupid it is to talk about how the power dynamics inherent to christianity are built upon the rhetoric that failure is unavoidable and there is never enough you can do to make up for it

If you retards can not see the difference between how Fallen Humans can be saved but Fallen Angels , who have been in the Presence of God and still chose to Sin , can not , you are too fucking stupid to breathe .
Atheotards stop being retarded and simping for Satan challenge

I don't think you have any right to be calling other people retarded with takes like this.


having the ability to stop, slow down, and think "wait, is there any physical reasons I feel bad actually?" is probably one of the most important skills one can have as a mentally ill/neurodivergent person or really just as a human being existing in the world in general

I'd always felt like those "stop! are you hungry? have you had enough water? etc etc..." posts from a few years ago were helpful but sometimes condescending because I really didn't realize how much some people with emotionally negligent parents just were not taught those skills. It can come off as dismissive to be like "you're actually just hungry" when someone's upset but ... There are a nontrivial number of people in this world who cannot function normally when they're hungry and don't even realize that's what's causing it.

Anyways if you're sad and reading this go have a snack. Even if you have a real problem beyond being hungry you're not gonna solve it on an empty stomach anyway so just go have a snack. it won't hurt


Police shoot at innocent citizen-- citizen returns fire

this happened in 2020 in minnesota after the george floyd riots.

according to this article, 2 SWAT members involved (Kristopher Dauble and Nathan Sundberg) were also involved in the murder of Amir Locke in a no-knock raid in Minneapolis.

the men seen beating him are Officer Justin Stetson and Sergeant Andrew Bittell. from what i can find, they are still officers to this day.


Num Num Cat TikTok Chain


ohhhh that finish


you guys have NO idea how frustrated i am knowing those finisher lyrics are ORIGINAL FOR THIS TIKTOK and i CANT listen to this 20s speakeasy lounge sounding ass motherfucker just spit lyrical subjugation for whole albums at a time

the best thing to come out of lockdown


Random mansion generator

The Procgen Mansion Generator produces large three-dee dwellings to toy with your imagination, offering various architectural styles and other options. Each mansion even comes with floorplans:

Oooooh! Saving this


That’s fun

Hey, but don’t fall asleep on this Medieval Fantasy City Generator   

Reblogging for the last!


A life without health anxiety sounds absolutely heavenly. Like... you can get headaches with nausea and not brawl your eyes out because you fear you're dying? You can be nauseous without wondering if your organs are shutting down? You can be dizzy without suspecting a dangerous disease slowly killing you? You can eat everything without worrying whether it could make you sick? Go to restaurants and not fear food poisoning? Eat foods that have been in the fridge for a while? You don't fear randomly developing allergies? Or skin cancer when a mole changes a bit? Not every headache is a stroke or a tumor? Not every chest pain is a heart attack? You don't get panic attacks because your body feels funny? What a life


If you get followed by a porn bot, don’t just block them. Report them for both “Spam” and “Sensitive Content” as well.

snitches are not good people

they are narrow minded and prone to respect false authority

you should neither be nor support a snitch in any case

When it has 4 heart emojis and a bunch of “contact me for free sex!!” And infinite pictures of random women in bikinis, you aren’t snitching on anyone but the machines.

You are snitching on whoever is running the botnet.

Same as snitching on any other person doing something you don’t like that doesn’t harm or affect you in any material fashion.

I mean don’t get me wrong botnets are annoying, I block ‘em myself, but snitching is a habit I would advise anybody to avoid getting into regardless.

Just my opinion man.

Y'all do what you want lmao.

Are you fucking serious right now?

These bots post links to very shady websites that could potentially steal your personal information, infect your PC with malware, or both.

And as for them not hurting anyone, that’s complete bullshit. The people who run these botnets have actually hacked legitimate accounts and converted them into spam bots. How do I know this?

Because I almost had this happen to me last month.

If you’re going to defend Spam Bots on my post, then quite frankly, you can fuck off.

Boohoo the people comitting crimes will het into trouble

When you’re so anti-cop you…defend pornbots?

I’ve never got the whole…“snitches get stitches” sentiment, it really feels like one of those ignorant sentiments largely perpetuated by murderers and rapists to hide from their behaviour.


Slightly controversial thing to say but I think the online fallout of the Russo-Ukraine war has proven definitively that a significant chunk of Leftists (mostly Tankies) care way more about authoritarianism than about Leftist principles.

And a good number of right-wingers/ancaps/the "muh NATO" crowd, whatever care more about sticking it to The Other Side than about innocent people



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