
The thirst never ends

@eternal-thirst / eternal-thirst.tumblr.com

Hungry, horny and/or tired. Forever thirsty about too many things. Started because of Tom Hardy, now it's just a fucking mess. Currently more than obsessed with Adam Driver and Star Wars, so bear with me.

The Rise of Kylo Ren

Okay so, just read the last issue of The Rise of Kylo Ren and here is everything we have learned from this comic:

1. Ben did not destroy Luke’s temple. Palpatine did, and somehow he gaslighted Ben into thinking he was responsible.

2. Ben thought he killed Luke but it was in self-defense, but he still feels enormously guilty about it.

3. Ben did not kill ANY of Luke’s other students that night. He was instead relentlessly hunted by a small group of them across the galaxy, including one (Voe) who had a particularly large chip on her shoulder wrt to Ben and feeling inadequate in comparison to his Force-abilities.

4. Ben wanted to go home to Leia but felt he couldn’t because he didn’t think she would believe him.

5. Snoke was just casually in his head having full-on conversations with him when he was at least 11 or 12 years old, feeding him lies about his family and how they didn’t really give a shit about him.

6. Ben killed one of the Jedi students hunting him by accident.

7. He turns to the Knights of Ren because he literally feels like he doesn’t belong anywhere else.

8. He openly acknowledges that even Snoke only cares about his legacy and not himself as a person.

9. HE DOES NOT WANT TO KILL ANYONE. Even after he joins the KoR, he goes out of his way to avoid killing if possible… until it’s no longer possible.

10. He did not “fall to” or “choose” the dark side – he was gaslit and pushed into it. Treat someone like a monster long enough, they will start to believe it.

11. Ben doesn’t think he’s “special”. He just wants to be treated like a normal fucking person.

12. The first person that Ben killed on purpose was Ren, the leader/founder of the Knights of Ren, thereby facilitating his fall to the dark.

13. Leia felt his fall…


15. Ben finally killed Voe after he killed Ren.

16. Ben’s preferred mode of drawing his saber was from over his shoulder, like at the end of TROS.

17. He bled his kyber crystal while shirtless, and he squeezed it so hard that it cracked.

18. He never did anything wrong, ever, in his life, and they still let him die.

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