

@xmaryj444 / xmaryj444.tumblr.com

"I want to live my life so I'll be able to read an in depth biography about myself in later years and not puke."- Paris Geller

mbti types as iconic feminist characters

NOTE: So ‘iconic’ is subjective but to me these women are.  ALSO you may not agree with all of the typings, I also very happy to discuss my reasons for why I think they are these types as long as people don’t get rude and be pricks about disagreeing.  

ESFP: Amy March, Little Women

ISFP: Maeve Wiley, Sex Education

ESTP: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter

ISTP: Alyssa, The End of the F***ing World

ENTJ: Spencer Hastings, Pretty Little Liars

INTJ: Emily Nelson, A Simple Favor

ENFJ: Emma Woodhouse, Emma

INFJ: Morgana Pendragon, Merlin

ENFP: Jo March, Little Women

INFP: Belle, Beauty & the Beast

ENTP: Paige Halliwell, Charmed

INTP: Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter

ESFJ: Molly Weasley, Harry Potter

ISFJ: Sansa Stark, Game of Thrones

ESTJ: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter

ISTJ: Elinor Dashwood, Sense & Sensibility


The Seer (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/H9Xext86d3 

 Jane Finley Granger. Witch, twin sister of Hermione Granger, muggle-born ... and sorted into Slytherin. But that's just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to the younger Granger twin because although her sister is "the brightest witch of her age" Jane is not far behind her, and she has something else. A power that her sister doesn't and one that they are both highly sceptical of. But what can Jane do to stop the voices? What can she do to stop the fact that she in the most powerful seer in a thousand years? Added to that an increasingly close friendship with 'The Chosen One' and a complicated relationship with a certain housemate of hers, Jane's time at Hogwarts promise to be the adventure of a life time.

Source: wattpad.com

Ocean Eyes || A Tommy Shelby story (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/L4sNQU66d3 

 Molly Cooper wasn't the kind of woman that anyone thought would attract a man like Thomas Shelby. She was good, reserved and nine years his junior. All she wanted to do was keep her head down and get her younger sister and herself out of Small Heath. But unfortunately for her, fate is a bitch and Tommy Shelby always gets what he wants.

Source: wattpad.com

NOTE: This is not all characters of the types from sitcoms obviously just the ones that I think are both good examples of the types and sort of stereotypes at the same time because sitcom characters are always sort of archetypes. ALSO you may not agree with all of the typings, I also very happy to discuss my reasons for why I think they are these types as long as people don’t get rude and be pricks about disagreeing.   

ESTJ: Amy Santiago, Brooklyn 99

ESTP: Haley Dunphy, Modern Family

ISTP: Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn 99

ISTJ: Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

INFP: Phoebe Buffay, Friends

ENFP: Marshall Eriksen, How I Met Your Mother

ENTP: Chandler Bing, Friends

INTP: Chidi Anagonye, The Good Place

ENFJ: Jess Day, New Girl

ENTJ: Robin Scherbatsky, How I Met Your Mother

INTJ: Raymond Holt, Brooklyn 99

INFJ: Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother

ISFP: Winston Bishop, New Girl

ESFP: Penny, The Big Bang Theory

ISFJ: Leonard Hofstadter, The Big Bang Theory

ESFJ: Tahani Al-Jamil, The Good Place


mbti types as Ariana Grande songs

ISFP: get well soon

Emotional, loving, real and deeply personal and self-healing. This is Fi at its best and most raw.

INFP: imagine 

Perfect for the INFP are they idealistic, yes. But also far more aware of reality then they normally get credit for,they know that real life can’t always measure up. Real relationships aren’t as perfect as they are in our head and thats what Grande is giving a nod to in this song.

ESFP: side to side

This ones just fun and makes me think Se. Plus who can pull of pure sensuality like an ESFP?

ENFP: in my head 

A nod to my wonderful ENFP mother who relates to this song so strongly.  

INFJ: the light is coming

Honestly I don’t know why this song and video gives me such INFJ vibes it just does, makes me wish I was one too.

ISFJ: thank u, next

I think this one might get a few raised eye brows but this song is pure healthy Si. All abut how the past has formed you without letting it control you. Si-Fe at its best.

ENFJ: God is a woman 

Empowerment through metaphors I mean come on…

ESFJ: needy

I feel like this one is pretty clear…love you ESFJ’s.

ESTJ: monopoly 

Hard work being rewarded, a nod to how you got there and the people who are part of your life, also just what a tune.

ENTJ: 7 rings 

Does this one even need explaining? 

ISTJ: One Last Time

Honest, about the struggle of letting goof the past and the upbeat music almost hides the deep emotions behind it. You wouldn’t know anything about trying to hide how deep emotions go would you ISTJ’s *wink*.

INTJ: break up with your girlfriend

Fun, Te, and idk it I just couldn’t not put this for the INTJ for some reason. Its just types as songs its not that deep(have fun with that statement INTJ’s ;) )

ISTP: Dangerous Woman

Such a strong badass ISTP feel to this song.


Celebrating the joys of introversion. 

ESTP: Focus 

We all know ESTP’s love having a bit of the spotlight.

ENTP: Break Free

Ne-Ti is going to break free of anything it doesn’t think serves it. This song is also just like like the ENTP.


MBTI and Enneagram Correlation Survey

Alright so awhile back I was the author of this survey and frankly I’m bored now so time to try another one! Yay!

Please reblog this with your enneagram tritype and variant, your MBTI type, and a percentage indicating how sure you are of these types. For everyone who does this, I’ll check out your blog and maybe follow you!

An example would be: ISTJ 1w2 3w4 5w4 so/sx, 75% sure When I get enough data (I’m looking for at least over a hundred, hoping for closer to 500 but idk) I’m going to post the results! Thanks so much for helping me out!

Mod #1: ENFP 6w7 1w9 4w3 so/sp, 100% sure ENFP, 70% on Enneagram

Mod #2: ISFJ 5w6 4w5 1w9 sp/so, 98% sure ISFJ, 50% on Enneagram.


ISFP(75 %sure) 1 wing 9/ 3 wing 4/ 5 wing 4(90% sure) I know ISFP type 1 is unusual(which is really annoying it makes me question my MBTI a lot) so I thought I'd add it to the survey. :)


The Types as Myers-Briggs Personalities

















uh…. isn’t this a little stereotypical ??


Charmed: Phoebe Halliwell [ESFP]

UNOFFICIAL RE-TYPING by hannah-elizabeth-j

Extroverted Sensing(Se): Phoebe is so focused on what is happening in the now. When she comes into the show she is the only one of the sisters who follows witch craft with no risks even crossing her mind. Why? Because it is fun, she can try new experiences and all of them are focused on the here and now. Her and Piper want to meet guys No problem, here is a spell they can try out that will give Phoebe a fun fling. She has a premonition of the lottery numbers? Great! Time to buy a ticket and then go shopping for a new dress then flirt with guys at the bar. It bugs her to no end that her power is not active and tangible because she can’t kick ass in the moment, but instead of looking into all of the different ways in which she could have an impact with magic what does she do? Martial arts. Quick and most impactful in the moment. She is very in tune with her environment and is more prone to think on her feet than plan before, it takes Prue and Piper even Paige to get her to do so. She can be very reckless and is prone to making bold moves in a way that none of her other sisters do something which often serves them well when in difficult situations. She likes to have proof in front of her before acting and it takes her a minute to trust her intuition.

Introverted Feeling(Fi): This is a very easy function to see in Phoebe especially since there is such a large focus on her love life in the show. When her Grams dies, she needs time to deal with her emotions alone so she moves to New York. Another reason she goes? Because she really wants to find her Dad even though Piper and especially Prue really didn’t want her to look. She didn’t care that they didn’t trust Cole, she knew him, she loved him and that was enough.  Her morality is so strong and totally her own, we see what could have been in the episode where Phoebe “gets killed” in a future for using her powers to punish a murderer. It didn’t go along with the morals of being a witch but since her Fi is so strong she was the sister most prone to breaking that to do what she thought was right.

Extroverted Thinking(Te): When Phoebe finds a career she  is passionate about her Te is very clear. She keeps to deadlines (unless there is a very serious witch problem), is effective and gets the job done. And when being a witch gets in the way of this, it really gets to her. She also has a massive Te door slam with Cole, despite her feelings, he had done too much wrong and once he was out, he was out. She has the ability to give advice that is really quite blunt. She gives the bottom line to people, more gently in “Ask Phoebe” but with her sisters she can be almost rude with it.

Introverted Intuition(Ni): When Phoebe comes into the show Prue complains she has no sense of future thinking and this is true. She has no idea what she is going to do with her life but it is not a high Ne problem of having lots of ideas and having a hard time settling on one, she just has no clue.  She is also BIG into the one solution thing, she wants an active power? She does one thing to solve it and only that until one day she can just…levitate. But it is very clearly seen in her premonition of her getting married to Dex and she just follows it completely, it surprises her sisters because it was a bit full on but she doesn’t question it even though she knows her premonitions don’t tell the whole story.

Note: This is a re-type from my previous submission. I have re-watched the show and have a better understanding of cognitive functions now and Phoebe just doesn’t use Ne…at all. You want to see real Ne look at Paige because comparing the two Phoebe is just way to grounded, she is idealistic yes, but ESFP’s can be and Phoebe doesn’t make the connection, live in a world of ideas or think outside the box as Paige does. She doesn’t spend a lot or really any time looking at what could be there as well as what is, she just wants to believe the best in the people she loves. Phoebe is a colourful personality who is fun and idealistic so gets typed by most people(including myself in the past) as an ENFP, but when re-watching I was surprised when I saw…or didn’t see any real Ne in her. 


Mr. Selfridge: Agnes Towler  [ISFJ]

OFFICIAL TYPING by Charity / the Mod

Introverted Sensing (Si): Agnes is meticulous and detailed, which means she struggles at first to adapt to her workplace, but excels in it once she comes to understand the nuances of working in a store. She is somewhat sentimental and constantly references the past – not in a nostalgic sense, but as a precedent through which she approaches people, situations, and ideas (“You used to give me presents, so now it’s my turn”). She falls in with her old friends, even after she has gone around the world, and feels a little insecure about not having a “proper” education (just experience), since she knows “that’s how the world works.”

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): She is warm, agreeable, and friendly, easily making friends and able to reassure other people when in doubt. Agnes is upfront about her fears and insecurities (“I feel a little at a loss…” “I’m not sure how to act around you right now…”). She enjoys having people around her who can build her up, and she blossoms under encouragement. She accommodates, but also isn’t afraid to assert herself. Agnes is sometimes too quick to interpret other’s actions and apologize for “taking their time.”

Introverted Thinking (Ti): She first must understand how the business works, and then she can figure out how to improve on it. Agnes is good at reading people and interpreting their motives. She learns best through asking questions. Agnes needs to understand why others make the decisions they do; she isn’t happy unless she can figure out what is going on around her, or why someone is treating her badly.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Since she doesn’t always trust her own ideas, Agnes turns to others who have greater immediate ideas in order to help her figure out how to arrange the store, and highlight their specials to the customers. She admits in season two that she is feeling “overwhelmed” and pressured when under a deadline to come up with ideas on the spot.

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