
bl blog


here i´m free to give my thoughts about the bl industry and also writte about my favorite series

Porsche TRUSTS Kinn

He trusts him so much. That’s the whole POINT.

Yes, Porsche doesn’t share the picture with Kinn right away. 

But he tries and he almost does. When Kinn asks him the first time what’s been bothering him, Porsche almost starts sharing with him, almost opens up to him.

But then they get interrupted by Chan. A bitter reminder that Kinn still is and always will be expected to run to his father’s side. 

And it doesn’t stop there. When Porsche asks what the meeting with Korn was about, Kinn just says “Just general work stuff”. 

Kinn, of course, didn’t share what they talked about because he wants to surprise Porsche with travels. But Porsche interprets that as still being on the outside. 

No matter how close he gets to Kinn, he’s still in the dark on family matters.

This looms over Porsche’s head the entire time. He’s conflicted. Keeping secrets from Kinn is tearing him apart, because Kinn is so loving and so uncompromising. But sharing this with Kinn has the potential to ruin everything.

And it’s all confirmed in that scene at the graveyard with Porsche’s deceased parents.


But that’s not all.

Kinn, at this point, would and will do anything for Porsche. 


Nothing could ever make him let go of Porsche’s hand. Not the mafia. Not the main family. Not the minor family. Not Korn. Not the ring. Not anything. 

Porsche has become the reason he keeps going. The reason he “puts up with this life”. Porsche has made his hellish life feel not only bearable, but loving and worth living.

Kinn would burn the WHOLE WORLD to the ground FOR Porsche. 

And Porsche realizes that.

He realizes that Kinn would throw away everything if it means he gets to keep holding Porsche’s hand.


So Porsche leaves.

He leaves because he loves Kinn. Because he trusts Kinn.

Because he trusts Kinn to set fire to everything that’s ever mattered to him and the main family, if Porsche so much as asks. 

Because he loves Kinn too much to let him do just that. 

Because while burning the world to the ground might get Porsche his answers and avenge his parents, it might also leave Kinn with nothing but ashes to his name.

Porsche trusts Kinn. 

He just doesn’t trust that Kinn won’t self-destruct in his quest to keep holding his hand. 


Ohhh, guys. I just had an inkling.

By now, we all know how this show loves to work with parallels, how everything important comes back in one way or another, how they evoke associations through the repetition of certain words and actions by different characters.

In the last three episodes, they did this with Vegas and Kinn; we had the homoerotic first aid:

The kissing of the hand:

Both of them wanting to start all over with their partner:

Even their..."style of apology" is similar 😅:

I'm sure there's more, these are just a few examples off the cuff.

We also know that there's going to be a big battle in the final episode, a shootout between the main and the minor family, as it seems. Vegas will be there. Pete will be there. It's going to be dangerous.

And what happens when love and danger collide in this show?


Sooo...you see what I'm getting at? Because I feel like there's a good change that we get a final (survivable) instalment of the human shield trilogy.

It would even be at a somewhat "similar" point in the relationship between Vegas and Pete as back when Kinn took the bullet for Porsche: both Kinn and Vegas realising how terribly they hurt their partner, both trying to make them understand how sorry they are.

And it would make perfect sense for Vegas, right? Showing Pete how much he means to him, how much his life is worth (to him) by protecting him with his own body, taking the (physical) pain for him - after causing so much of it.

[That way, they could also bring the blood types back - I'm an 0 too, so I know that Pete would be able to give blood to Vegas (ignoring the rhesus factor). And how bittersweet would that be. But that's just an afterthought.]

Anyways, this is my wild theory, my prediction for episode 14. Could be complete BS, could be a fanfiction I'm accidentally writing in my head. 😅

Let's wait and see what they'll really throw at us.

taking the (physical) pain for him - after causing so much of it”

So many excellent points here! I also think that Pete’s whole character is built around empathy and self-sacrifice, always at his own expense, so it would be an effective reversal to see Vegas take that pain for him in the end—proof that he really is sorry.

Don’t mind me, I’ll just be crying. 🥺



U always do this 😭😭😭


I just had a mind blown moment thinking about the blood type thing. Cos someone was talking about the fact that O (negative technically) is universal donor and AB (positive) is the universal receiver and it got me thinking about using that concept as a metaphor for affection and love.

Like, Pete is a universal donor. He has the capacity to love anyone, even Vegas who has done some real bad shit to him.

And Vegas is a universal recipient, in the sense of he will take any love he can get because he's so fucking starved for it. (And don't even get me started on how AB is therefore also a limited donor type and how Vegas's upbringing means he can't give love that easily and he has to find the right kind of people - people who perfectly match him - to be able to give them that.)

So that's my contribution to serious analysis. Excuse me while I go back to obsessing over everything else VegasPete that happened this episode.


Don't ask me to feel sorry for Pete. I can't do it. Don't ask me to sniff your rainbow farts in which Pete is good, sweet, and honest. Because he isn't. He has tortured people in the same way that Vegas is torturing him. He yelled to Big "stop, you'll kill him" because he understood how far it takes to break someone, not because he cares about the guy being tortured. He just doesn't want him to die before he gets the information.

Let's be real honest here. Pete might believe that people are neither good or bad, heros or villains. Because that's a lie that comforts him. There are innately good people, who do the right thing consistently without thanks. They are heros and Pete isn't one of them.

Am I saying I don't like Pete? Not at all. I adore Pete. I'm just not blind to his faults. I in fact find his faults fascinating and believes it adds to the story.


i'm fucking disappointed with KP fandom over the reactions to Apo's post about BOC logo-change and his recent interview, not gonna lie.

if you want to speculate on someone's gender identity or sexuality, fucking do it in private. don't make tweets, tik toks, posts etc. being "omg is he QUEER???" / "he seems so gay" / "he has queer vibes omg-" Especially since Apo's already had to deal with people doing similar things, commenting on his mannerisms and style that it's "gay."

it's never okay to out someone. it's fucking pride month.

let the man live and be himself without having to deal with half of the fandom speculating on his sexuality and gender.

do it in private, if you have to.




Admissions & Manipulation

I’m sorry, but this man is already emitting major snake energy. Maybe I’m reading into it too far, but the way he sets his face before turning to look at Kinn here makes it crystal clear to me that it’s all a game to him. From just a few preview lines, we can hear the calculation and careful precision in his tone. He doesn’t emote too much, but his expression always seems to be brimming with something. I assume that in the above scene, we will see Tawan playing a victim, alluding to some (likely fake) emotions for Kinn–how he didn’t want to betray him, etc. Or perhaps he will be transparent about his betrayal, and he’ll use it to hurt Kinn even more. We know from what Kinn said last episode that Tawan manipulated his emotions, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Kinn fell right into the same trap again.

It’s the way Tawan says Kinn’s name in this^ scene, so pointedly, as if to remind him of all that they meant to each other before–a bitter reminder of what it was like when they were together. His expression softens, and his voice softens with it. It’s the same way he would’ve said it when Kinn believed there was real, deep love between them. 

There’s so much heartbreak and bitterness in Kinn’s reaction. From what we know of Kinn, I bet he will try to remain stone-faced, assuming the mafia facade he’s worked so hard at crafting in Tawan’s absence. But Porsche has broken this facade, and as much as I think Kinn will try, there’s no way he’ll be able to hold off his emotions at seeing someone who left him feeling so small. Betrayal is betrayal–it involves a loss of trust. But the kind of trust between lovers is a whole different beast, and breaking it leaves a prominent scar; it’s the reason why Kinn was so cold and reserved for the first few episodes. He couldn’t allow himself to feel that kind of betrayal again.

Psychologically, people who suffer from a traumatic event often practice avoidance as a defense mechanism. We see that a lot in Kinn as he desperately tries to push Porsche away in episodes 4 and 5, specifically. Not just because Korn warns him, but because Kinn himself knows what it’s like to hurt from love. But beyond the immediate physical attraction, Porsche’s free personality entices him, likely because it reminds him of how he could feel without his position and history weighing on him. 

So yeah, I’d like to think that Kinn was similar to Porsche once. I can easily imagine Kinn having said something similar to Tawan that Porsche said to him in Ep8…

“I think he might be jealous that you and I are in love.”

I don’t think Kinn would’ve been as hesitant to throw around the “L” word when he was with Tawan. We know he loves Porsche, but we also know that Tawan has scarred him. There’s a big difference between loving someone and admitting to loving someone. It’s safe while it’s inside. But when you give a voice to it, you’re opening yourself up to hurt. You’re naming your weakness

Kinn has been taught by Tawan–and his father–that love is a weakness. He knows he’s endangering himself by loving Porsche, but if he keeps it contained, he can offer himself some protection. That’s why I think Ep8 was so pointedly KinnxPorsche focused–it’s a way of offering them shelter in the confines of their relationship. But once that relationship works itself into the public eye, that is when it becomes infinitely more dangerous

That’s why it’s so interesting to me that Kinn is initially eager to expose his relationship with Porsche in Ep8. He wants to show him off, but at the same time, he wants to keep him contained. They know that their best communication happens when they are alone together, without the dangerous, corruptive mafia world bearing down on them. For this reason, I think it makes sense for Kinn to be torn on how to approach his relationship with Porsche. He wants to flaunt, but he also wants to protect the fragility of what he has. There are a lot of emotions to work through, and Kinn and Porsche have once-again re-entered their lovely bubble in Ep8, but–like Ep7–Ep9 is when it all comes crashing down. 

Ep6 = relationship building arc

Ep7 = relationship conflict arc

Ep8 = relationship sustaining arc

Ep9 = relationship testing arc

I suspect that Ep7 and Ep9 will be fairly similar in terms of their effect on KinnPorsche’s dynamic, but with one key difference: Ep9 will be a necessary,  firmer resolution to their issues. Based on what we know of the Pool Scene, I expect that Kinn will finally vocalize his feelings for Porsche, exposing that weakness. Vocalizing this relationship publicly will doubtlessly be a big step for them (despite the fact that they’re so obvious about it and the rest of the bodyguards are just flat-out ignorant), but in my opinion, vocalizing it personally (as in, between K & P exclusively) will be the biggest step for both Kinn and Porsche. It will be proof that Kinn has finally opened up his heart the way not only Porsche deserves, but the way he deserves.

I think it’s also worth noting how even though Porsche has used the word “love” so far, it hasn’t been straightforward. The first time was during an argument, and it was more of a passing reference to his feelings than an outright admission. The second time was casual, but it wasn’t exactly drawing attention to the feeling. Everyone is (understandably) waiting for Kinn to complete part of his arc/growth by telling Porsche that he loves him, but it will also be nice to hear Porsche directly address his love for Kinn. While Kinn and Porsche don’t need to vocalize their love to prove that they are in love, doing so reflects an openness and trust that will propel them forward in their relationship. 

So…does Kinn still love Tawan? He’s hesitant when Porsche shows him the picture at the end of Ep8. But I don’t think his inability to let go is because of Tawan exactly, but because of how he felt back then. It’s ultimately much more about the memory of being in love than it is about the object of that love. That’s what we see in Kinn’s expression from the Ep9 preview: old feelings brought to the surface (and oh how quickly they were stamped on by someone he trusted). In his relationship with Porsche, Kinn longs to trust, but he can’t actually do it. Not yet. Not until he resolves and overcomes his memories of Tawan.

Back to Tawan’s manipulation: he’s a snake not only to Kinn, but to Porsche as well. The final moments of the preview prove this. “Porsche, what are you scared of? Do you think I would fool Kinn, or are you scared of something else?” We’re missing the full context of this conversation, but he offers a little creepy smile as he says this last line: 

It’s clear that Tawan, like Vegas, plans on turning Kinn and Porsche against each other. Like many others, I also hate the returned-ex-drama plot so common to BLs, but I think the added mafia aspect will make Tawan’s role a bit more complex. All I know is that from the little bit we’ve seen of Tawan, it’s clear he likes to play games. Honestly, that gives me more hope than anything, because I love angst because Kinn knows this and (hopefully) won’t fall into his trap so easily. Despite how completely and utterly annoying these kinds of tropes can be, we know KP’s relationship will be made stronger as a result.

Whew. I didn’t intend for this post to be as speculative as it is, but make of it what you will. Please do let me know your thoughts! My inbox is always open. :) And for more KP meta from me, visit this post.


Was Ep8 Filler?

Short answer: No. The things that happened in ep8 were necessary.

Long answer:

“Filler” is content that’s added to pad out the length of a volume, episode, or season of a story. It has no impact on or relevance to the plot, and sometimes is so ridiculously irrelevant that it isn’t even regarded by fans as canon (see: Naruto). Generally speaking, if you can remove something and still have the overall plot play out exactly the same, then it might be filler.

But what is “plot”? The plot of a story is the series of events that cascade into each other and make things happen. A leads to B, which leads to C, and A+B+C lead to D, so on and so on. It’s a bit like a house of cards, wherein each card you add or take away can have serious consequences for the rest of the cards. Generally speaking, if you can add or take away a card with no impact on the other cards (or the ability to add more cards in the future), then it might be filler.

Kinnporsche is a mixed-genre mafia romance, with the mafia side encompassing both action and crime. One common practice in mixed-genre stories is to have each genre exist as a parallel plot, and that’s what they’ve done here. The mafia plot and the romance plot are separate but closely intertwined plots, and sometimes the story focuses much more heavily on one or the other. Both are equally important though, or else the show would just be mafia OR romance, not mafia AND romance.

Ep7 was a very mafia plot heavy episode. There were key moments of romance plot development, but they existed within the framework of the mafia plot. Ep8 then gave us the opposite– there were key moments of mafia plot development, but they existed within the framework of the romance plot.

Even if you’re only here for one or the other, neither plot can be labeled as “filler”, because they both impact each other. If you skip the romance plot then you’ll be missing out on things that affect the mafia plot, and if you skip the mafia plot then you’ll be missing out on things that affect the romance plot. They are both integral to the overall story.

And yes, even scenes like the horror movie night count as plot. Porsche’s belief that he’s being haunted by the ghost of Tawan, though funny, exists to connect the mafia plot and the romance plot. His mounting terror serves to propel him towards the conversation he has with Kinn that night, which in turn creates the circumstances in which they discover that Tawan is actually alive.

There was actually a deleted scene they showed in the behind video showing Porsche running through a hallway in terror, and I instantly understood why it was cut: it was too filler-like. It was cool and funny, but Porsche’s growing terror that night was established perfectly fine without it. It added nothing else to the story, so it had to be cut.

(Clip starts at 2:00 if it won’t jump there for you. Beware of freaking LOUD screaming sdhgjlkj)

Kinnporsche is a show that has remarkably little filler, especially compared to the average BL. They make excellent use of the run time, and they propel the plot forward very quickly.

Ep8 is a bit like a beautiful romantic sunset before the dark of night comes– the dark night can’t arrive if the sun doesn’t set. Sunsets are plot, not filler.

In terms of story structure, ep9 is going to bring us the Second Pinch Point. This is a point in the story where typically either A) an opportunity will present itself to the protagonist that requires both hands to fully grasp, but the protagonist only has one hand free because the other is still grasping some bullshit; and/or B) the protagonist is given a harsh reminder of all that could be lost upon failure.

Ep8 is leading us into both of those things. It shows us that they each have one hand on loving the other and one hand off (Porsche resists acknowledging their relationship in front of other people, and Kinn resists verbally confirming his feelings to Porsche). It also shows us just how sweet and fulfilling their love can be, which will make it worth fighting for when they’re reminded that they have to fight for it or they will lose it.

The things that happened in ep8 were necessary for the things that will happen in ep9. Necessary things are not filler.

EXACTLY OP👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Your Love is My Drug

How to be a couple by Kinn Annakinn and Porsche Pachara

Answer: Carve your life into two non-overlapping spheres. 

After the Vegas mafia machinations of episode 7 that tried to pull our best boys apart, episode 8 returns us to Kinn and Porsche as a couple. Episode 8 is a mirror of episode 6, but now back in the real world. While episode 6 showed us how Kinn and Porsche can be without all the stresses of the outside world and its responsibilities, this episode showed us how they managed to carve out time for themselves within that world. 

Kinn’s massive grin is back. Something we did not see until the very end of episode 7. Seemingly Porsche is the only person who can make him smile like that. 

What is interesting is that we don’t see any of their real jobs in this episode as it focuses mostly on them. There’s two implications for this, one that they successfully found a way to be together and be happy (Yay!!). The other is that the only way to be happy is to create two personas, one for work life and another for when they are together. It’s not uncommon for people to have a work persona that isn’t entirely themselves. The question for these boys is how long can they really keep their lives separated. They LIVE at work. This felt like another idyll time similar to episode 6. It was a much needed breather for them to establish themselves as a couple and release A LOT of pent up sexual desire. 

Their date is probably the most striking example of this work/life duality. The first is when they swap clothes. Kinn starts in his red power mafia suit and then switches to a casual blue ensemble identical to the one Porsche wore in Ep5. Porsche is, unexpectedly, in an outfit that is much more Kinn. Yes, symbolism abounded here. They’ve shed their work clothes and (I guess) abandoned them in the bathroom. (Maybe Big was sent to collect them later. Pick up my abandoned clothes and also a lot more condoms.)

Red is out and blue is in. Always a sign the couple will be having a good time. 

Porsche, absolutely sweetheart, tries to plan out the “perfect” date. It’s the most realistically adorable thing he’s done. We know Kinn is just happy to be with Porsche, but Porsche, who has confessed to being in love, is perhaps less sure of the depth of Kinn’s interest. The scenes in the cafe are sweet, but there’s a tiny sliver of pain because the audience can see how hard Porsche is trying. 

There were certain parallels to the fishing scene, with Porsche taking control and giving detailed instructions on how to fish/prepare scones. He was taking it all very seriously and Kinn was pleased at both the attention and the concern for him. I’m not sure Kinn has ever had someone fuss over him like that, since his appearance shifted between delighted and nonplussed. 

The best moment is Kinn confirming that the date was awesome. Let’s face it, he willingly stayed handcuffed to Porsche for days in the forest with zero amenities. His bar for “perfect time with Porsche” is literally just Porsche. Keep it up, Kinn. Your sweetheart needs constant verbal affirmation. 

This scene was, for me, almost more touching than the date. It’s the end of the day and they are just talking, relaxed in each other’s company. Porsche reveals that he thinks he’s being haunted, which Kinn takes seriously and does not laugh off. Kinn reveals a huge secret about his past, trusting Porsche with sensitive information and clues to his serious trust issues. 

As I noted in a previous post, Porsche and Kinn virtually never speak to each other when people are around. They are not a team in the mafia world. What I suspect needs to happen is that they work together not just as a couple but in their work lives as well. That is a new and probably quite tricky dynamic. It would mean that bodyguard Porsche needs an upgrade to boyfriend Porsche. Also, can we admit that Porsche is a problematic bodyguard when Kinn would just as happily leap in front of danger for him as the reverse? Maybe get some bodyguards FOR Porsche? 

I found this episode a delightful and critical opportunity for Kinn and Porsche to be together as a couple as they tentatively delve back into the real world. As we saw from the ending, it’s going to get messy again and we’ll have to see just how well they have established themselves in order to face Tawan’s machinations. 



So did anyone get the apple metaphor

Kinns not being useful because of love hes being rusted and losing his purpose he needs to sharpen himself and be used for correct things otherwise he’ll ruin everyone and ruin his purpose 😔


the imagery of watching Porsche being corrupted and pulled into Vegas world through the eyes of the Maria Magdalena statue is some serious masterpiece big brain thinking.

don't kill me the gif is by @roqueruiz

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