
Maribat Lover


~Daminette ❤️~Miraculous Stan
~I stan all Maribat ships
Wattpad and Ao3: qqueenz

Master List


I only post on Ao3. Wattpad is there, but I don’t use it much.

Asks are always open!

Please comment on these they make me feel valid! I need validation.

Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2021

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30


3am Random Ideas—either drabbles, bullets, or one -shots.

My Daydream Of I Would Like One Family Please- (If the creator has a problem with it please let me know!)


What I Need

Short Conversations

Daminette —Realization 1

Daminette — Realization 2

Daminette — Group Chat Shenanigans

My Brother Jason Does Not Know It All (Sibling Jasonette)

Field Trip To Gotham
*In hotel room*
Adrien: Mari you’re famous.
Marinette: Huh? Famous on what?
Adrien: Check your instagram you’re literally blowing up.
Marinette: Who is Bruce Wayne and why is everyone saying I look like him?
[text message]
[Unknown Number]: Hello this is Bruce Wayne, is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Jason: ..Pix, how did you get through all those orders?
Marinette: Here. Listen to this, it’s a real motivator.
Music.id [It’s about drive, it’s about power. We stay hungry, we devour. Put in the work, put in the hours. And take what’s ours. Black & samoan in my veins My culture banging with strange..]

am i evil for liking people that hate marinette in maribat fanfics?

now let me expand more on that.. so i think the fic was called.. i honestly forgot, but i think it had the name family in it

continuing on, it was where marinette got sent to her father and like everyone was suspicious of her and the only ppl that really had an open mind was like cass, and alfred right

and like tim just had a feeling the marinette was like evil? and you know how tim is smart? so like he tries to find out lila’s lies to find out if marinette is really innocent and i kinda just love that part

actually.. maybe i just love like enemies to realization? is that a trope or is there a name for it?

it doesn’t have to be biodad bruce wayne but any thing in general with maribat


biodad bruce wayne

imagine marinette got into a fight at school right

marinette’s the type of person to not get into too much drama but like if someone hits a tough spot she might go off

now imagine someone doing something that just got her to the absolute edge bro

they slap her cheek and you know how it in like tv shows when someone slaps them they dramatically turn to the side that the person slapped them on and is just in shock

right.. so that’s marinette and she’s honestly just offended like how dare you. now marinette gets into a fight with this girl, and like she kept it on the down low bc like she wasn’t trying to get suspended or gave rumors spread

she comes home with a bruise on her face and just like speeds into her room and everyone is like “did we all just see that?”

and at dinner she’s probably daring someone to say something about it

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