
Alskylark's blog

@alskylark / alskylark.tumblr.com


I saw some post about this hypothetical a woman was asked: “Would you rather be in the woods alone with a bear or a random man” or something to that effect and the woman replied “the bear” (and many more apparently) of course and lordy lordy the discussion around it…

Taking away the obvious malicious people and bear jokes and facts, SO many men feeling defensive or hurt about being seen as SA and shit and so so so SO little self reflection about how it is that THAT was the woman’s answer…

Like, so many: “I get it but…” like dude, stfu thats it no buts just “get it” and make sure to build a future where men are better. Thats it, end of discussion.

No amount of whining is going to change the answers of these women, feeling attacked ain’t going to do shit, but you know what MIGHT? You know what MIGHT make women not feel threatened by men? Change, raising boys to be good people, to treat women like equals and with respect. However that can be done, we should strive for it instead of bickering about the aggresiveness of a bear or useless statistics.


And thats my workouts done until I come back from Japan!

I mean tbf, I’ll be walking and doing a LOT in Japan, so I don’t expect to lose a lot of progress but I’m going with the mentality of EAT WHAT I WANT DO WHAT I WANT so… yeah, THAT’s why I dieted and worked out afterall 🤣

So when I started I was at around 67kg and I’m now at 61kg! So not too bad for a couple of months, I can also feel my arms stronger and slightly bulkier which is nice, and my belly definitely feels less floppy too.

All in all this was great! Looking forward to continue when I come back, maybe with a different plan since its getting a bit stale now.

In any case I’m off to Japan in 2 days, I’ve been learning loads of Japanese and I can confidently say that 私は今もっと日本語を知ります!(⌒▽⌒)


Saw this on someone’s profile on tumblr. This is genuinely insidious ngl

Hey potential clients if you don’t want to get ripped off (paying for something that took little time, no skill, low effort) I highly suggest showing smaller artists offering commissions some love. You will never get that level of passion or satisfaction of having helped someone put food on the table from something generated off of stolen art.

so exhausting to see the same lies getting repeated over and over

it automatically takes no time, skill, or effort, because there's a computer in it.

What's that? Doing it well actually does require plenty of time, skill, and effort? Well, but it's "stolen."

What's that? There's no possible way to claim it's stolen that doesn't also outlaw things that everyone agrees are art, like collage, photography, or Photoshop? Well...then it's Not Real Art.

What's that? There's no possible way to call it Not Real Art that doesn't also outlaw things that everyone agrees are art, like Warhol, Pollock, or Duchamp? Well... Then I'll go back to claiming it takes no effort, because by now I've forgotten how we already agreed that wasn't true.

It's like whackamole. And even if you get someone to agree to each part individually, they'll just decide it's Bad Anyway, Because. Because they've decided to dislike it, is all, and they're not interested in hearing otherwise.

anyway, maybe throw a small artist a commission, a small artist like the one OP is trying to throw under the bus


Surprisingly… I didn’t give up! I’m still doing semi regular work outs! (Christmas period notwithstanding 😛)

Im at the “noob gains” phase I think, tho I don’t really feel like my muscles got that much bigger tbh… BUT They definitely feel stronger! So there’s that!


Ok so I'm doing workouts quite regularly (emphasis on the quite as today I should've worked out but had a bath before I did so now I'm like well I'm clean no point in getting myself all sweaty again...) and it's working in the sense that I don't feel like I'm getting worse gut wise and I legit think my arms are getting slightly bigger BUT...

I'm still not as consistent as I should, and I think the key should be to do it in the morning, early morning before work sounds like the most reasonable thing and yet... shit man

One thing I've never "gotten better with age" is waking up consistently, like, so many of my friends can just wake up at ungodly hours every day or at least GET USED to it and yet, after so many years in this green earth I still struggle sooooooooo damn hard ESPECIALLY now in the winter (at least in the summer I feel more motivated to get up) it's so damn cold and shieht

And what hasn't helped at all is that I've been wfh for a couple of years now and man it... really nice to just get up 10 minutes before work oTL I feel like I need to set a challenge for myself to get the fuck up early for X amount of time, and just do it but man... That's where I'm the weakest in terms of power of will 😭


We just saw “The Marvels” and honestly it was quite good! A very fun romp, oozes charm and girl power. I thought they had really nice chemistry together and I hope we get another one!

It feels like this is another “Elemental” type where people online were saying “its so bad” then you watch it and find quite an enjoyable film!

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