

21; any pronouns (I'm trying them out...); this is mostly just sortinghatchats stuff


its "HAPPY Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

not "MERRY Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

this poem is written in TROCHEES. That is SO HARD to do in English.

HAPPY is a trochee. You stress the second syllable. ha-PPY.

MERRY is an iamb. You stress the first syllable. MER-ry.

changing that completely breaks the soft, sing-song, trochaic rhythm of the poem. (and it's NOT an English vs American localization thing, it's an American poem, that word is there on PURPOSE. DON'T CHANGE IT.)


Hold up…this is anapestic, though, right? Two unstressed, one stressed.


‘twas the NIGHT / be-fore CHRIST- / mas when ALL / through the HOUSE
not a CREA- / ture was STIR- / ring not E- / ven a MOUSE

all the way to

ha-ppy CHRIST / -mas to ALL / and to ALL / a good NIGHT


(okay, I feel better about this whole thing now. clearly you're not supposed to stress either syllable of the last line. still sounds better with "happy" though. picking up all the repeated Hs and phonetically bookending the last ine)

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight—
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Oooooh yes I agree completely! Love the alliteration there.



its "HAPPY Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

not "MERRY Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

this poem is written in TROCHEES. That is SO HARD to do in English.

HAPPY is a trochee. You stress the second syllable. ha-PPY.

MERRY is an iamb. You stress the first syllable. MER-ry.

changing that completely breaks the soft, sing-song, trochaic rhythm of the poem. (and it's NOT an English vs American localization thing, it's an American poem, that word is there on PURPOSE. DON'T CHANGE IT.)


Hold up…this is anapestic, though, right? Two unstressed, one stressed.


‘twas the NIGHT / be-fore CHRIST- / mas when ALL / through the HOUSE
not a CREA- / ture was STIR- / ring not E- / ven a MOUSE

all the way to

ha-ppy CHRIST / -mas to ALL / and to ALL / a good NIGHT

If yall are on this blog, I'm sure you've seen the "top five sexiest/unsexiest sortings" ask meme going around a while ago. My dear friend @nounsnlies came up with another idea and I had to make it exist. So, without further ado-

What I love about each sorting

Spoiler alert: you are going to be hearing a lot of "like magic" and "teach me your ways." This is to be expected. Yall are awesome.

(Also, some are longer than others. I'm sorry if I didn't give your sorting as much love, I don't understand yall as well as I do the others (or as well as I wish I understood you))

Double lion: you guys just,,, do things??? You literally just do things. You see a thing, you know you're gonna do it, and then you actually go out and do it until it's done. Literally how. Teach me your ways. Please.

Lion bird: lion bird, oh lion bird. My belovedly detested. When will you stop plaguing my wips with hoards of characters that I thought were literally any other sorting? Jokes about me over-writing my own sorting aside, I love you guys. I get really excited when characters outside of my writing & actual people house-match with me. You guys are the mom-friends with the craziest shit at your disposal that you will use for those you love in a heartbeat. If someone you love - or even just someone that it's Right to help - needs your help, you are doing whatever you can. If you don't have anything that can help, then by God you're gonna find someone who does or learn how to do something new, yourself.

Lion badger: just, so grounded. So stable. Probably one of the most stable sortings. You know your Right and Wrong and you're able to work at the Right to fix the Wrong. When well-spoken, you guys tend to have the energy of walking into a situation and serenely going "okay this is what's going on," and explain everything in a way that's really understandable. I aspire to have a mask like that someday.

Lion snake: you guys are so bright and vibrant and playful and passionate. You guys aren't sunshine in the way that a badger secondary is, but you are the sun, absolutely full of energy and life. Even when things aren't going well and you're in a low-state, there's still that thrum of fire pulsing underneath.

Bird lion: when you guys act, you tend to know why. You're able to explain it, and there's something about "I am charging into this wall until it breaks, and I will tell you why it makes sense" that is so comforting. You guys are the ones who hear a proverb about taking action, think it over, reword it, and then make it your own. As put by Susan Schorn (author of Smile at Strangers, and someone with major bird lion vibes):

Double bird: double birds, my beloved. I love the versatility that you guys bring to the table, your love of your passions, your obvious pride in your hoards, your eagerness to explain yourself and sometimes parts of your systems, and, yes, your mad-scientist-leaning curious/chaotic energies. Yes, you guys may not have the consistent groundedness of a badger secondary or the undertone of energy of a snake secondary, but you guys play to both better than most other sortings and the shift between them that you guys do can be felt so clearly and - even as a birdsec that probably does that to some degree, myself - it is magic.

Bird badger: kinda in the same vein as double lions - yall are able to decide to do a thing and just,,, work at it? It's like magic. I don't even get it. Also, your patience when doing something you're invested in is to die for. Literally how. How do you not lose interest. Teach me your ways.

Bird snake: anyone who's been on my blog long enough will know that I have a particular fondness for this sort. Like lion snakes, there's a thrum of energy underneath, but unlike lion snakes, it's less of an energy and more of a sense of the person, so to speak. It's like whatever way you're expressing yourself to us, no matter how twisty and mp snakey you're getting, the core of who you are is still felt, even if it's unnamable and impossible to pin down. And you guys are just,,, so observant, so thoughtful, so well-spoken when you choose to speak. When there's something I'm trying to work out, like a situation or a moral dilemma, you guys are almost always one of my first choices to go to. Because of all the things I said before and how they all compile into how you are when someone reaches out for that sort of help. (The bird primary having already done the work and being able to explain reasoning is also up there).

Badger lion: probably the sorting I'm least familiar with outside of fiction, honestly. But yall are probably the first ones ready to throw hands for someone. I respect both that and how vocally supportive you are of those around you.

Badger bird: yall are so passionate about the things you're into. I know that can be said for basically anyone and even more so for anyone with a bird secondary, but you guys light up like sunshine, and I can't help it, yall are adorable. Also the fact that almost everything that you collect is freely shared when needed. You guys have your hoards and you will use them to make life better for people and that is a threat (from you. You're threating to make everyone's lives better. I'd never threaten yall to make things better like that). You guys are the Prime Sorting for a "main character knows what's going to happen and will save Everyone" fix-it fic with your people-oriented primary and prep, plan, and tool-oriented secondary and not only is that satisfying to watch, it is also beautiful.

Double badger: when at your strongest, yall are like the classic dwarf cleric - a tanky damage sponge. If given enough time, you guys are able to get through basically everything, and it takes so, so long for you to get worn down in the first place. I have no clue how you guys do it.

Badger snake: when you're comfortable with your shifting and adapting are the epitome of gremlin "I will solve problems on purpose." Were you supposed to solve that problem? Nope! Did that stop you? Hell no! It is so much fun to watch you guys do your thing. I just wish you'd teach me how to do it XD

Snake lion: you guys are so, so consistent. You know who you are and you're there for those you love. The lack of face-changing and shifting makes it easier to get a sense of who you are and being around someone that you understand like that can be so comforting sometimes. Also, as @paint-the-ravenclaw said in her "top sexiest sortings" post: *poke* dork.

Snake bird: Respect. That's it, that's the biggest thing I respect about you guys: respect. You won't hesitate to help people, but if that person wants you to stay out of it and it's safe enough to allow that, then you guys respect those wishes better than I ever could. You go looking for information and try to find helpful resources to help your people, but only if they ask of it (or, at least, so long as they don't outright say no). On top of that, you guys are so loving and lovable. And your collections and tools are amazing. Another sorting that's wonderful to listen to the interests of.

Snake badger: soft gremlins who nobody suspects are gremlins until it's too late. And even then, we keep falling for it. You guys are also dependable and, whenever you have the tri-energy for it (mental/emotional/physical), you're always there to lend an ear and give emotional support, as well as to take care of those you love as best you can.

Double snake: yall are fun. You're feral and hilarious and compassionate and witty and I love it. You guys bring the best vibes for a good time. With yall it's greater chaos and digging into jokes until they've become staples. Amazing banter and getting blindsided by something I didn't see coming. On top of that, you guys can be very, very insightful and knowing that yall are there for us means so much.


@magpie-of-a-birb is a treasure for doing this, so I had to share!


please help! my dad's been infected with covid and we need to pay the medical bills

i really hate to be asking for this but we're all really worried about him! he needed to be rushed to the emergency room and just got in today. in all i think the lowest we all need to pay off for him is ~6000 dollars? but any amount helps!! if you have any money to spare, would you consider sending it here?

i have a p@ypal link set up here!

Anonymous asked:

How would you sort Will Graham?

oh this is a delightful question!! I'm assuming you mean on the primary/secondary model thing @wisteria-lodge has going?

If you mean just bog-standard HP sorting, then I'd say Gryffindor without hesitation. Before all things, he will do what he believes is right, and he will always choose to be brave—and he would want to be in Gryffindor, which is what would matter.

In the more interesting (imo at least) primary/secondary model of sorting, I'd say Will is a Lion Snake with a helpful bird model.

Man, I tried to approach that in a segmented way and explain each part on its own—but lbr that was never gonna work with Mr. "I am a writhing mass of masks with a fire of righteousness at my core and it may seem simple to pull me apart, but try it and burn" Graham.

The thing is, his snake secondary is so damn powerful that he had to build the bird model as a way to keep himself grounded—he loves his pack, but he doesn't just want a community of dogs, he wants dogs that are projects, dogs he can go through the complicated and delicate and very real work of training and rehabilitating. He tinkers and builds specialty lures, letting his secondary bird model carry him through actions that are simple in their finite complexity, enough to occupy him without taking him over.

Because, with his snake secondary, being taken over is how he operates. He either finds a mask (when he becomes someone else) or he builds one (what he did in season 2 with Hannibal), and then he steps into it so completely that his lion primary is almost entirely supplanted by whatever primary the mask has. Which is where the horror comes from, when he snaps back to himself and feels all that revulsion at having abandoned his primary, and—for however brief a time—having believed whatever awful things the mask he'd worn believed.

I nearly put him as a bird primary because of that—so much of who he is seems based around the desperate need to know himself, to have a fixed reality that he can depend on. That search for truth feels very much like a ravenclaw primary. But I'd argue it's just a side-effect of the way his snake secondary and his lion primary interact—he's terrified of losing sight of his actual values, and gravitates towards anything that can make the way he operates in the world feel safe.

Then there is some extra fun horror when the line between himself and the mask starts to blur in season 2, and he's full on in love with the man he was pretending to care about, and not at all sure if he enjoyed the kill or the righteousness of it. Though, by season 3 at least (if not sooner), I'd say he's figured out that he enjoyed the righteousness, and never reveled in the power of the violence for its own sake. With that confirmed, I think he's far more comfortable in his snake secondary—though he still doesn't know how to feel about the blurrier bits, the parts of the mask he wore for Hannibal that weren't a mask at all, but simple a part of him viewed from a new angle.

The final moments of the show are in many ways about self-acceptance, and I'd say a part of that is Will fully occupying that part of himself without making it into a mask. The side of himself that murders the dragon with Hannibal and knows it is beautiful—that is not a side he would bring out around everyone. But he's not lying when that part is set aside, and for once he admits that he's not lying when that part comes forward. He lets himself experience it fully, and (to his relief, I'd say) he finds that in that moment he is still entirely himself, lion primary bright and powerful. So, he pushes them off the cliff, because he feels it is the right thing to do.

Anyway, when I got this ask I wondered if I'd been out of the fandom too long to have much to say about this, and LOLZ.

Curious to hear your thoughts, nonny! Or @wisteria-lodge, not sure if you've sorted Will?


Back in the day, SHC sorted him as an extremely burned Badger primary, but I like this better. More interesting, and gels more with the later seasons. I know I've got Hannibal people that follow me, and I am not the expert here. Thoughts?


I’ve always been convinced he’s a burned Badger primary/burned Badger secondary although perhaps that’s wishful thinking in wanting burned Badger/burned Badger representation

I could see Lion primary for him, maybe, but I’m pretty set on Badger secondary. Empathy is his superpower. He can mirror like nobody’s business if he lets himself, but he’s afraid of how easily he can do it and so he burns. I don’t see Snake—he’s actually pretty bad at manipulating people every time he tries, and it always looks like he’s straining. He shapeshifts, but he has to worry about losing himself in the form he shifts to all the damn time, which is a very Badger thing and not all that Snake—Snakes can pull out of whatever messed up role they were embodying much more easily, ‘cause they never have to believe it to begin with.

This is very poorly fleshed out though I’ll admit, I gotta think more. I haven’t sorted someone in ages oops



these dang shows will let a man-god simp for an alternate female version of himself from another timeline and a witch have an imaginary robot husband she created out of a rock fragment inside her body but won’t let two normal dudes with sparkling chemistry get together smh


Saw Black Widow in theaters last night! It was the first movie I’d seen in a movie theater since Birds of Prey way back last February, and gosh I’d missed the experience. Kinda fun that they were both badass female superhero team-ups.

Some thoughts: Natasha Romanoff is the epitome of the Badger Primary hero. Does that make her a little boring at times? Sure. (Yeah, the rest of her family outshone her in her own friggin’ movie.) Is it kinda sexist that she’s the only Avenger that’s never allowed a single selfish moment? Absolutely. But damn if watching her go through hell to save every single person in this goddamn universe isn’t really fucking inspiring.

All right, we’re entering into spoiler territory now, so here’s a gif as an off-ramp for folks who haven’t seen it yet

The whole you-created-this-villain twist is tricky to get right but I thought it was fairly well executed here, especially because of the follow-through to make amends. I do wish it had been a little harder to free her from mind-control to just smash a vial—after all, she had plenty of reason to hate Natasha already, and real abuse isn’t that easy to escape. But I did like that they made it clear she was a victim of her father as much as anyone else. (And it was a fun callback to the Avengers—I was like “where I have I heard the phrase ‘Dreykov’s daughter’ before?” and Loki popped right into my head.)

Anonymous asked:

Possible snake vs bird 2ndary indicator - when giving a speech, do you prefer speaking off an outline (but choosing the exact words in the moment) or having all the words prepared in advance? For me even though I'll practice the speech several times in advance, and maybe have a key phrase or two I want a specific way verbatim, for the actual speech it's always an outline, I need the room to go extemporaneous.

Oh, I have the most rapid-fire Bird answer here xD

I don't like giving speeches that are memorized start to finish. Instead, I'll write the speech out as if I were giving it--multiple times, all slightly different--and rehearse the snot out of it from an outline. The writing stage lets me come up with jokes or clever turns of phrase that are likely to be entertaining, but there's a lot of connective tissue in a speech, and holding myself to one version of *all* of that would come out sounding stiff I think.

Later, when I'm actually giving the speech, I'll remember the versions of each bit that I liked best, and I can read the listeners, and because I am actually choosing which version to give in the moment, it doesn't come off as too memorized.

There are people--better actors--who can give a memorized speech in a way that sounds completely off the cuff, and there are people--better improv artists--who can take in a vague outline (or nothing at all!) and just wing it. On the whole, though, I'd rather have to deal with memorizing a speech than making it up on the spot. I am not great at the latter.

I've done it at least once, though. It definitely wasn't the smoothest, and I had the advantages that my "audience" were mostly a bunch of kids (whom I'd already distracted with a shiny Birdsec creation they were playing with at the same time) and a couple of their parents, and it was in one of my more thorough areas of expertise. (I coded a little text based adventure game that taught bash commands for Linux, and then I talked about Linux for like ten, fifteen minutes. It was part of a STEM event my community college was holding for kids.)

"I can only improvise if I've prepared really well first!": the song of rapid-fire Birdsec 😂


My best speeches are those where I’ve written out the whole thing, word for word, in a frenzied fervor the morning of the speech, and then I just get to read it off from what I wrote! I used to be a lot better at memorizing speeches, but now I’m too impatient for that and always look for ways to avoid having to memorize. Plus, I can in fact do the thing where I make a prepared speech sound quite natural. I can pick the right intonation, cadence, emphasis, etc. in the moment to make it flow.

I have, however, pulled off fairly funny speeches in the moment, where I just kind of outline it out in my head beforehand. And if I’m really familiar with a topic, I’ve probably talked about it to myself enough times in my head to give a speech on it. (Especially if I’m teaching something, I don’t need to prep all that much, and certainly not word for word.) But I was honestly a lot better at this as a kid than I am now. Probably the whole anxiety thing got to me as I got older, whoops.


I was hoping to like the new Cruella movie, and I did! But that’s probably because (a) I never actually watched any of the originals and (b) I care significantly more about people than I do about dogs

It’s not perfect—as with a lot of heist movies, it needed higher stakes in the third act, as things actually go a little too easily for Cruella and her crew—but it was loads of fun.

“He also understood different actors, and what different actors needed. Because some people clearly needed to be left alone - and he would leave them alone. Some people needed positive re-enforcement all the time, needed that encouraging energy. Some people needed a little more negative - not negative in a mean way, but some people respond more to criticism than compliments, and some people respond more to compliments than criticism. And he could read every different person’s need. I really saw him work differently with different actors.”

— Natalie Portman on Darren Aronofsky


Can confirm, this is exactly how I direct shows as a Snake Secondary

Anonymous asked:

Any Hufflepuff Slytherins in Harry Potter? It seems to be kind of a rare sorting :/

It does seem to be less common, and HP doesn't have the most, uh... diverse cast.

For Sortings, I mean.


I asked the SHC Discord and we spent over an hour and a half trying to come up with a Puff Snek in the HP-verse. The best we found was Amelia Bones, head of magical law enforcement, suggested by @soundofez.

Someone Sorted Natasha Romanov as a Puff Snek at one point, if you want a non-HP example in lieu.

It is a less common Sorting, and characters with that combo tend to have a lot of internal struggle that makes their Sorting less obvious. Society tends to have a negative view of Slythie secondaries, Puff primaries are the most likely to care about that, and it's good for character drama if the two clash.


I think it’s possible to sort Draco as a Hufflepuff/Slytherin? If you read him as a Hufflepuff primary who only considers pureblood magic folk “people” and has internalized his family’s values, and only starts to change his mind after he sees what Voldemort’s return does to his community. And if you read him as a Slytherin secondary, maybe backed up with a Ravenclaw model to get the slytherclaw chessmaster scheming thing going. I don’t know that there’s actually a lot of textual evidence to support him actually being a good improvisor, though--I’d probably sort him as either a Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw or a Slytherin/Ravenclaw.

I thought about Draco, and I agree that he's probably a Puff primary--I was going to suggest he might actually be a Lion secondary, but the consensus on Discord was that he's probably a double Puff, which... oops. Nobody tell him!

"Imagine being in Hufflepuff! I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

Poor kid 😂

He uses Lion sometimes (or rather, he sometimes just does stuff and has No Plan behind it and doesn't really adjust well on the fly), but most of the stuff he does is through Puff secondary. Having powerful friends and being relied on (or at least, being told he's relied on) makes him feel strong.

He gets Crabbe and Goyle to back him up, especially when he's doing really important stuff like fixing the Vanishing Cabinet... a plan the point of which is to bring the Death Eaters into Hogwarts to back him up while he assassinates Dumbledore, and also to cause destruction in general, but mostly it seems like they're there so Draco isn't alone.


Okay, hang tight, ‘cause this is a bit out there, but...could Peeves be a Badger Snake?

It’s hard to say what his values are (I doubt he believes in much, which does hint at a Loyalist), but if I had to pin it down, I’d say he has this kind of warped sense of loyalty to the Hogwarts community. He absolutely refuses to leave it. He seems to consider it his duty to serve his community role of causing as much chaos as possible; moreover, he takes it upon himself to very loudly announce anything he deems funny, humiliating, or panic-inducing to the whole school. And though he loves to antagonize everyone there, he’ll band together with the Hogwarts folks in times of crisis (vs. Umbridge or vs. Voldemort). Otherwise, he’s an equal opportunity offender. Hence the Badger Primary.

His mischief is random and bizarre, indicative of an Improvisational Secondary, and the one time we see him really backed into a corner (Book 1, when he thinks he’s offended the Bloody Baron) he immediately code switches and becomes terribly obsequious—even though there’s not an honest whiff about it. So I’d say Snake Secondary over Lion.


In Merry Wives of Windsor Master Ford goes undercover as Master Brooke, and that pun is so obvious and stupid that I literally only figured it out today. 


The in-universe explanation, of course, being that Ford is too dense to come up with a less transparent pseudonym, but Falstaff is likewise too clueless to put it together

Gotta add a little pause when Ford says “my name is...Brook” when he comes up with it, for good measure

Anonymous asked:

Is it an improvisational secondary thing to despise guided tours? I remember having to do them on school trips and it was like torture. I just want to wander around and explore on my own. It's the same when I visit a new city. I just wander (making sure not to get lost) and see what I find. I studied abroad and a bunch of people went on a guided tour of some museums during an excursion but I ditched and just explored the entire morning.

Could easily be! I've done this too, but it does seem like an Improvisational secondary thing to do ^^

Though it could also be that having to go through stuff at someone else's pace is too soul-sucking, haha--especially if you have ADHD, or find some areas of the museum much more interesting than others :)


I actually love guided tours :O they’re highly dependent on getting a good tour guide, though, but they often have cool stories you probably wouldn’t have heard otherwise (like, I can always come back later if I wanna see things for myself...). They’re also a bit of a performance. I guess I just love watching knowledgeable people share their knowledge in engaging ways...but that’s probably the bird model talking. If left to my own devices, I tend to get way too completionist—it’s refreshing to have someone just show me the highlights.

Anonymous asked:

I'm a double burned Hufflepuff but I can't relate at all to double Puff characters because they're all sunshine and flowers and I'm just cynical and tired, especially after living through 2020-21. :( I don't think there are any double Puffs who have burned both primary and secondary.

I've written one! Or at least, his primary is burnt to a crisp and his secondary is... well, he still uses Bookkeeper and he has a full-on Badger Reputation, but his use of Courtier is very limited because he doesn't think he deserves to have a community 🥲 and he is just overall Very Tired. His name is Daryl and he needs a hug.

Anyway, these characters exist! I know mine isn't all that helpful to you because I need to uhhhhhh finish the book he belongs to. But. It's not impossible! This *is* a character type.

I was gonna point you to Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, but he's probably a Lion secondary who's modeling Badger because Iroh encourages him to. Still, he does use both, and he is very grumpy and tired.

It's being a Badger primary that gets Zuko literally burned. He speaks out against a general's plan to use new Fire Nation troops as bait, and this is enough justification for his batshit "father" to decide to "duel" and then exile him, and literally all he wants to do is go home. He's exhausted and angry and attached to this community that was never good for him in the first place (except Iroh and his mom).

There are burned Puffs to be found! Burned double Puffs might be a little trickier to find, just because it's a very specific Sorting, but I'm sure they're out there (aside from my character lol). Anyone who can think of one, go ahead and tack on!


Others can probably analyze him better than I can, and I’ve only ever seen his sorting given in bits and pieces here and there rather than a single post, but I highly suspect Will Graham is a Double Badger who’s burned both (although there’s one fragment of his Secondary he’s still able to use and very good at using).

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