

@theirwxrld-blog / theirwxrld-blog.tumblr.com

INDEPENDENT & SELECTIVE blog for enid greene-rhee from AMC's show the walking dead. Multi-muse, multi-verse, multi-ship & VERY OC friendly. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. EST. SEPTEMBER 2017 written & loved andrea. Previously scavengerenid.

‘  all i need is for you to stay by my side.  ’ ‘  all of the love songs remind me of you.  ’ ‘  all of the words in the world can’t show how much you mean to me.  ’ ‘  boy,  could i use your love  &  affection right now.  ’ ‘  concept:  we’re both awake at 4 a.m.  i call you to hear your sleepy voice.  ’ ‘  cute thing that you do:  the most stereotypical giggle  &  then hiding your face.  ’ ‘  don’t let this be temporary.  ’ ‘  don’t worry about me.  i just want to know you’re okay.  ’ ‘  every day i get to see your gorgeous face is a good day.  ’ ‘  everything about our relationship feels so natural  &  perfect.  ’ ‘  feelings change,  but mine about you won’t.  ’ ‘  hey,  guess what?  i love you.  ’ ‘  hold me tight  &  tell me you love me.  ’ ‘  i always daydream about living with you.  ’ ‘  i am so exhausted,  but i’d sleep so much better with your arms around me.  ’ ‘  i can’t help but imagine living with you years from now.  ’ ‘  i can’t keep setting fires to keep you warm.  ’ ‘  i could listen to you talk about the things you love forever.  ’ ‘  i don’t think i’ll ever stop wanting you.  ’ ‘  i don’t want those memories any more.  ’ ‘  i forget who  &  where i am when we kiss.  ’ ‘  i get that warm,  pleasant feeling in my chest when i’m with you.  ’ ‘  i hope with all my heart that you love me like i love you.  ’ ‘  i hope you feel the same way you make me feel.  ’ ‘  i just want to softly cuddle with you  &  count the freckles on your cheek  &  i want to run my fingers through your hair.  ’ ‘  i know it’s getting scary,  but you’ve just got your perfect self out of bed  &  do the best with what you’ve got.  i believe in you.  ’ ‘  i love looking into your squinted eyes while we laugh.  ’ ‘  i love when you give me little kisses on my hand  &  cheek  &  neck.  it makes me feel so loved.  ’ ‘  i never thought i’d deserve the love you give me.  ’ ‘  i think you’ve shown me what love really is.  ’ ‘  i want the only thing between our bodies to be our love.  ’ ‘  i want the only thing between our love to be our lips.  ’ ‘  i want to bury my face in the crook of your neck until we both fall asleep.  ’ ‘  i want to listen to the beautiful song of your voice for hours.  ’ ‘  i want to make you just as happy as you make me.  ’ ‘  i want to wake up to your smile.  ’ ‘  i want to wrap my arms around you at 3 a.m.  &  tell you i love you.  ’ ‘  i want you to be my yesterday,  my today,  &  my tomorrow.  ’ ‘  i want you.  ’ ‘  i will always love you.  even when you don’t think it’s a possibility,  i am going to love you.  ’ ‘  i would sleep so much better with you right next to me.  ’ ‘  if only you could see your angelic self from my perspective.  ’ ‘  if you frequently play with my hair,  i might just fall in love with you.  ’ ‘  it’s amazing feeling the warmth of your love.  ’ ‘  it’s okay to have a bad day every once in a while.  ’ ‘  it’s so much easier to fall asleep when you’re in bed next to me,  running your gentle fingers down my back while we softly smile at each other through the darkness.  ’ ‘  i’d wait a lifetime to be in your arms.  ’ ‘  i’m all yours.  always.  ’ ‘  i’m always going to support you.  without even a second thought,  i’ll be there when you need me.  i want what’s best for you.  ’ ‘  just knowing you’re there comforts me.  ’ ‘  just thinking about how you make me blush.  ’ ‘  keep in mind all the things that you have to look forward to,  babe.  ’ ‘  kiss me under the starry sky.  ’ ‘  let me know if you’re in love with me too.  ’ ‘  let today be the day that everything changes.  you are capable of so much.  ’ ‘  let’s go on a cute,  cliché date.  ’ ‘  let’s sleep together under the stars.  ’ ‘  make yourself  &  your own happiness you priority.  ’ ‘  make yourself happy before you worry about me.  ’ ‘  my kindness isn’t weakness.  ’ ‘  my new years resolution is for all our arguments to be settled because i know you’ll still have my love  ’ ‘  oh,  what a privilege it is to matter to you.  ’ ‘  our love could make flowers bloom int he dead of winter.  ’ ‘  pet names are my weakness.  ’ ‘  start setting boundaries.  enough is enough.  ’ ‘  thank you for caring like nobody else ever has.  ’ ‘  thank you for caring when nobody else has.  ’ ‘  the world is going to do something amazing for you.  ’ ‘  there are times to power through it  &  there are times to say no.  ’ ‘  when i look at the stars i can’t help but think of you.  ’ ‘  when you look at me,  the butterflies flutter.  ’ ‘  you are my happiness  &  you don’t even know it.  ’ ‘  you are my starlight.  ’ ‘  you are the one i’d do anything for.  ’ ‘  you are what puts my mind to rest when i can’t sleep.  ’ ‘  you don’t need anyone to rescue you.  you can do it all on your own,  babe.  i know you can.  ’ ‘  you feel like home.  ’ ‘  you have a smile that lights up my world.  ’ ‘  you have no idea how proud of you i am.  you’ve done so much for everyone.  thank you.  ’ ‘  you stole my heart,  but i’ll let you keep it.  ’ ‘  you’re made of stars  &  you’re my favorite constellation.  ’ ‘  you’re my favorite notification.  ’ ‘  you’re my home  &  i’m homesick.  ’ ‘  you’re not just your mistakes  &  you deserve to be happy.  ’ ‘  you’re so much more than good enough.  don’t ever doubt that.  ’ ‘  you’re soft  &  sweet  &  too good for me.  ’ ‘  you’re something special babe.  you can make a difference.  ’ ‘  you’re the happy part of my days.  ’ ‘  you’re the one i’m looking for.  ’ ‘  you’re the one thing i think about when i wake up every morning.  ’ ‘  you’re the reason why i want to get up every morning.  ’ ‘  you’re waking,  talking,  living,  loving poetry.  ’

I was raised in the valley, there were S H A D O W S and D E A T H . Got out alive but with SCARS I can’t forget. We all have our HORRORS and our DEMONS to fight. But how can I win, when I’m P  A  R  A  L  Y  Z  E  D ? They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers around my throat. Is this what I get for the CHOICES that I’ve made? Save from the ones that haunt me in the night. 
Non sexual acts of intimacyAccidentally falling asleep together  / /  accepting.

Both teenagers, in need of COMFORT, to identify with someone. Kids who had grown closer, not because of boys or high school, but because of death and despair. Two girls who had come to a destiny that no infant efer DESERVED. Kids who grew up way before it was meant to for them, no more mothers to hug, no more boys to have a crush on, but of constant fear, a gun or knife in HAND

And despite all what they had become after all, there they were, hanging out. Reading with the comfort of each other’s COMPANY. Sheltering in a small cabin, feet INTERLOCKED, as they shared the small sofa, hidden under the covers in an attempt to preserve the heat. Rain hitting the windows, replicating a forgotten SONG, with the help of the wind. A LULLABY that swayed both girl into a pleasant sleep, too PURE, too innocent for the world surrounding their small refugee.

* VIOLENT ACTION STARTERS Send me a NUMBER for your muse to : 
001. Backhand my muse. 002. Stab my muse.  003. Put out a cigarette on my muse’s skin. 004. Hit my muse with a blunt object.  005. Throw something large at my muse.  006. Kick my muse. 007. Punch my muse. 008. Break one of my muse’s bones. 009. Scratch my muse. 010. Headbutt my muse. 011. Shoot my muse. 012. Knock my muse out. 013. Strangle my muse. 014. Push my muse roughly. 015. Grab my muse by the hair. 016. Bruise my muse. 017. Threathen my muse with an object of harm.  018. Go to harm my muse’s eyes. 019. Bite my muse. 020. Tear away parts of my muse’s skin. 021. — Force my muse’s head under water. 022. Throw something scalding at my muse. 023. Burn my muse. 024. Step on my muse’s fingers. 025. Rip one of my muse’s teeth out. 026. — Slash my muse’s achilles tendon ( s ). 027. — Clothesline my muse. 028. — Harm my muse enough for them to cough up blood.  029. — Drive into my muse with a vehicle. 030. — Electrocute my muse. 031. — Slam my muse against a wall. 032. — Force my muse’s arm behind their back. 033. — Kick my muse’s crotch. 034. — Trip my muse. 035. — Put my muse in a headlock. 036. — Break my muse’s nose. 037. — Force their fingers down my muse’s throat. 038. — Crack my muse’s head against a wall. 039. — Attempt to kill my muse. 040. — Attempt to kill my muse creatively.
I was raised in the valley, there were S H A D O W S and D E A T H . Got out alive but with SCARS I can’t forget. We all have our HORRORS and our DEMONS to fight. But how can I win, when I’m P  A  R  A  L  Y  Z  E  D ? They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers around my throat. Is this what I get for the CHOICES that I’ve made? Save from the ones that haunt me in the night. 
All of her SENSES were heightened while her EMOTIONS all worked in different E X T R E M E S . She knew no LIMITS, no boundaries. She fought until every ounce of ENERGY was drained from her. She CRASHED and she BURNED and she rose from the ashes S T R O N G E R , GREATER than before.

Multi-muse, multi-verse, multi-ship & VERY OC friendly. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Written & loved by Andrea.



tagged by: @intuitivc tagging:  Everyone who might want to do it! Just because I don’t talk that much to anyone just to tag them over things, and don’t wanna bother anyone about it.

name:  Andrea birthday:  November 16 zodiac:  Scorpio height: Around  5′ 2′‘ / 5′ 3″  / / 1.59 m  sexual orientation: Bisexual favorite color:  Black favorite book:   I don't really read much, but it could be The Name Of The Wind favorite artist/bands:  Halsey, Bring Me The Horizon, The Neighbourhood, Cage The Elephant, Twin Pumpkin, Arctic Monkeys, Imagine Dragons, Oh Wonder, Lana Del Rey, Morat last movie i watched:  San Andreas hogwarts house:  Slytherin random fact:  I dress the same way my mom used to do in the 80′s, and she usually reminds me of it.  when did you create your blog?:  September 2017 do you have any other blogs?@rippedhopes & @tragedysavior  what made you decide to get a tumblr?:  I used to RP on facebook, always with OCs and in Spanish. But accounts got taken down pretty much everyday, so I grew tired of it along with the toxic people there. I just wanted to challenge myself with something new, and here I am now! do you get asks on a daily basis?:  No, not the popular kind of person why did you choose your url?: Well, it used to be scavengerenid, and it was just because I didn’t know what URL to get, so recently I’ve changed it to theirwxlrd, because I just loved the conversation were Gleen tries to get Enid to go back with him, and just convince her that there’s more than just death. 

But I don’t know if by the URL you can tell if it’s an Enid blog. 

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