
Dude, it's Beacon Hills

@hollandsdylans-blog / hollandsdylans-blog.tumblr.com

Luke|18|Teen Wolf

if i ever met jeff davis, i would slap him

someone buy me a plane ticket to california, so i can slap jeff davis


Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura and Allison Argent are actually so fucking important. Statistically speaking, ¼ of characters in a T.V series are women, so that means only 25% of characters are female. Following that, 85% of those women are secondary characters. Half of Teen Wolf’s cast is female and most of them are primary characters.

In other shows, women are mostly portrayed as the damsel in distress, and hopeless/defenseless. The few female characters that are portrayed as strong and “Bad ass” are typically portrayed as “Tom boys” and so even when the woman is portrayed as a strong, intelligent character, they are stripped of their femininity and that can often discourage young girls from enjoying things that are generally considered girly. They are not allowed to be feminine as it is deemed weak and unimportant. You want to fight monsters and be a sassy little shit? Well you’re gonna have to wear baggy shirts and camo pants because there’s no way you can be a vicious supernatural creature and wear a dress at the same time. Let female characters be strong, and intelligent, and endearing, and snarky, and sarcastic and let them be feminine. That is what is great about Teen Wolf.

Lydia Martin wears dresses and skirts and high heels and is the typical popular annoying mean girl, but she is so kind and is an AP student with all A’s. Lydia Martin knows Archaic Latin because traditional Latin was too easy. She wakes up screaming because she sees her friends die. She can fight and run through the woods in high heels. She predicts death and can focus her voice to an extent and velocity that can literally send you flying backwards. She fought off 15 guards to escape a prison they held her in, she jumped into an explosion to save Stiles Stilinski. She curls her hair and wears makeup but she will not cover her scars because she survived and she doesn’t need to hide that.

Kira Yukimura was a shy Japanese girl that was afraid to talk to anyone. She wears mini skirts and trips down stairs. She’s giggly and bubbly but possess the spirit of a vixen that is the messenger of death. She goes up in flames and swings a sword, her eyes glow and she is an unstoppable force. She can fight in hand to hand combat, she can use nun-chucks like a pro and can swing a samurai sword swiftly while having her hair in pig-tails and wearing a dress. She speaks Japanese in her sleep about tales she’s never heard of.

Allison Argent is human that possess no supernatural abilities but can scare the living shit out of a werewolf that is ten times as strong as her but she was the sweetest person that only wanted to save her friends. She wore crop tops and mini skirts, she wore makeup and knee high boots. Her hair covered her face but she never missed a shot from her bow. She was an expert with knives and hand to hand combat. She was intelligent and died so others didn’t.

Malia Tate is loud and obnoxious. She is straight to the point and a little blunt. She rips the band-aid off fast and once upon a time she would have left anyone behind to save herself. Malia Tate found an anchor and never left anyone behind. She doesn’t know when to quit and she colour codes her homework because she  just doesn’t get math. She wears short shorts and has claws, she has razor sharp fangs and eyes that glow blue because of the guilt she carries. She could rip your throat out without hesitation but chooses not to. She is not a Hale because she is not her father.

These girls embrace femininity and still kick ass and that is what we need to start showing kids. Because this is an option, you can still wear pink and be a werewolf. Being a girl should not be shameful.


OKAY so the artist SYML that let Teen Wolf to use his song “Where’s My Love” for the scene with Stiles talking to Lydia in Eichen when she is still unconscious just released a new ep and there is this one FUCKING song that is called “Hurt For Me” and it’s about a person who misses their partner and wonders if their partner misses them alot too and the first time I listened to it I was like FUCK this was MADE FOR LYDIA AND STILES FOR SEASON 6 sorry I’m extra but !!!!!!

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