
@studentsforlife / studentsforlife.tumblr.com

Hi! We're Students for Life of America. We are dedicated to equipping and activating the next generation of pro-life leaders. Helping women and saving lives, one campus at a time. Visit us at www.studentsforlife.org

The podcast Sword and Scale covers some of the most gruesome murders in history. This week the podcast covered the now infamous abortionist Kermit Gosnell. The host has no agenda when he says Gosnell killed more than Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, John Wayne Gaycee, and the Zodiac Killer combined. This case should disturb anyone - no matter their stance on abortion.


*:・゚✧ fun facts about pro-life feminism ✧・゚:*

You literally cannot deny a pregnant person their reproductive rights and call yourself a feminist. That’s not how that shit goes.

The right to exercise your reproductive rights is very pertinent to feminism and by putting a non-sentient fetus (that cannot think or feel pain by the time a legal abortion is performed) before the sentient person, you are deny them their rights. Not very feminist of you.


The basic tenants of feminism is equal rights, and right to self ownership (AKA, the right to bodily autonomy). There is no right to use a persons body without that persons consent. Like, that much is basically Feminism 101.

If you call yourself a feminist you cannot call yourself pro life because you are saying pregnant people do not have the right to deny consent to the use of their body which violates a basic tenant of feminism. You are saying ‘all people own their own bodies… unless they happen to be pregnant, then they do not own their own bodies’. You cannot have it both ways.

So no. Pro Life Feminism is not possible, your ignoring the fact that feminism and pro life ideologies do not mix and cannot co-exist as political ideologies. Feminism fights for rights. Pro life fights to take rights away, particularily from AFAB people, so mostly women (I mean you lot ignore trans people pretty solidly so yeah, you’re mostly being misogynistic).

You cannot be a misogynist, saying pregnant people do not own their own bodies, and be a feminist saying people own their own bodies (which is a belief you must hold to truly believe all people are/should be equal).

You cannot be a misogynistic feminist, just like you cannot be a transphobic, homophobic LGBT+ ally. You don’t get both.

I seriously do not understand how pro lifers think that slapping cutesy feminist graphics and buzzwords on their posts makes their position feminist, especially considering the pro life movement’s deeply misogynistic origins and followers. the U.N has literally deemed forced pregnancy and childbirth as a form of torture, how in the everloving fuck is that feminist in any way shape or form?

These people are FINOs - Feminist In Name Only. They arent feminist in any other capacity, just with this and they think that is enough. If they were real feminists they would understand that there are a myriad of different issues that intersect that are very important to feminists, and that they would thus care about as well, but the truth is they dont. FYI it is not only abortion we care about.

Pro-life Feminism goes against the tenets of Pro-Life Feminism.

It’s just pure bullshit.

also “pro-life” is just the propaganda term for anti-choice. you can be pro-choice and not want to abort, but trying to take that right away from someone else is about the least feminist thing i can imagine

If supporting a consistent ethic of equality and nonviolence means that I must oppose the legality of some “choices”, then we’ll be openly anti-rapists-choice-to-rape, anti-abortionists-choice-to-kill-the-preborn, anti-mother’s-choice-to-have-her-child-killed, anti-soldier’s-choice-to-kill-civilians, anti-executioner’s-choice-to-kill-inmates, anti-CIA-agent’s-choice-to-torture, anti-pimp’s-choice-to-traffick-slaves. Some choices are wrong, and the so-called “right” to commit an act of aggressive violence against another human being can never be a human right. That’s why we oppose all acts of aggressive violence: yes, abortion, but also unjust war (which is practically every war these days), torture, euthanasia (i.e. the active killing of the disabled without consent), trafficking, abuse, capital punishment, bullying, etc. etc. All human beings *do* own their bodies, and what’s so exceptionally radical about pro-life feminism is that we believe that you own your body from the moment that you begin to exist! This (hopefully) prevents attitudes like ableism from pervading our feminism as well, because it doesn’t matter how capable you are of certain actions, as long as you’re human, you deserve human rights. This isn’t valuing the fetal human being over the adult human being, it’s merely understanding that all human beings have the same basic natural rights. Human rights start when human life begins! Let’s put it another way: a woman owns a house. She, by some actions she has taken, has brought a toddler into the house. She changes her mind, and wants to get rid of the toddler. She would likely be arrested for negligence if she starved the child to death, or if she had a doctor come into her house and dismember the toddler or poison the toddler. At the very least, while the child was in her house, she would be responsible for the care of the child until she could pass off care to someone else. A woman owning her body is similar: she can’t kill the child that’s living there just because she doesn’t want it there anymore. That child has its own right to his/her own sovereignty and life, from the very beginning of their life.

It would be different if every successful abortion didn’t result in at least 1 dead human being; indeed, that’s the kicker. If abortion merely made a woman un-pregnant, if it “terminated” a pregnancy by allowing all humans involved to live, then we’d be having a different conversation. But as it is, it’s a medical procedure that involves actively killing a human being who has no say over their own right to bodily autonomy, no say over their own right to life.

We’re here to say that you CAN be pro-life and feminist. Any feminism that proposes that you must support the ability to kill our fellow human beings to be equal is misogynistic at its root: to propose that we must oppress our children to be equal with men is truly a false equality. Abortion is oppression redistributed. 

We, as pro-life feminists are here to say that killing is not the answer. That violence is not the path to equality.

Lastly, I’d like to mention that there are groups like Feminists for Nonviolent Choices that do take on a whole breadth and depth of feminist issues, while also opposing aggressive violence.


Credit to @NWproTX New Wave #Feminists for the design. Love love this. Our #liberation cannot be bought with the #blood of our children. #prolife #peace #nonviolence

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