
The Nexus

@blondetwist / blondetwist.tumblr.com

My little slice of the Interwebz.

reelin’ with the feelin’ (darcy/namor)

When Darcy was seven, she spent a summer on her bio-dad’s houseboat in the Florida Keys.  The first thing out of her mouth when her mothers picked her up afterwards was, “I fell in the water and drowned for a while and it was awesome!”  She did not spend any more summers with her bio-dad.  Darcy wasn’t given to exaggeration or hyperbole, which is why her mothers demanded an accounting of the incident from Jack.  His response, “She was swimming for a while and I napped, she was fine,” was enough to change the visitation rules.  From Darcy’s 8th birthday on, they stuck to more easily regulated holidays, the ones he spent in the city and not on the sea.

She found other ways to the ocean.  By hook or by crook, the waters were a part of her now because the thing of it was, Darcy hadn’t been exaggerating.

She did fall.

She did drown.

She just didn’t stay drowned.


Glamourie Knitting Patterns by Alice Starmore

You can find this book on Amazon for about $25 with patterns for cardigans, hats, capes, collars etc… The first half of the book is “inspirational costumes” like The Raven pictured above. The second half is devoted to detailed patterns, using elements from the Glamourie Costumes like The Raven’s feathers. 

In the words of Alice Starmore:

Glamourie is a Scots word meaning a charmed condition in which everything is invested with magical properties and possibilities. In this unique book, Alice Starmore leads us into the realm of glamourie and — like the witches of Gaelic folklore — casts spells with needles and a single thread. Taking her daughter Jade’s supernatural stories as inspiration, she uses the art of hand knitting to bewitch and bedazzle, and illustrates the tales with elaborate costumes and accessories that portray fanciful and extraordinary ideas. In creating these costumes, she has powerfully demonstrated the glamourie that can flow from the twin wands of a master magician.
When it came to creating the patterned designs, I included instructions for the essential elements that I used in the costumes. I did this so that you, the knitter, not only have the instructions to make the designs exactly as shown, but you also have these essential elements so that you can shape-shift them as little or as much as you please.

Raven Collar

Raven Poncho

Raven Cardigan Triple Collar

Eagle Wrap Small and Large 


Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it

enter this into the Google search

site:<url of site where you read the fic> <a line you remember from the fic or character names plus a unique detail>

for example:

site:http://archiveofourown.org/ Todd Margo pedicure

Google will search only AO3 and tell you which pages contain the words Todd Margo and pedicure.




Sensitive giant that loves to cuddle. They daydream about marrying you.

Patient witch who brings you flowers every week. They feel that you light up their world.

OP this is so freakin cute

So venom uh

Possessive giant who hugs you tight and kisses you softly. They adore your strength and passion.


“Emotional winged person who loves to spoil you. Their favorite thing about you is your laugh.”

I’d die for them


“Suave forest creature who comes to you in your dreams. They love the way your eyes sparkle when you’re happy.”

Someone draw me a suave forest creature!

“Hot-tempered mermaid who hugs you tight and kisses you softly. They love the way your mind works.”

“Passionate chimera that enjoys reading. They feel that you light up their world.“


Passionate higher demon who collects seashells. They fall in love with your eyes several times a day.

Soooo….how high we talkin?

Old-fashioned dragon who loves to read. They love that they can talk to you for hours.


Sensitive god who has eyes only for you. They fall in love with your eyes several times a day.

Quick-witted shadow figure that enjoys stargazing. They love coming home to you.


Sweet alien that’s a skilled fighter. They love your curiosity.


Headcanon: when Chloe and Lucifer are finally together, he buys her a new car with the license plate D8NS8N (Datin’ Satan)


A comprehensive list of my favourite Fenris/f!Hawke fanfiction:

(I tried to tag authors who have blogs on Tumblr and also note the abandoned or in-progress fics too) 

 It is time to do this properly (also the one and only @kallielef asked for FenHawke fic recommendations), so here goes:

I hope I will be able to add more wonderful gems of writing to this list as time goes on!

 These stories had touched my heart, helped me to pull through my depression, cured my soul, made me laugh, cry, provide endless inspiration for artwork and solidify FenHawke as my ultimate OTP until I die! 

People being the nicest :D (Also I’ve read many of these stories and can confirm, so so good)

Oh man! This is some heckin august company – thank you so much! <3<3<3



Between the desolation of the Red Wastes and the treacherous canopy of the dense jungles lies Verdant. For hundreds of years, this nation has stood against the storm, war, and raiders, a pinnacle of life and prosperity. But a secret war has begun. Your choices will decide if Verdant will continue to rise in the annals of history as a great civilization or fall to dust, ruin, and enslavement. Verdant will include adult and sexual themes.


We heard you, in Monster Brothel it was confusing when your player character changed genders through your game based on what storyline you were in. In verdant you will be able to choose from a variety of player characters with different genders, sexualities, and species! Each character has their own storyline and their own part to play in Verdant.


Like our previous game, Monster Brothel, Verdant will be a text-based choose-your-own-adventure game augmented by an inventory system, item and character artwork, extended lore, and much more!


- Sneak peeks at game development and artwork throughout 2019 - Free game/website access to play Monster Brothel now and Verdant when it launches ($5+ a month tiers)

- Access to our very active Discord server with color highlighted role


@geekinlikeaboss the creator and author of Monster Brothel as well as several fanfictions of dubious merit. She has a Twitter.

@doe-eyed-monster-draws is the artist and graphic design responsible for all the magnificent work you see when you click the link. she also has a Twitter.

@mistwolfdeity is our editor and general pocket pal extraordinaire. she does not have a twitter, or if she does she keeps it well hidden which is probably smart.



The real suspension of disbelief in Mass Effect has nothing to do with Space Magic or the existence of aliens or evil machines from the dawn of time; it’s putting Mordin Solus and Miranda “I locked eyes with Death and Death blinked first” Lawson on the same ship as Thane Krios and then asking us to believe they wouldn’t have a cure for him after two all-nighters and fifty-seven pots of coffee.  


so since some people are sending me shakarian fic recommendations right now, I thought maybe I could share some fanfics too.

I just copied this list from my blog, you can always find it there and I’m still updating this list. unfortunately, I don’t have that much time to read fanfics.

check the rating before you start reading. they range from general audiences to explicit.



so since some people are sending me shakarian fic recommendations right now, I thought maybe I could share some fanfics too.

I just copied this list from my blog, you can always find it there and I’m still updating this list. unfortunately, I don’t have that much time to read fanfics.

check the rating before you start reading. they range from general audiences to explicit.


Anonymous asked:

"I don't know, bro, I just work here" Darcy Lewis/Pietro!!!! Please and thank you!

The battle had been raging for five minutes by the time Darcy made her way from hiding behind parked cars to a nearby rooftop by way of a back alley and fire escape. But in that time her favorite jacket had gotten torn, her hair was full of some sticky substance she didn’t want to think about, and she’d lost her latte when she’d dropped it to hit the deck as soon as the first explosion hit. And now she was stuck waiting for it all to end trying to gauge who was doing what and where by the sounds of explosions and random thuds. She was grateful that most of the fighting seemed contained to the ground, even if it meant she was was stuck up high with a vantage point to see nothing. Waiting. And still trying not to think about what was in her hair.

Before she could work up too much of a pout, though, a blur and gust of wind was her only warning before Pietro was crouching down in front of her.

“I saw you come up here when I was helping others to run away. You are okay?” Before he’d finished his question, his hands were skimming over her limbs to check for injury while his eyes ran over the rest of her. And then he pause on her hair as he winced. Not a good sign.

With a sigh, Darcy patted his hand that had come to rest on her shoulder. “I’m fine, I just want to know which idiot I get to hold responsible in future whining.”

“I don’t know, bro, I just work here.”

“Okay, first, I told you to use that when reporters are asking you questions, not me. Second, you’re a freaking Avenger. You should know which bad guy is attacking us.”

He shrugged but didn’t bother hiding a smirk. “I just show up, run fast, and look pretty. Ask the old man,” he said gesturing to the area where she now noticed a bunch of arrows coming from.  

“Don’t let Clint hear you calling him that.”

“These are words that will only encourage him.”

“Whatever. Go, run fast, kick butt, and don’t get injured.”

He tilted his head as though having to think it over and grinned at her. “But if I don’t, how will you kiss it better?” And then with a quick kiss to her nose and a blur, he was gone again.


Story concept: an orphanage/group home for chosen ones whose families were killed by ~destiny~

It’s run by a chosen heroine whose adventure was 2 decades ago and the sweet team-mom healer from her team, who she has since married.

It’s mostly trope comedy with moments of real emotion, here are some ideas for kids:

—two teenaged boys who WERE barreling towards a tragic rivalry that ends in one of them falling to darkness… until one of them confessed that he was just trying to show off because he has a crush on the other one. They’re now dating and the comedy comes from the universe CONSTANTLY trying to get them to fight and failing.

—an eight year old who keeps tattling on the demons who are whispering to her and then getting into sibling fights with them

—a brooding, edgy fire-wielding boy and a brooding, edgy fire-wielding girl who can’t figure out which mystical signs belong to who

—like six kids named Hope who go by names like “Pink Hope”, “Hope the second” and “I’ve been told I’m not allowed to shorten my name to ‘Ho’ so I will now be going by Dick just to spite them”


Monster Ficlet Master List

A complete guide to all the ficlets I’ve written, plus a few smaller tie-in fluffs related to the longer stories. 

I’ll try to update this list whenever I release something new!

Single Stories - one-shots without same-title sequels.

Chapter Works - Continuing stories under the same title.

(To be updated with stories from the above list as they gain continuations)

  • The Leviathan: 1-2
  • The Dreamer: 1-2
  • The Companion: 1-2
  • The Abandoned: 1-2
  • The Wrestler (Patreon Reward): 1-2-3-4-5-Beach Special
  • The Secret Admirer: 1-2
  • Ash: 1-2-3-4-5
  • The Agency: 1-2
  • Shangri-La: 1-2-3
  • The Junker: 1-2  [Fluff Pieces: 1-2]
  • The Patriarch: 1-2  [Fluff Piece: 1]
  • The Trip: 1-2
  • The Jackal Prince: 1-2
  • The Honeymoon: 1-2-3-Prequel

Arkley Falls: An Episodic Slice-of-Life Serial

Home Life - Stories with my boys and me.

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