

@scene360 / scene360.tumblr.com

Founded in 2000 by The Tattoo Journalist, Scene360 was the celebrated fine-art digital magazine from the web’s early days. Since 2010, it evolved into a tattoo magazine, becoming one of the field leaders for its authentic journalism.

Shane Tan is regarded as one of Singapore’s finest tattoo artists, specializing in the Japanese style—his work is bold and minimalist in its use of color. To ensure the best possible outcome for the customer and the longest possible duration of the composition on the body, he prioritizes quality over quantity. READ INTERVIEW


After the last year and a half without tattoo events, it was a breath of fresh air to be attending one, especially in California. Held on May 7 – 9, 2021, at Feather Falls Casino in Oroville, north of Sacramento, the expo was packed with spectators in the banquet hall—giving the impression that tattoo demand will continue strongly in the future. READ MORE


The Tattoo Journalist will interview Fip Buchanan, one of the most influential tattoo figures in San Diego, California. Starting his tattooing career in 1979, he specializes in American and Japanese styles—recognized as one of the best in tiger artwork. Like Ed Hardy and Jack Rudy, Buchanan also contributed to making tattoos more accessible and mainstream. WATCH INTERVIEW


Barba has been tattooing for four decades. One of the few female tattooists in the field in the 1980s who has devoted to raising awareness on gender equality and pushing tattoo-hygiene standards to what we recognize today. She is tattoo royalty, owner of Outer Limits, the longest-running tattoo studio in America and the second oldest in the World.


Slovakian-born Filip Fabian got into tattooing at the age of 16 because of his cousin, who had a tattoo studio. Eager to get started, he bought a $20 coil machine and tried inking a rose on himself, but the device broke down. With practice, better tools, apprenticeships, and many guest spots, he became a professional in 2010.

Fabian studied art at the Technical University of Kosice, becoming interested in Basquiat and Rothko; the latter artist commented that “Shapes have no direct association with any particular visible experience.” Although inspired by the spontaneity of these painters, Fabian explained that “I also work with shapes. I love anatomy, geometry, and forms that blend into the abstract without losing their meaning.” SEE MORE


The 10 Best Movies From London Film Festival 2020 The 64th BFI London Film Festival ran from 7th-18th October, in greatly reduced circumstances. Given the Covid-19 pandemic has taken up almost the entire year, film festivals worldwide have been forced to rethink things. Some have opted to scale down significantly, while others decided to go online.

LFF 2020 held select screenings at a handful of venues, but mostly it was virtual, including industry talks, with audiences across the UK able to watch films from the comfort of their living room. Nobody will claim this is the future for festivals; the big-screen experience remains unique and the optimum way to see movies, but tough times call for compromises. Still, the programmers did an excellent job, even if we were all forced to watch at home, and the scale of the festival was slimmed down.


Jio was born in Dzerzhinsk, Russia, and emigrated with her family to the South of Portugal, where she spent part of adolescence and eventually studied in Lisbon’s prestigious university (Faculdade de Bela-Artes da ULisboa).

Even though she still has a strong connection to Portugal, that country did not give the opportunity she deserved to become a great tattoo artist. Instead, it was on a trip to the United States, where she took a tattoo training course that led her on her path.

Jio currently spends much time in Berlin and San Francisco, where the open-mindedness suits her personality and tattoo creations. READ INTERVIEW


Let Go of Ego: The Holistic Tattoo Art of Dane Having been on the road for six years and living in a van for two, Dane perceives “change” as part of his continuous personal growth.

Now established in the countryside of Vogt, Germany, where he set up his private studio “Abseits”—Dane loves his natural surroundings (earth, water, fire, air, and space), and reproduces those energies into tattoo art. Each customer gets a custom piece based on connection and intuition. Kind of like therapeutic tattoos of the Ancient World, but not so much medicinal acupuncture, healing in a transcendent way. READ INTERVIEW

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