
In This Life Or The Next


Toph Beifong / Draw / Read fic / Play TLoZ/ Also Star Wars / may the 4 b with U /IG panditart

Entering the spirit world.

The winter sunsets in Sweden are really strong and colourful. We timed it from inside the greenhouse trough the windows perfectly and I’m actually pretty happy about how this turned out.

Series: Legend of Korra Cosplayers: Mie-Rose Cosplay as Korra & Toriiko as Asami Assistant: @awesomesirmatti

Please don’t repost!

<3 You two are so cute! Lovely expressions, very peaceful. The aura of this whole pic is lovely, looks like the spirit world! Didn’t know that was in Sweden ;)


Omg its like live action


If you’re in the #korrasami tag, watch this video   

This video, more than anything I’ve ever seen, red or listen to, captures the beauty of Korrasami.

If you’re a Korrasami shipper,  Enjoy it! Treasure it, even - because such a masterful analysis is a gift!❤️

Or if, for whatever reason, you’re just a no-good, narrow-minded hater, watch this video and educate yourself!


Talented Mastrocecchi did this piece a while back, I believe he finally tweeted it in commemoration of Avatar Studio’s announcement of the new Korra comics trilogy.

Anyways, I was very hyped to see his interpretation of a Book 5 Team Avatar for the first time, i.e. look at Mako and Bolin all grownup😄 Also there’s not enough “B5!Asami” so any piece of her I can sight, the more I want to share 😍 

And need I say anything about the artist’s interpretation of Korra? This imagining of adult!Korra is just sublime 😩👌

Last but not least, the artist has let me know Meelo has a significantly bigger role in his hypothetical Book 5, hence why he’s with the team. Either way, I just love a good group piece and I hope you do too^^ As always all credit goes to @mastrocecchi and his talent!👀😁💯


I'm doing a thing, a writing challenge with my chaotic discord group 🤧🤧🤧 THANKS A BUNCH @katydoodles FOR THE CUTE ASS CHIBIS! 😍🥰😘 (⚠️ NO reposting without artist credit ⚠️)

Feel free to join if u like! There aren't really any strict rules. The challenge is to try to write something of that prompt and post it on said day. Of course, that DOESNT mean u HAV TO do them all, u can dabble in for a few days if you like it.

Just hav fun!

No word limits/minimums or rating restrictions.

Other than that, tag our challenge name in ur tags (e.g on AO3/wattpad/fanfiction net/tumblr and etc! Wherever u post lmao) ⬇️⬇️⬇️

"Elemental Fever Challenge"


Snowboarder Korra 🥹💖

So that board was inspired by an awesome Burton board. I saw the overall shape and thought… Ravaa. 🥴


Lovely. Awesome.

Gives me “Where the Snow Takes Us” vibes



I know, Another FanArt 🙄 I can’t help it, I’m obsessed ok?? Let me be 😌. This one is for all the fanfics where these three are a family, especially the most recent one I’ve been reading: Never Say Never by Lost_soul2255 AO3 ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

And I know, Naga is bigger but let’s pretend this is an AU ok?? 🤭


Some spicy korrasami inspired on the fanfic I’ll fight for you (link ⬇️ ⬇️), although it’s not even on it but I got inspired by it and by the movie Pearl Harbor.

It’s practically the love scene between Dany and Evelyn but with Korrasami 🤭 (I’m a little ashamed).

Credit: Pearl Harbor movie - Danny and Evelyn (Josh Hartnett and Kate Beckinsale

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