
Jak of Change and Carnage

@your-local-god / your-local-god.tumblr.com

Xe/He 25 ENTP-T. art blog is @of-change-and-carnage https://www.twitch.tv/ofchangeandcarnage is my twitch

I’ll never forget the time I was sitting with this guy, nice kid, didn’t know him well, I think we must have had a bottle of wine or some questionable hashish or something, and in response to an awkward silence I just started talking and ended up going on a long meandering rant about how ugly American robins are. I’m talking a full monologue. I had an intro and conclusion. It was pointlessly vehement. I have never been so mean or loquacious about anything in my life.

Consider my horror when this perfectly nice guy wordlessly lifted his shirt to reveal a full-torso prismacolor tattoo of his spiritual soul animal, the American robin.


Their scientific name sounds like "Migrating Turd" but otherwise I find them charming if fairly derpy and mundane. I don't know if I'd get a tattoo of one though. They're like the potato of American birds.

I have no actual animosity towards them. They’re fine. I like them. They remind me if my college roommate and beloved friend. I don’t know why I said any of that—I was grasping at straws for something kind of provocative to say and failed so catastrophically that I was catapulted into a Seinfeld skit.

eerily similar to the time in college someone tried to make conversation by making fun of a silly book a former high school teacher of theirs had written only for me to just pull out a physical copy of the exact book because i’d realized he was talking about my dad

the foot seeks the mouth like leaves seek the sun

yesterday was the ten year anniversary of my insensitive American Robin comment and my tattooed friend messaged me to celebrate the “funniest thing that had ever happened to him” so sometimes critically failing a charisma check leads to a whole decade of joy for someone else


There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function


this gold shouldn't stay in the comments

Simply put, adhd is the result of a signal substance deficiency in the brain. The car is out of fuel, if you will, making it very hard to start (initiate tasks).

However, the brain is very good at adapting, and can learn to harness other brain chemicals as fuel! The most common one is dopamine - the reward chemical the brain releases when you do something fun or interesting. That's why hyperfocus happens, and why it's easier to do fun or interesting (or new!) things than boring things or repetitive chores! Fun things supply their own fuel!

Sadly the brain likes being fuelled up, and tends to only turn its attention to Interesting Things rather than the boring thing you should be working on. 🥲

Another substance that can be hijacked to beat the brain dysfunction is adrenaline. That's why deadlines work! When you get stressed enough, the brain gets hit with a flash of adrenaline, which can be used as fuel. It is extremely common for people with undiagnosed adhd to come to rely on deadlines/adrenaline to get things done!

The bad thing is that 1: the brain needs more and more adrenaline to reach a level of function, so the more you rely on it, the less effective this strategy is.

And 2: adrenaline is, at the end of the day, a stress-chemical, and keeping your brain in a constant state of stress is highly damaging. You will suffer burn-out. It's just a question of when.

And once you've hit that wall once, your tolerance for stress will be shit, and the brain will start breaking down at even low levels of stress. Not only can you no longer harness the deadline-power to get things done - your brain will be in worse shape than ever before. Complete inability to focus, lack of memory-retention or even memory loss, brain fog, chronic fatigue etc. And that damage can become permanent.

It's a horrible place to end up at, getting the equivalent of dementia in young age because you thought you could keep pushing through because "it's always worked before". And sadly, it's very, very common.

On top of that, the risk for consecutive, damaging burn-outs is even higher if you're also on the autism spectrum, burning through extra brain-power just to keep up with all the sensory input and social cues.

So if you find yourself relying on deadlines to get things done... consider getting an adhd evaluation and see if you can get medication. It's brain fuel in a pill! It can really help!

And if you're unable to get a diagnosis or medicine for whatever reason (I know it can be really hard to get either) - at least make sure you include rest in your daily routines, low-sensory downtime where you're not doing anything. No reading or talking or tv or games. Just dark and quiet rest. Allowing the brain to recover and repair the damage of adrenaline stress.

Take care of your brain. You've only got the one. Be nice to it.


saw a grown woman on tiktok snidely calling gen z the christopher columbus generation bc someone’s fifteen year old son ‘thought he’d discovered weezer’. newsflash every generation finds out about the music of the previous generation at some point it comes free with being fifteen. being annoying about music also comes free with being fifteen. a kid saying yeah i’ve just found this band nirvana have you ever heard of them should be a thing of joy


I cannot express how jarring it was after being raised by a "Porn Addiction Coach" to get into a relationship with a woman and come face to face with the fact that she did actually want me to sexually desire her.

Like, in Evangelical Purity Culture, male desire was basically poison. It was a threat. It was this constant temptation that would destroy everything. And even after leaving, in the sort of queer, feminist spaces i spend most of my time in that wasn't something that pretty much anyone was spending time actively dissuading me from feeling.

But my desire is good. It's not something that I'm being accepted in spite of. It's a positive thing. It's a bonus. Not even just vanilla stuff, all the stuff I'd convinced myself were these weird terrible desires that were shameful to have.

It honestly took me over a decade to fully accept that. To stop dissociating during sex and confront that I was, in fact, being a massive perv and that was fantastic and preferable and that I could accept that into my self-image without shame or self hatred.

But it's important to do. It's important to leave relationships that don't welcome that part of you. To know that your sexuality is valuable and valid and worth owning and celebrating. Because the alternative is just...not being. Either existing as yourself and repressing the part of your identity that is sexual or allowing that sexuality to exist but turning off your self while it does.

Oh don't worry, I didn't make it out of Evangelical Purity Culture thinking that girls had it peachy or anything. Our experiences are different, but both bad.

I have seen a lot of content about E.P.C. that very firmly centers the ways that purity culture dovetails with rape culture, the ways that women and women's bodies were held responsible for the actions of men, and the ways that their own sexuality was erased under the burden of being cast as the pure, moral, oppositional force to the depredations of male sexuality. This is in no way meant to diminish that.

It is meant to focus on a part of this dynamic I don't see commented on nearly as much though. In purity culture, men are perpetrators. A good man doesn't radiate goodness, it's more that he's managed to contain the inherently evil toxicity that is his sexuality and hasn't let it harm everyone around him as it naturally will if unchecked. When I look for other stories like mine, I already see stories by and for women, and a lot of them... haven't really challenged those core assumptions about men. Which means that I can't really find comfort and solidarity there.

The narrative I've run into a fair bit is "I was taught women were responsible for managing men's horrible, evil sexuality, but I've learned that we're not. Men are responsible for managing their own horrible, evil sexuality." I very rarely run into specific positivity for masculine sexuality when I'm in circles discussing purity culture, because frankly, there are plenty of people who feel that masculine sexuality isn't stigmatized enough.

So yeah. I was specific about gender for a reason. Not because I don't understand other people's positions, but because while I do, I don't see so much stuff addressing my specific situation. So I figured I'd make some of the positivity I myself need.

In short: Not dismissing the harm done to women by Evangelical Purity Culture, this one was just more about my experience as a dude.


This is a really important thing to talk about, and I'm going to add that this is a significant way in which TERFism and its attendant dogwhistles dovetail with Evangelical purity culture, ie: the idea that evil bad predatory behaviour is stored in the penis. TERFy fearmongering about trans women being fundamentally dangerous derives from exactly the same toxic, fucked-up view of male sexuality - and of male existence - espoused by Evangelism: that all men are biologically predisposed to predation, violence and other sexual evils, such that they can't ever really be trusted.

It's a difficult thing to talk about, because demonstrably, gender-based violence directed against women by men is a widespread problem! But it doesn't follow that a majority of men are bad by default; rather, it's that many have been trained to entitlement and bad behaviour by patriarchal systems and misogynist ways of thinking, which are both things we have the power to change.

Attemping to affect this change and bring about equality is the core conceit of feminism, and we can see, very demonstrably, that it works. So if you fall into the gender-essentialist trap of believing that men are bad fundamentally, whether because of Evil Biology or Original Sin, then you're not only saying that the long-term goal of feminism is impossible; you're functionally agreeing with every disgusting, sexist rape-apologist who brushes off assault and misogyny as "boys will be boys" and "men are just like that." You cannot hope to hold bad men accountable for their actions without acknowledging the existence of good men; that their misdeeds aren't synonymous with their masculinity, but are rather choices they specifically have made.

So while it's crucial to call out the ways in which women suffer from sexism and gender-based systems of violence and to name the misogyny inherent in their perpetuation, it's also important to show how these systems are unnatural: that, rather than representing some default state of cruelty to which all men naturally revert, misogyny is instead taught - and that the teaching itself, while offering contextual authority to men, can also be harmful to them.


Let us suppose that the "average" horse would have equal proportions of all these parts. The degree to which each part in this poll deviates from the "average" size (20% of total) will determine how large or small that part of our horse will be (i.e a horse with only 10% in Legs will have legs half the size of the average horse).

I will draw a picture of the horse we make!

Thank you for your patience, tumblr. I have been at work all day but now I am home and ready to build this horse you asked for.

First, let's pull up the poll results alongside an average looking horse. I have calculated the size of each part of our horse in relation to Average Size.

Next we will adjust our horse's components according to the specifications.

animated gif of the horse sketch being manipulated and resized

Finally, let us properly assemble these parts and see how it looks.

And there you have it. Great work team. No notes.

Anonymous asked:

AITA for jerkin' it to Goya's Black Paintings?

Emojis for convenience and humor: 🎨🖼🍆💦

I know someone's gonna yell bait about this but idc, like, what? Do you want proof? Video evidence? Grow up.

So I (30x) really like Goya's Black Paintings. Like, Saturn Devouring His Son, Duel with Cudgels, A Pilgrimage to San Isidro. I think they're hypnotic, beautiful, evocative. They make me feel emotions I can't quite explain properly.

As the title says, sometimes I beat my meat to them. Whatever. It's not really about horniness. But the intent doesn't matter.

Recently (in a discussion about sexuality in art, I promise it was relevant, similar sentiments were being shared) I mentioned to my partner (33nb) that I do this. They were pretty taken aback.

Apparently, they find this 'gross' and 'kind of dodgy' because Goya's black paintings were never intended to be shared with a wider audience. They were art that he did not mean to share, painted on the walls of his house near the end of his life. They say it seems like the work is too personal to jerk off to, that it seems invasive or like a violation.

I don't think it's a big deal. The guy is dead, it's not like his ghost knows what I'm doing. It's a good thing to consider, but I don't think it ultimately matters, ethically.

So, I guess AITA for this?

OP here with some updates.

1. Some people in the comments seemed confused by this so I want to clarify.

My partner is not dubious about the 'jerking off' aspect, but instead the spread of Goya's art when he did not intend for it to have an audience. They find the mugs, t-shirts, posters, and other merchandise just as ethically dodgy.

This isn't an issue of masturbation being worse, or "thought crimes" this was an issue of my engagement with the wide spread of Goya's most private works.

2. They have since caved and also jerked it to Goya's paintings just to give it a shot. Well, they tried. It wasn't for them. They get where I'm coming from (the paintings evoke strong emotions that are very complicated, beating your meat as a form of stimming can help you with working through these.) It just wasn't their style. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3. Re: variations on "you couldn't torture this information out of me". Sorry you have so much shame about your sexual proclivities. Try unlearning shame and loosening up a bit, perhaps.

4. At the request of @monikererror, I will now be rating how much I enjoy each painting for this activity. Full review below the cut.


Advice I gave someone today was: 'do it stupid.'

She wants to learn photography. Do it stupid. Take a million photos. Don't think about why they're not good. Enjoy the process of taking photos.

Pick out tge ones you like the most and figure out why you like them. Is it because the subject is centered? Is it because you caught them doing something cool? Is it because the light made cool shadows?

Do it stupid. If you try to do it smart, youll get stuck. If you think too much you'll never get to doing. Do it stupid.


Holy shit


guy sitting in front of me in class was vandalizing wikipedia and i kept reverting his edits as soon as he made them and he couldn't figure out why it was happening


[ID: a tag by weirdlizard26, reading, “ive never seen death note but i think this is what death note is”. /end ID]


In the spirit of Dungeon Meshi I think that Muppets could be considered a type of monster in the dungeon and that Laios would absolutely try to eat felt stuffing and fabric. And it would taste horrible UNTIL they cut inside it deep enough past the felt to reach the puppeteer meat which I feel should look enough like a human hand to fuck with them but enough like a monster that they're like sure. why not.


Everyone talks about the Senshi tulpa that makes them eat better and healthier and I've experienced this too but also it's thanks to the grim spectre of Laios i know exactly what my cat's treats taste like

(bad. they taste bad)

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