

@obrigadinha / obrigadinha.tumblr.com

hi my name is dan im 25 and i like mustard but i love my girlfriend even more

you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me (that dim lit room they put certain sped kids in at school)


Get drunk, make out, laugh until you're sore, cry until you're sick. I want to do it all. Let's get through this crumbling world together, happy valentines day.


one thing that's great about the song of ice and fire books is the way nobody ever knows what the fuck is going on. like somebody in a bar will be like "long live good king renly!" and somebody else will be like "oh he died. like a month ago. yeah lady catelyn stark stabbed him" and somebody else will be like "actually I heard he was stabbed by a shadow his brother fathered on a priestess" and a fourth person will be like "wait didn't renly literally just win the battle of king's landing last week" and then they're all like "well, whatever. long live good king whoever it is now. next round's on me"

the funniest one to me was when catelyn was having a sit down with stannis and renly and stannis was like "renly I don't care how cute you are, you are not the rightful heir 😤" and catelyn was like "um... neither are you? joffrey is next in the line of succession? we're all rebels here?" and stannis is like 👀 and renly is like "lol bro guess she didn't get your raven memo about all of cersei's kids being incest bastards" and catelyn is like "cersei's kids being what now"


We need to start culling western journalists

Am I just reading waaaay to into a headline, or is Bloomberg implying that China, Russia, and Iran have figured out a way to create Uruk-hai and plan to use them to wage a massive war against the realms of man? Did they see this in a scrying stone (the only source of news I trust besides moths)?

big if true


The AI tech bubble finally bursting is going to be both catastrophic and very funny.

Like it’s going to be wild, it’s already starting to hit NVIDIA stock. The chain reaction will hit tech giants and everyone depending on them.

Line goes down.


the fact that i still have to unlearn shame… like come on that’s literally the most embarrassing thing to not have unlearned yet


I’ve talked about this before it’s hard to make progress on it bc so many of us are pretending we already dealt with ours bc it’s so humiliating to admit you actually haven’t.


not even joking this tweet saved my life 😭 anytime i can tell im lazing/rotting i just think “omg you people can’t do anything” and i get up and do 100000 tasks and have a great time


Friendly reminder to not punish yourself for creating. 

Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?

I have a tendency to beat myself up whenever something I make doesn’t meet my expectations (which is always). The result is that finishing something = bad feelings: I am effectively punishing myself for having created something. The natural reaction to this punishment is an aversion to creation, meaning that my perfectionism is harming me, not only by causing me to despise what I do make and by impeding the creative process, but by attacking even my desire to create.

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The House Harkonnen

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