

@roundog / roundog.tumblr.com

Oops, I'm back!


THIS! the stunning works ft. my friend's illustration! take a look if you interest in powerful girl's cool fighting😆

hope somebody like it!!




農業してたらもう今年終わりそう…なんたるorz やろうと思っていたこと&やりたいと思っていること et al et al だいぶ滞っています申し訳ない(T T)顔文字使うほど申し訳ない… 年末までになんか作れるかなぁ


たとぅーのアプデ?が入ってたので作ったしむの紹介とか(全く関係ない)OCのヤスオミ君です。こいつの髪型が似てるのが無くて困ったのがCC作りに手を出したキッカケでしたそういえばオマエノセイダターノカー たとぅーもいいんですが肌に貼っつける系は体毛がもっと種類というか、装着できるスロットがもっとあったら楽しそうですが


ugokeS4 returns: Wow!

Plask 試してみました!

想像以上にキレイに出来て驚愕 サルサ終えたらこっちやってみたい(サルサの逆に体の部位の位置を取って組み換え用のリグ組んだ方が修正しやすそうな目算←全くアテにならない計算)


looks like feather or what

Okayyyyy, someone wants this, I trying to create it oh.. aw.. yup Sims4 shader has a trouble with handling alpha channel... I forgot about it. oh no! .. anyway,

2 Variation, You can find this in Accessory - Ring (Index L/R) category. 14 swatch + white for recolor.

I hope that somebody find a fun with it!


my cc archive (-2015)

archive folder here:

(and some item in MTS: https://modthesims.info/m/9158459)

I tried to recover a corrupted HDD and was able to find some files and wanna share these again. 'cause I have declared that I am free to use meshes in S4S but I didn't have any CC to offer to free use currently! ><

I couldn't find anything newly(2015-) made at all, so if you hope something I made before, feel free to request it to me. I'll consider create renew one. =) (salsa dance (bvh convert) renew is going underrrrway! ><)

Possibly many items have already been officially added, so you may hardly need them, but I hope Simmers will find some little fun at least in there.

Thank you!

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