
welcome to my shitpost paradise

@acatnamedkaren / acatnamedkaren.tumblr.com

wheee a memelord
The Straights: Pride month is over now.
Steven Universe, Holland, and Brendon Urie: I think the fuck not.

Update 20.6.2018

Hello flower buds~

As you may have noticed (or not), I stopped posting anything for quite a while. I have a huge backlog of pictures I want to share with you, but university has priority for now. It’s exam season and everything has been crazy!

My queue will be running for the next 2-3 weeks (let’s hope it lasts that long!) I will try and reply to mutals ASAP and I AM SO SORRY for not writing that much!!! *bows repeatedly* (>_<。)

I also bought a new… Bujo? (Planner? Organizer?) which I will use like an academic planner - as my old one has run out of space. But I am still searching for another notebook I can use more like a journal+sketch book.

I picked the special Leuchtkraft edition of LT1917 because I will be moving locations more during the next 12 months, and I think Fernweh is quite the matching word (though I had a hard time deciding between this one and Sehnsucht…and Wanderlust…OK I wanted them all…)

July and August will be important months for me since I will be in China for an internship. I will definitely try to post pictures of the city I will be staying at.

See you soon~


good luck in china yui!! we’re finally in the same-ish? timezone!!!


If you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate and try not to break the chain 💛💖💕💜


ahhhhhhH ilysm too ahjsdkhdkzkjs

Tumblr’s Star Wars Fans: *while telling a 13 year old girl to kill herself for shipping reylo* these white male bigots are destroying the SW fandom honestly

Stupid Boys Hitting On Me: Part I

Had a guy with an ak-47 tattooed on his neck explain to me why being gay was a sin last night.

Guy: “You know after you two are done doing what you’re doing, there’ll always be a part of you left unsatisfied.” Me: “Is that so?” Guy: “Mmhmm, ‘cause only men can make you feel right.” Me: “So men are the best way to go?” Guy: “Men are the ONLY way to go.” Me: “Oh, so you like men too? That’s cute.” Guy: “WHAT-NO-THAT’S NOT-”

I’ve been waiting years for a guy dumb enough to fall for that one.


Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌻💖



alright here goes

1. I bought a new pair of boots and I love how it looks on me tbh

2. I like how I’ve grown as a person (like ive learned to not be ashamed in asking for help and stuff)

3. I like my handwriting and art even though i still get insecure abt it

4. um I complain but ultimately I like my bilingual/multicultural brain bc it makes it easier to look at the world in different perspectives

5. I like my height bc i can reach the top shelve HAHAHAHAH 


do people hire Martin Freeman or does a writer type the sentence “CHARACTER is a white everyman thrust into a new world that he processes by blinking in befuddlement” and then Martin Freeman just manifests in a puff of smoke and ash


there’s no shame in admitting that none of us have any concept of how big a whale is

Once in the 3rd grade, we were learning about marine life. The material we were reading said that baby blue whales are around 50 feet long when they’re born. Our teacher stopped, realizing that a bunch of 8-9 year olds had no actual concept of how big that was, so she took us all out to the schoolyard with a tape measure. Now this tape measure only went up to 10 feet, so she had to mark off 5 total 10 foot increments. And when she was done, standing 50 feet away from us, she yelled back “And this is only a baby! Can you imagine how big adult blue whales are?” And let me tell you, the stunned, profound silence that came from this group of 12 normally chatty children still haunts me to this day. Every time I think about how big whales are, I remember that spring day in the 3rd grade.


Never thought I’d see the day an Olympic announcer said “Performing a song by Yuri On Ice” on television for an Olympic ice skating program


“tumblr” “grindr” do the gays not like the letter e for some reason

it’s lgbt not legbet


one question for the ones who think ben is a monster and doesn’t deserve rey’s attention and care:

did you think the same about anakin?

did you think that his redemption arc was unnecessary because to be clear he was certantly a very evil person and have done a lot of questionable things to his children. (not even gonna enter the fact that ben treated rey very gently compared to other people or compared to how darth vader treated anyone really)

well so we can say that the conflict between anakin and darth vader are pretty much the same between ben solo and kylo ren.

so “abusive” relantionships can only be between partners? what about family?

if you think that reylo is abusive so it’s darth vader relantionship with luke and leia but no one thinks that his redemption wasn’t deserving. (let’s talk about how this is still star wars and when you are in opposite sides in a freaking war there’s no sympathy and caring about the other side)

darth vader is still one of the favorite characters in the show for a massive amount of people (including me) even though he has done a lot of violent stuff. we like him because in the moment most needed he choose to save luke and he choose to be anakin again.

just as much in the throne scene kylo decided to save rey and let ben solo be a part of him again too.

love can turn people. that’s is what star wars is all about, thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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