

@animenotaizai-art / animenotaizai-art.tumblr.com

Art of fandoms I'm in! MANY fandoms. WAY TOO MANY fandoms XD MAIN BLOG ART TAGS Youtube Channel! My comics: Chains Kill Me Daily! COMMISSION INFO My Redbubble KOFI PATREON

While I'm at it, here's my other J&D OC, in written form this time!

(I don't have a name of a definite appearance for her, other than her purple hair. XD)

So my idea is that, Purple was an inhabitant of Sandover Village as well (could very well be possible since there was empty houses around all the villages in TPL). And she went to Haven city as well, BUT, through the long way. By that, I mean that, something happened at some point which made her able to "channel" (I guess that's the word?) the different types of Eco, which then made her not age anymore, so instead of the time travel, she just went through the whole creation and development of the city. Angst ensue, obviously. XD

About said Eco powers my idea is that, she can actually kinda stock up on the different kinds of Eco (to a certain limit), and they give her some physical boost (as well as a cool shade of lighting on her skin 👍 XD).

Red eco making her hit stronger, blue making her faster…basic stuff from TPL.

When her stocks are depleted, she can go to Eco sources to fill them back up, or meditate near plants for the green Eco for example.

Dark Eco is part of it too. She needs to stock up on that too cause it's needed to keep the other types of Eco balanced/in check. If her Dark Eco is depleted, the other Eco start to become uncontrollable.

. Now, back to story stuff! What happens in Haven City? Well, since her eco powers are useful to fight, she became quite a strong fighter for the city (wearing a special armor and stuff, how cool! 🙌 XD) So, as to not get her in his way (and to not mess with the canon story stuff XD), as well as in the hope that she wouldn't come back, Baron Praxis sent her, in some kind of far Wasteland filled with MetalHead nests, to destroy said nests. She would only come back after Jak 2 (or 3, not sure yet). She then would recognize the main cast of the game, be so happy to see them again, but they wouldn't recognize her (ah angst again~) which would put her in a bad mood afterwards. They would only recognize her after a while and some trivial matter (like "hey remember these fruits we ate in Sandover Village that someone brought back from the Borbidden Forest from time to time? Oh WAIT-"), making this very awkward. XD

And also (yes, there's MORE!), she would have also brought back from the Wasteland a Special Metalhead (who can shapeshift into a human)! Why? Well! As she was fighting in a nest, she fought a very strong MetalHead, to the point where they both injured each other pretty badly: her heart would have been stabbed, and would only be kept together by almost all of her Green Eco stocks, while his Head Gem would have been cracked, breaking his link with the MetalHead hivemind, making him able to think for himselfn but also turning him into an ennemi in the eyes of the other MetalHeads.

So, my OC and this MetalHead would have then started to help out each other, then came back to Haven City, where she would teach him how to act as a human better.

There we go! XD


Did I talk about the very first JnD OC I made in elementary school?

My idea was (elementary school idea eh, needs some rework XD), of a character made by the Precursors, who was literally made of Eco!

And thus named Eco, obviously 😂

But, since they didn't finish most of their stuff, that character just ended up being there, not knowing what she should or could do, but able to use/turn into any kind of Eco.

And she would have looked like this (quick doodle, from an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL design, I want to be precise about it XD)

So yeah, she really needs some reworks design-wise XD


Make your very Waven quest art/writing challenge time!

In the Waven game (happening after the Wakfu there are multiple characters from the Wafku series who give you daily quests to complete, just like this:

But, it's just a few of the characters we know who do this.

So, the idea of this challenge is as follow:

Draw one of your favourite characters, or OC, as if they were giving a quest to complete as well!

Just like this:

(A quick edit of an official pic of Arty, from the Dofus manga, over the basic quest giving screen)

You can even do a gif, since in the game, the quest givers are actually slightly animated!


Write a brand new quest of your own making to complete! You can have fun! And even make things which aren't in the game if you want!

You can do both! Or only draw! Or only write! It's your choice!

Here's the blank template for the quests!

And another one for the quest when you succeeded, if you need it!

Modify it! Add stuff! Do what you want!

Some Rules:


-Keep the quests and/or not too violent (even if in-game some of the quests are indeed quite violent, let's keep this fun for everyone!)

-Have fun!

There's no time limit at all! Take all the time you need! Make how many things as you want!

And use the tag #makeyourwavenquest when you post it, so I can find it to reblog it here, and show it to everyone else!

(If you want!)

I made a thing! XD


I got a drawing event idea


Since it was my birthday last week, I started thinking about birthdays, and then about "unbirthdays", from Alice in Wonderland. And since there are MANY adaptations of that story, here goes my idea:


Artists would draw their own version of the unbirthday party and the characters of Alice in Wonderland!

-Don't have your own version? Draw a fanart of a version you like! -Want to make it with OC of characters of other fandoms? Go ahead!

-Don't want to draw the whole scene? Draw what you want!

-Wanna write a fic instead? Be my guest!

No time limit or contest/reward thing! It's just to have fun!

(and if enough people do it, then I could make a side account to reblog everything there!)

And you could even post your birthday date in your description/tags too if you want!

What do you think? :)


've got an idea for some kind of drawing event

But then I remembered that I don't have enough followers to do something like that anyway 😂

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