
@jennjamindraws / jennjamindraws.tumblr.com

~ Benjamin (she/they) ~ art blog ~ main: Luckycharmer ~ mostly fanart ~ also personal art/cosplay/crafts/etc ~
| Kofi |

more of Crew! this time with how they met and befriended Susan 🫶 it… wasnt easy. (the pompom bats having names like Debbie/Susan/etc kills me everytime like if there isnt a Brenda or Margaret there should be)

@ohposhers hope you dont mind i included you in some unrestrained summertime beach fun 😎🏖️


i had sketches of john as pumba from this scene and clay in the grass skirt but they got scrapped

my dude is trying to beat the silly boi allegations and then does This 😛

@ohposhers I saw your tags so i revived and finished the sketches just for you 🫶


listening to 3 days grace made me fell like trying a lil different style with some rouge rock branch :) uncensored finger under the cut lol

the last one was supposed to be him picking a knocked-out poppy up off the ground after the fall but it ended up being a cute moment like i just cant escape the fluff ;v ;


coffee shop/flower shop au, a classic!

some thoughts:

-their shops are next-door neighbors, tho Branch’s cafe is at basement-level

-Poppy’s shop is new to the area, and despite Poppy’s enthusiasm and determination to make it successful, Branch is doubtful bc he’s much more familiar with the community and it doesnt seem like a good fit

-when Poppy moves in she decides to introduce herself to the other local shops and brings flowers to hand out, hoping to make as many friends as possible

-Branch is the first stop and this is when they first meet. His first impression is awestruck at how she’s just as colorful as her bouquet, followed immediately by annoyance at how loudly she’s speaking despite being in a quiet cafe

-theres introductions and she orders his house specialty coffee to try, which is a dark roast and too bitter for her so she adds a lot of cream and sugar

-“would you like some coffee with that?” *eyeroll*

-before she leaves she gives him a pink rose as a present and vows she’ll find something she likes on the menu, even if he has to come back every day until she does!

-basically her shop does really well bc she hosts all kinds of community parties events in her greenhouse and everyone loves her

-if I were to write it I’d make it a slowburn with some “ordering coffee just for an excuse to talk” and a hint of “stealing glimpses of the other through the foliage”

in addition to what I said before…


coffee shop/flower shop au, a classic!

some thoughts:

-their shops are next-door neighbors, tho Branch’s cafe is at basement-level

-Poppy’s shop is new to the area, and despite Poppy’s enthusiasm and determination to make it successful, Branch is doubtful bc he’s much more familiar with the community and it doesnt seem like a good fit

-when Poppy moves in she decides to introduce herself to the other local shops and brings flowers to hand out, hoping to make as many friends as possible

-Branch is the first stop and this is when they first meet. His first impression is awestruck at how she’s just as colorful as her bouquet, followed immediately by annoyance at how loudly she’s speaking despite being in a quiet cafe

-theres introductions and she orders his house specialty coffee to try, which is a dark roast and too bitter for her so she adds a lot of cream and sugar

-“would you like some coffee with that?” *eyeroll*

-before she leaves she gives him a pink rose as a present and vows she’ll find something she likes on the menu, even if he has to come back every day until she does!

-basically her shop does really well bc she hosts all kinds of community parties events in her greenhouse and everyone loves her

-if I were to write it I’d make it a slowburn with some “ordering coffee just for an excuse to talk” and a hint of “stealing glimpses of the other through the foliage”


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