
Incorrect Naruto Quotes


"sometimes the stupid bitch in your life is you and that’s okay" - Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke, to Past!Sasuke: You think you can’t have it all, right? That you have to choose. Strength versus love. Darkness or light. That the only way to protect those you love is to leave them. And I think I made a mistake in this moment, so just stay. Believe the way that Naruto believes, with your whole heart. Let him lead you into something better. That’s what love is and I think knowing what I know now, it’s way more powerful than revenge.
Iruka: You've been really stressed lately so I thought I would take you for a spa day, just you and me.
Naruto: A what day?
Iruka: A spa day.
Naruto: What is this word "spa"? I feel like you're starting to say a word and you're not finishing it. Are you trying to say "spaghetti"? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day?
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