
Prophecy Is Inevitable

@stanvogel / stanvogel.tumblr.com

Sideblog for dagan-gera Dani I 18+ only I Minors DNI I Blank blogs will be blocked I I just wanted a place for purely Cody Fern content & the characters he plays I Feel free to tag me in stuff.
Anonymous asked:

do you have any fic recs please?

Ahhh thank you so much for asking anon! Firstly, I’m going to preface this with an apology for how long this turned out to be and for clogging up all of your notifications/dashboards with this. There’s just so many good fics and writers in this fandom that deserve recognition and I simply couldn’t narrow it down any more than I already have. I would honestly just recommend going through all of these talented people’s masterlists yourself because everything they all write is amazing! You can find the rest of my fic recs here  though if you’re interested in discovering more awesome content from members of Cody fandom.

Masterpiece (Xavier x Reader)

Mirror Mirror Part 1 & Part 2 (Xavier x Reader)

Please (Xavier x Reader)

The Beauty Of Boredom Part 1 & Part 2 (Duncan x Reader x Xavier)

Hybrid Moments (Michael x Reader)

Indulgence (Duncan x Reader)

Power Play Part 1 & Part 2 (Duncan x Reader)

Poker Face (College!Duncan x Reader)

All by @/lvngdvns (Had to link back to my own blog for these since her page got deleted last year)

Outpost Verse (Purple!Duncan x Grey!Reader x Michael) (Start at the last page – All within the same AU)

Sith!Michael Star Wars AU (Sith!Michael x Jedi!Reader) (Start at the last page – All within the same AU)

Crime Verse (Crimeboss!Duncan x Reader x Crimeboss!Michael) (All within the same AU)

Conjugal visit with Prison!Duncan (Prison!Duncan x Reader)

All by @langdxn

Fugazi Vs Vanilla (Part 1) (Punk!Duncan x Reader)

Impatience (Part 2) (Punk!Duncan x Reader)

Love Bites (Xavier x Reader)

Friends With Benefits (Duncan x Reader)

Fiercely Vigilant (Michael x Reader)

The Perfect Plan (Xavier x Reader)

Good Morning, Angel (Michael x Reader)

Remind Me (Duncan x Reader)

Camp Souvenir (Xavier x Reader)

Perdón y Lo Siento (Jim x Reader)

All by @7-wonders

Violent Delights Part 1 & Part 2 (Incubus!Duncan x Reader)

Like An Animal (Werewolf!Duncan x Reader)

Cum On Feel The Noize (Xavier x Reader)

Memento Mori (Crimeboss!Duncan x Reader) (I’m a bit behind on this one sorry!)

Creature Of The Night (Vampire!Michael x Reader)

Midnight City (Jim x Reader)

Stress Relief (Michael x Reader)

Caught (Michael x Reader)

Sweet (Jim x Reader)

This Duncan Prompt (Duncan x Reader)

All by @langdvnshepherd

Thick And Thin (Prison!Duncan x Reader)

No Plan (Duncan x Reader x Michael)

All by @starwlkers

A Little Luck (Jim x Reader)

Just One More Time Baby (Jim x Reader)

These are just a selection of other fics I’ve enjoyed over the years by various other people:

Ultraviolence (Michael x Reader) by @saamwilsonn

Next Time (Xavier x Reader) by @ashyblondwaves

Unleash The Beast (Werewolf!Duncan x Reader) by @dark-mei-rose

Pretty Please (Jim x Reader) by @angelicmichael

Working Double Time (A Divine Dream) (Xavier x Reader) by @/wepreferfiction

Sin (Michael x Reader) by @langdvn

Instruction Manual (Michael x Reader) by @venusxxlangdon

Friends Close, Enemies Closer (Duncan x Reader) by @icylangdon


Of course I’m being completely sane over hearing the news that Dagan Gera is getting a Black Series figure and that meaning Cody’s finally getting an action figure. I am being perfectly normal about this.


Still can’t quite believe I’m going to Sundance London this year with a friend I made at film school!

I’ve been dreaming of going to Sundance in Utah for as long as I can remember but the London one should be just as fun as well. I can’t wait to see I Saw The TV Glow there. I wonder if I’ll run into anyone famous as the networking events? 👀


🌈 💖 ✨ Send this to the nicest people you know and that have a good heart ✨ 💖 🌈


Awww thank you so much for this!! This is so sweet of you and same back to you 🥹💖✨


So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????

I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.

Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?

Saw a sharp increase in my follower count after posting this. The legitimacy of it is driving me nuts so I also feel the need to say that you can follow anyone on here regardless of whether you’ve interacted with them or not. People like the above mentioned blog are exceptions. Perhaps they themselves think they aren’t and therefore will act like they aren’t, but they are, trust me.

Just follow anyone you wanna follow. The worst thing that can happen is maybe getting soft-blocked by the other person, but if they do soft-block you, then they were never that worth following in the first place.

Anonymous asked:

Are you taking requests? I have an idea for Stan Vogel or some other characters but I wanted to ask first.

Hey! Thanks for checking before requesting.

I’m not currently writing because my main priority is film school and working on my original scripts. Hopefully you can find someone else still active in Cody’s fandom to take your requests. Have a nice day ✨


Can’t believe after tomorrow I only have 2 more classes left at film school 😞 The last 6 months have gone by so fast and I’ve met so many amazing people that’s its making me very emotional at the thought of it almost being over.

If you had told me at the start of this year that I would have helped make my first short film this month and be leaving school with IMDb credits then I never would have believed you but here we are and hopefully I’ll continue working with the wonderful friends I’ve made there well into the future.


Truly the most vital survival tool in fandom is a little group of friends to bitch about bad takes with

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